Grant Aid Policy

Market Deeping Town Council can provide financial assistance to local groups and organisations whose activities provide direct benefit to the community served by the Council, via the power of S137 of the Local Government Act 1972.
What is eligible for financial assistance?
The following guidelines are provided to help an applicant determine whether they qualify for a grant:-
- Applications should be for a specific project, for example new or replacement equipment, an event or project, or the cost of establishing a new group;
- Applications will not be supported from individuals;
- The maximum amount payable to each application made under the Grant Aid scheme will be up to £1000. In a state of local or national emergency the council may make the decision to raise this limit;
- Any grant application for more than £1000 will be considered to be included in the Council’s budgets for the next financial year;
- Grants awarded will not normally exceed 50% of the cost of the project; and
- Only one grant will be awarded to an organisation during any one year, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Making an application
All applications must be submitted on the Town Council’s Grant Aid application form. Details about the group or organisation must be provided, including a copy of the most recent audited accounts and the constitution of the body. In the case of a new group, a business plan will be required rather than the audited accounts.
The Town Council will also wish to see strong evidence of self-help by the group. In addition, evidence of the expenditure incurred on the project must be submitted to the Council within 6 months of the award, together with a brief report of the benefits to the community resulting from the grant. Any grant not spent within 6 months must be returned.
Applications are considered monthly at the meetings of the Full Council. Applicants will be required to attend a meeting of the Town Council to clarify or expand upon answers given on the form and to give a short presentation in support of the application. It is a condition of any grant made by the Town Council that, where practical, acknowledgement of the Council’s support is made on letterheads, notices, programmes etc.
Grants for Running Costs
The Council is able to give grant aid to established organisations and events which benefit large sections of the community. These grants can be put towards the general running costs of the organisation or event.
Grants are available for sums between £1000 and £6000 paid once annually but must be accompanied with the last set of accounts and any business plan/budget for the current year. Preference will be given to organisations which show a proven track record of self-help and benefit to a large section of the community. In the event that circumstances dictate that the event is cancelled or the organisation has to close then a proportion of the grant may have to be repaid, or the grant may be rolled over to the following year, at the discretion of Full Council. Applications should be made in writing on the form provided and a representative of the organisation/event should present themselves at the next Full Council immediately after their application is received.