Driving for Work Policy

1. General Statement
It is our policy to take all reasonable steps to manage the health and safety of those staff & members who drive on council business. This is to comply with our legal duties as an employer and to demonstrate that we have taken all reasonable steps to introduce safe systems of work. It is for this reason that our policy not only sets out our procedures on work-related driving, but details what we expect from our employees/members; both in terms of complying with relevant legislation and our own standards.
2. Legal position
We have a duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSWA) to take steps, as far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure the health, safety and welfare of those who need to drive on council business. In order to comply with these duties, we will take steps to set up safe systems of work in order to control and manage any risks, which cannot be eliminated. These will be identified by the carrying out of a suitable and sufficient risk assessment as required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (as amended). Where applicable, this policy is also based on relevant provisions of the Road Traffic Act 1988.
3. Procedures
The following procedures are to be followed by staff/members at all times:
- In the first instance consideration should always be given to elimination of the journey or an alternative means of transportation.
- Privately owned vehicles: If an employee/member uses their own vehicle on council business, they will be required to maintain it in a roadworthy condition.
- Hand-held mobile phones should never be used whilst driving and calls should only be made or taken when it is safe and legal to do so.
- Employees/members must comply with the regulations contained within the Highway Code.
4. Documentation We will require those using their own vehicles to produce basic documentation. Employees/members are required to provide the following documentation for inspection when requested to do so:
- Their driving licence.
- If their car is more than three years old, the current MOT certificate.
- Insurance documents stating that cover is in place for business purposes (occasional business use) and includes any passengers that may be carried.
- The above documentation will be kept in accordance with the council’s Data Protection Policy.
5. Employee/Member duties Section 7 of the HSWA also places a responsibility on employees/members to assist us in complying with our legal duties. They are also required to be mindful of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their activities. To this end, employees/members are expected to follow the procedures laid down in this policy and to:
- Keep their insurance up-to-date if using their own vehicle.
- Make available copies of the above documents annually when requested to do so.
- Inform the Town Clerk of any changes in circumstances, i.e. change of vehicle.
- To have regular eye tests and to ensure that any necessary glasses for driving are worn.
6. Ill-health and driving.
Employees/members are responsible for ensuring that they are physically fit to drive.
7. Road Traffic Offences and Fines. Any road traffic offence committed or fine received whilst driving on the business of the council is the sole responsibility of the employee/member but must be reported to the Town Clerk.
8. Declaration.
I confirm that my car remains fit for its purpose, is roadworthy and properly insured and has a current MOT certificate (where required). I understand that any work-related motoring expenses will only be reimbursed to me on condition that I fully comply with the terms of this policy at all times.