Council Vehicle Policy

Council Vehicle Policy
Some employees are entitled to use the Council’s vehicle in order to enable them to better perform their duties and responsibilities. The following specific areas must be noted and complied with where necessary.
a) Council vehicles may only be driven by an employee or Councillor who is named on the Town Council’s vehicle insurance schedule. Except in an emergency situation, no other driver is authorised to drive the vehicle without the Council’s prior written consent. If you are an authorised driver, you must produce your driving licence for inspection upon request. The licence must be provided within two working days of the request being made other than in exceptional circumstances. Copies of all relevant driving licences will be held in your personnel files. The Council may request access to the employee’s personal data on DVLA when deemed necessary.
b) The driver of the vehicle concerned is responsible for the payment of any fines incurred as a result of a motoring offence, including parking fines. In the event that a Council vehicle driver fails to settle any such fines levied upon him/her and the Council is required (by the relevant authority) to settle the fine concerned, the Council will call upon the driver to reimburse the Council. In the event that the driver fails to reimburse the Council, the amount concerned will be deducted from the employee’s next salary payment. You agree to any such deduction pursuant to Part II of the Employment Rights Act 1996.
c) The Council must be informed in writing immediately if you are: prosecuted for any road traffic offences; or if you’re driving licence is endorsed; or you are disqualified from driving.
d) If you use a Council vehicle, you are responsible for that vehicle whilst it is in your care. The vehicle log book must be completed after every use of the vehicle. The vehicle must be kept clean and tidy, and in a road-worthy condition at all times. Any defects should be reported to the Clerk. You are responsible for daily maintenance, such as checking oil and water levels and tyre pressures. You must ensure that maintenance checks are carried out in line with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The Employer will reimburse all reasonable costs incurred that relate to the routine maintenance of the vehicle.
e) The vehicle must be driven in accordance with the Road Traffic Acts/Regulations. You are expected to drive in a safe, courteous manner at all times. If you are considered to be acting carelessly or recklessly in your use of the vehicle, you may be subject to disciplinary action. This may result in the withdrawal of authorisation to drive a Council vehicle. Reckless driving may result in dismissal for gross misconduct.
f) The Council does not take any responsibility for personal items within Council vehicles.
g) Council vehicles may not be used for any purposes other than those which have been previously authorised.
h) If you are disqualified from driving for any reason and driving forms an essential part of your job, the Council cannot guarantee to find you alternative employment and may dismiss you.
i) If you are involved in a road traffic accident which causes damage to property or another vehicle, or injury to any person or animal, you are required to give your own name and address, the name and address of the keeper of the vehicle, the registration number of the vehicle and the name of the Council’s insurer, to any person having reasonable ground to require such information. It is important that you give no further information.
j) All accidents must be reported to the Clerk at the earliest opportunity, and always within 24 hours, even if there appears to be no consequence. You will then be expected to complete an accident report and co-operate with any resulting investigations.
k) In the event of any claim following an accident the Council reserves the right to recover any additional excess levied by the Insurer over the standard claim excess against the authorised driver at the time of the incident. If this was not the employee and/or the employee does not settle this liability themselves then the Council will deduct the additional excess from the employee on the next available payment cycle.
l) The Council will, if requested by the Police or any other competent authority, provide details of the driver’s name and address in order to enable the investigation of alleged crimes or offences involving the Council vehicle allocated to that person.
m) The Clerk will copy authorised named drivers driving licences annually
Anyone found using fuel for unauthorised personal use at the expense of the Council will face disciplinary action that could result in dismissal.
A Council fuel card must only be used for authorised purchases. Any misuse of the Council fuel card may result in disciplinary action that could result in dismissal.
Absence of the primary user
During periods of absence by the primary user of the vehicle (currently the AOS Manager) the vehicle must be left at the residence of Councillor Broughton or the Park keepers driveway so it may be accessed by all other authorised users to facilitate the operational effectiveness of the Council at all times.