Civic Roles & Responsibilities Policy

Civic Roles and Responsibilities
Whilst this policy primarily relates to the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor, in essence it is relevant to all members of the Council who conduct a civic role or are required to deputise in the absence of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor.
Ceremonial Role
The Mayor and/or Deputy Mayor will attend such civic and ceremonial functions as the Council and he/she determines appropriate
Role of the Chair of the Council (Mayor)
The Mayor will be elected by the Council annually and will have the following responsibilities:-
- To uphold and promote the purposes of the Good Councillors’ Guide and to interpret the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations where necessary
- To preside over meetings of the Council so that its business can be carried out efficiently and with regard to the rights of all councillors and interests of the community
- To ensure that the Council meeting is a forum for the debate of matters of concern to the local community and the place at which members who do not sit on or hold committee chairs are able to hold committee chairmen to account
- To promote the Councils activities
Role of the Deputy Chair of the Council (Deputy Mayor)
The Deputy Mayor will be elected by the Council annually and will have the following responsibilities:-
- To uphold and promote the purposes of the Good Councillors’ Guide and to interpret the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations where necessary
- To preside over meetings of the Council so that its business can be carried out efficiently and with regard to the rights of all councillors and interests of the community
- To ensure that the Council meeting is a forum for the debate of matters of concern to the local community and the place at which members who do not sit on or hold committee chairs are able to hold committee chairmen to account
- To promote the Councils activities
- In the case of prolonged sickness of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor should take on the Mayor’s role.
- The Deputy Mayor (Mayor Elect) should support the Mayor and work with the Mayor for the benefit of the Council
Civic Budget
An advance from the Civic Budget is payable to the Mayor as follows:-
- The budget is to be known as the Civic Budget, to allow any member of the Council to claim from the budget if appropriate.
- An initial advance from the budget of £400 will be payable at the beginning of the Mayoral year to the new Mayor if so requested.
- Receipts would be submitted to the Clerk on a monthly basis to be offset against the advance
- The Clerk will monitor the expenditure and when the Mayor is left with only £100 from the last advance the Clerk will arrange for another advance to be paid, until such time as the Civic Budget has been completely depleted. Further advances are payable of £300, and can be arranged for payment without first having been resolved upon by Full Council
- Payment of advances are made by cheque, but may be paid by direct banking should the current Mayor so wish
- Cheques may be raised against the Civic Budget to cover the costs of tickets for attendance at civic events
- If the Budget is going to be depleted before the end of the Mayoral year, the Clerk will advise the Council accordingly for their further consideration
- If the budget is not used in its entirety by the end of the Mayoral year, the remaining funds will be returned to the Council’s General Reserves