Rectory Paddock & Pond Maintenance Policy

The Town Council will maintain the Rectory Paddock as a wildflower meadow, with mown pathways within to allow for ease of access. Within the paddock there will also be a pond, which will be regularly maintained.
Maintenance programme -Pond
a) Daily checks of the pond to be made, clear any rubbish thrown into the pond
b) Strim the banking of the pond when the wild flowers have finished flowering, to maintain a height of approximately 8”
c) Regular management of pond plants and green algae to prevent the pond from becoming overcrowded
d) Control the spread and growth of broad-leaveddock by regularly digging out excessive growth and remove all seeds to prevent over-population
Maintenance programme –Rectory Paddock
e) Weekly mowing of grass pathways
f) Weekly mowing of the edge along the hedgerow/Hall Farm/The Spinney
g) Weekly strimming round benches to keep neat and tidy
h) Spray weed killer one foot either side of the fencing between The Spinney and Rectory Paddock
i) Dig out spear and creeping thistles, as necessary, to control spread and growth
j) Dig out cow parsley (keck), as necessary, by digging up some and strimming the rest after flowering
k) Cutting/raking/burning all plants and grass removed, as appropriate, to encourage regeneration
l) Employ efficient methods to maintain grassed areas of the meadow –to include scythe and flail methods, if appropriate
m) The grass is to be cut twice a year, with strimming around the base of the hedges as necessary. There is to be no strimming at the base of trees. All areas to be raked over immediately after cutting and any collected grass piles are to be burned
External considerations
The Town Council may consider the use of external contractors to mow the meadow twice a year, in order to have access to specialist cutting/farming machinery which will help manage the land effectively.
The Town Council will use volunteers to assist in the maintenance and development of the paddock and pond as they mature.