Volunteering Policy

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Volunteering Policy

At Market Deeping Town Council we see volunteering as a two way relationship, we will make a commitment to you and in return we ask that you are committed to us.


Joint Pledge Agreement

What you can expect from Market Deeping Town Council:-

  • Endeavour to make sure that you enjoy volunteering
  • Flexible in relation to personal commitments
  • That you understand where the volunteering help is needed and when its needed by
  • Equipment will be provided (for example clothing etc.) as required to help with volunteering
  • Advice, guidance and support from a staff member. In the Open Spaces area and Cemetery this will be the Park Keeper, all other areas will be the Town Clerk.
  • Briefings will be given on all matters relating to Health & Safety, and all efforts will be made to ensure that your volunteering is in a safe environment
  • We will provide public liability insurance
  • We will support you if you wish to leave the council, or say ‘no’ to a particular task/activity
  • That you understand where and who you can go to if you feel you have not be treated fairly and equally whilst volunteering


What we can expect from Volunteers: -

  • Perform the role to the best of your ability
  • Would attend, workshops etc. relevant to the volunteering role, as required
  • Follow the councils own objectives for equality, health and safety, data protection, confidentiality
  • Can work proactively with staff and volunteers
  • Inform us as soon as possible if you are unable to conduct your volunteer tasks/activities
  • Would raise any concerns or issues quickly
  • Not bring the councils name into disrepute and act at all times in the best interest of the council


Who can volunteer

  • Anyone who has some spare time
  • No upper age limit, must be over 14 years of age
  • All ages, backgrounds, skills, all welcome
  • As much or as little time


Areas of volunteering within Market Deeping Town Council:-

The following areas are typical of where our volunteers give support.

  • Rectory Paddock – A natural area and activities include looking after and maintaining a wild flower area, hedge laying, weeding, general maintenance
  • The Pond – Located near The Spinney, activities include clearing out of the pond of weed and foliage, clearing the pond banks, general maintenance
  • Cemeteries/The Spinney – activities include grass cutting, strimming and weeding, general maintenance
  • John Eve Field, Welland Gardens, Riverside Park and Glebe Field – activities include grass cutting, strimming, weeding, general maintenance and painting as required.


Volunteer roles with Market Deeping Town Council have no regular access to vulnerable adults and/or children.


If you would like to volunteer for Market Deeping Town Council please complete application process (below)

Market Deeping Town Council – Volunteering application form

First Name


Last Name




Contact details – telephone number / email address / mobile number


Next of Kin /Emergency contact details and telephone/mobile number


Preferred area of Volunteering

(see list above)


Days and times that you are able to give for volunteering


Are you currently employed?


If, Yes

Name and details of your employer

Job Role


Do you have any specific needs that we need to be aware of?


I confirm that I have no unspent convictions, either in the UK or elsewhere


I have unspent convictions, please supply details on the right hand side



(1) Name, Contact address, Post Code, Telephone & Email – How long have they known you?


Job title position

(2) Name, Contact address, Post Code, Telephone & Email – How long have they known you?

Job title position


Emergency Contact (1)

Name, address, telephone

Emergency Contact (2)

Name, address, telephone



I confirm that the information I have given in this application to be correct to the best of my knowledge. I accept if I have given false information I will not be allowed to continue for Market Deeping Town Council. This information will be kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998).

I confirm that I have read and understand the terms explained to me in this policy.






