P&HC June 2021 Minutes

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Market Deeping Town Council – Planning and Highways Committee

Minutes of a meeting of Market Deeping Town Council’s Planning and Highways Committee held on Wednesday 2nd June 2021 at 7pm.  Cllr Shelton presided over Cllr Brookes, Cllr Hembrow, and Cllr Mrs Redshaw.  The Clerk was also in attendance.  

01.    Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.  He thanked the clerk for her work over previous years as this was the last council meeting she would be attending.

02.    Apologies for Absences

Apologies for absence were received prior to the meeting from Cllr Yarham and Cllr Miss Moran.

03. To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Shelton declared an interest in agenda item 8 S21/0980.  Cllrs Brookes, Shelton and Mrs Redshaw also noted their interest as members of the committee for implementation, monitoring and review for the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan.  

04.    Minutes from the Meeting dated Wednesday 5th May 2021.

Cllr Brookes, as outgoing chair, advised members that there were no particular issues to note.  It was then proposed by Cllr Shelton and RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting be signed as a true and accurate record. The chair signed the minutes accordingly.

05.    Clerk’s Report

Minute No





Two quotes have been received for Speed Indicator Devices (see agenda item 12)




An email has been sent to Lincolnshire Highways Department and responses are awaited on the following issues:-


  • litter clearing on Market Deeping bypass when was this last carried out and when will it be cleared again.
  • request for Church Street potholes to be reassessed as the road is in a poor condition
  • request for a timeframe for the installation of double yellow lines on Towngate East and Douglas Road.  Cllr Hembrow asked if the lines could be inserted whilst LCC teams working on surface dressing were in the area, members felt that this could possibly not happen due to the legal work required.  The clerk was asked to contact LCC to enquire.




Email has been sent to Lincolnshire Highways Department seeking advice to the possibility of a bench being installed along Godsey Lane at possible junctions with Godsey Crescent, Bramley Way or The Grove.




A response is still awaited from Lincolnshire County Council regarding the maintenance of the roundabout in Market Deeping Town Centre and the enquiry regarding the roundabout sponsorship scheme. The clerk was asked to refer to previous planning applications regarding roundabout signage to try to establish contact details.

06.  Correspondence to be Noted

Members had received a copy of the correspondence prior to the meeting.

Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 2 June 2021

Date Received


Committee Response


Record of valid planning applications registered between 3 May 2021 – 7 May 2021



Supplement: Additional information – issued 10 May 2021 to the agenda for Planning Committee, Wednesday 12 May 2021



Linfords Fish and Chip Shop – complaint regarding uPVC double glazing above the shop in a conservation area. (Referred to SKDC)



Record of valid planning applications registered between 10 May – 14 May 2021



Public Speak at the Planning Committee

S21/0309 Erection of 14 no new small industrial units B1, B2 and B8 use, including storage, warehouse and associated works including fenced service yard area at Spitfire Business Park (Amended design as previously approved under reference number S20/1192)



Agenda for Planning Committee, Thursday 3 June 2021



Thackers Way, Market Deeping – Proposed alterations to road markings



Record of valid planning applications registered between 17 May and 21 May 2021



Minutes for Planning Committee, Wednesday 12 May 2021



Record of valid planning applications registered between 24 May and 28 May 2021


The clerk also reported to members that Cllr Dolan’s request to report the potentially illegal opening hours of the hand car wash had been reported to the enforcement officer in April and a response was still awaited.

Correspondence to be Acted Upon


Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 2 June 2021


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response




Parking at the entrance to Bramley Road of Godsey Lane.  Resident concerned that vehicles are causing an obstruction by parking too close to the junction.

The clerk was asked to inform the resident that his concerns were noted but that he should direct his complaint to LCC.

Members also commented on a property in the conservation area that was undergoing repointing and replacement windows.  No planning application had been received by the council, however Cllr Shelton believed that the resident had contacted SKDC to ensure that the work was allowed.  The clerk was asked to contact the conservation officer to ask her to visit and provide a presentation on procedures for alterations to property within a conservation area.

07. Finance

Omega Report: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income

The Deputy Clerk had provided members with a report prior to the meeting. Cllr Shelton asked members if there were any comments on the omega report, and there were none.

08    To consider the planning applications received up to 2 June 2021, as per SKDC Weekly Planning lists

Ref. no

Application details and address

MDTC response


Applicant: Mr Michael Penfold

1 Stamford Close, Market Deeping, PE6 8AF


Erection of a car port 


App Type: Householder

Members agreed that their comments would remain the same as when the application was originally submitted.


Applicant: Mr and Mrs J Milne

19 Windsor Gardens, Market Deeping, PE6 8FX


Erection of single storey rear extension


App Type: Householder

Members had no objections


Applicant: Mr Jason Marshall

20 Bramley Road, Market Deeping, PE6 8JG


Single storey extension to rear of the property


App Type: Householder

Members had no objections providing that there were none received from neighbouring properties.


Applicant: Mrs Bethany Cross & Mr M Carter

29A Church Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8AN


Permission required to cut overhanging branches of pine tree to prevent damage to barn roof


App Type: Trees in CA – Section 211 Notice

Members noted that the tree needed trimming only, and were pleased that the tree itself was being saved.

09.   Planning applications and their results received up to the 2 June 2021

Members had no comments on the decisions below.

Ref No.

Application details and address

SKDC Decision


Applicant: Mr M Lovett

47 Halfleet, Market Deeping, PE6 8DB


Non-material amendment to planning approval S19/1931 (Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning approval S17/1585) to alter the driveway/access and window glazing to the front


Date received: 31 March 2021

Amendments Approved 6 May 2021

Approval granted in respect of the non-material amendments


Applicant: Lincolnshire County Council

Deepings Library, 93 High Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8ED


For the removal of existing fire doors and replaced with FD30 glazed fire doors.  Upgrading of some existing fire doors up to FD30 spec.  Removal of two wooden boardings (50x70cm approx) located on ground floor in ceiling and second floor in wall and replaced with fire rated plasterboard (PL/0020/21)


Decision date: 20.05.2021

No objections to raise


Applicant: Miss Jayne Reed

10 Nightingales, Market Deeping, PE6 8RU


Erection of single storey side and rear extensions (retrospective) (part revised scheme of permissions S16/1848)


Date received: 19 April 2021

Decision date: 20 May 2021

Grants Planning Permission


Applicant: Miss Carli Reeves

22 Althorpe Close, Market Deeping, PE6 8BL


Lawful Development Certificate for garden building


Date received: 26 March 2021

Decision date: 21 May 2021

Certificate of Lawful Use or Development (Existing)  - LAWFUL


10. For members to review reported highways issues.

The Deputy Clerk had provided Members with a copy of the Highways report prior to the meeting.  

MDTC Reported Highway Issues – Planning & Highways Committee – up to 2 June 2021


Highway Issue



Reported to



Missing slabs and tarmac infill following work by utility company. (02/06/21 some of the slabs have been replaced).


LCC Fix My Street

Ref 353825

07/2019 – Investigating.

03/2020 – In Progress.

04/2020 – Action scheduled but delayed by COVID-19.

16/02/21 – Action scheduled


Request for review of zebra crossing on Godsey Lane.


Traffic Signal Team, LCC

Review scheduled for March/April 2020 but delayed by COVID-19


Request for extension to double yellow lines along Douglas Road & introduction of double yellow lines along The Avenue at its junction with Church Street.


LCC, Divisional Highways Team

06/20 - This is currently on the LCC Traffic Team's list to investigate. It will take between 6-9 months to implement a suitable scheme, if they think there is one that will address the issues.


Brickwork in the tunnels on the Bridgefoot Bridge in a poor state of repair





Peterborough City Council


Cllr Hembrow’s condition report submitted to Peterborough City Council


28/05/2020 – Investigating



07/07/2020 – PCC identified bridgeworks as high priority within the 3year construction works programme. Site investigations will be required but works should be completed within 2 years. PCC will provide updates as and when available. Special thanks to Cllr Hembrow for his report.


Halfleet (btwn St Guthlac’s Church and Towngate) – Significant carriageway deterioration.


LCC Ref 373932

23/07/20 – Investigating

23/07/20 – In Progress

25/11/20 – Action scheduled

04/01/21 – Chased up by District Cllr

18/02/21 – In Progress


Corner of Bramley Road & Godsey Lane – poor state of repair causes fall.


LCC Ref 374253

29/07/2020 – Investigating

31/07/20 – In Progress

02/09/20 – Action Scheduled

Cllr Hembrow noted the poor condition of paths that had been worked on along the Avenue/Green Walk area and that uneven patches still remained that present trip hazards.  The Committee requested that the Clerks write to Lincolnshire County Council to invite Cllr Richard Davies to visit and make a presentation to the council with a view to establishing how work is prioritised and how councils can chase for progress.  

11 For members to receive an update on the refurbishment work to the Council’s bus stops

Cllr Hembrow reported that he had inspected the initial work and there was an issue with the paint that had been recommended by Street Structures.  The current contractors had been advised that the primer was not compatible with the top coat specified and were requesting extra payment for the additional paint now needed.  The clerks were asked to write to Street Structures to query the anomaly.  Cllr Hembrow is meeting with Externiture later this week as he feels the issue may be with the preparation work rather than the paint and will report back to the committee.  The clerk confirmed that there had been no further contact from LCC highways regarding placement of new shelters. 

12. For members to consider the quotes for interactive speed cameras

Members examined the quotes provided and were concerned that once the additional costs for charging packs and fixings had been included, the cameras were very costly. However, Cllr Brookes believed that the quotes received were broadly in line with the cost of the existing council owned camera. One company was based in the USA so there were questions over servicing and repairs should these be needed. It was also acknowledged that the council would need a smart phone to enable an app to be downloaded to monitor output from the cameras.  Members felt that it would be of benefit for a named councillor to take responsibility for the cameras and Cllr Shelton suggested delaying any decisions on purchase for the next meeting.  Members preferred the proposed Evolis camera, and the clerk was asked to write to Evolis and ask if the weight of the proposed camera once the additional solar pack and fittings had been added, was acceptable for a lamppost.

Conservation Area

13. For members to review any issues relating to the Conservation area.

The clerk confirmed that there had been no update on the small free-standing advertisement that had been placed in the Market Place and reported as fly posting.

14. For members to consider commissioning an arboriculturalist for trees in the Conservation area

Members agreed that it would be a good idea to have such a professional to call on.  However, Cllr Miss Moran, who had raised the item, was unable to attend the meeting, and the agenda item was deferred to the next meeting.

15. For members to review any matters arising from the public session.

Cllr Mrs Redshaw, as a member of the public, advised members of a concerned resident who had had a shop window broken and was unhappy with the police response.  Members were concerned at the lack of visible police presence in the town, and also the growing number of complaints about the Deepings Health centre. The clerk was asked to put Health Centre considerations on the next Full Council agenda.

There being no other business, Cllr Shelton thanked everybody for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8.16pm.  The next meeting of the Planning & Highways Committee will be held on Wednesday 7th July 2021 at 7pm.