P&HC March 2021 Minutes

Market Deeping Town Council – Planning and Highways Committee
Minutes of a virtual meeting of Market Deeping Town Council’s Planning and Highways Committee held on Wednesday 3 March 2021 at 7pm. Cllr Brookes presided over Cllr Davis, Cllr Dolan, Cllr Hembrow, Cllr Mrs Redshaw and Cllr Shelton. The Clerk and Deputy Clerk were also in attendance.
144 Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
145 Apologies for Absences
Apologies for absence had been received, prior to the meeting, from Cllr Yarham and Cllr Miss Moran.
146 To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
There were no declarations of interest.
147 Minutes from the Meeting dated Wednesday 3 February 2021.
It was proposed by Cllr Brookes, seconded by Cllr Dolan and RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting be signed as a true and accurate record. The Clerk was instructed to sign the minutes on behalf of the Chair.
148 Clerk’s Report
Update |
Northfield Road/Blenheim Way
Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) have acknowledged the Planning and Highways Committee’s concerns regarding the road surface of this part of the road and the committee’s request to bring the programme of works forward to early 2021. LCC are unable to meet this request due to the planning to pull together a work programme, projected spends and to meet the statutory processes all of which commences well in advance. LCC have confirmed it will be programmed for 2022/23 financial year but should any funding opportunity arise, they will aim to get it included sooner.
Towngate East – Speed Limit
LCC have acknowledged the Planning and Highways request to investigate a reduced speed limit near the nursery. Sites identified near schools and nurseries are prioritised and they will contact the Council when their investigations are due to commence. Cllr Trollope-Bellew supports this request.
149 Correspondence to be Noted
Members had received a copy of the correspondence prior to the meeting.
Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 3 March 2021 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1 |
08.02.21 |
Record of valid planning applications registered between 1 February 2021 – 5 February 2021 |
Noted. |
2 |
03.02.21 |
Agenda for Planning Committee, 17 February 2021 |
Noted. |
3 |
05.02.21 |
Emergency Traffic Restriction: Market Deeping |
Noted. |
4 |
15.02.21 |
Record of valid planning applications registered between 8 February 2021 – 12 February 2021 |
Noted. |
5 |
15.02.21 |
Supplement: Additional Items – Agenda for Planning Committee 17 February 2021 |
Noted. |
6 |
17.02.21 |
Agenda for Planning Committee – 3 March 2021 |
Noted. |
7 |
22.02.21 |
Record of valid planning applications registered between 15 February 2021 – 19 February 2021 |
Noted. |
8 |
01.03.21 |
Record of valid planning applications registered between 22 February and 26 February 2021 |
Noted. |
9 |
01.03.21 |
Minutes for Planning Committee, Wednesday 17 February 2021 |
Noted. |
10 |
01.03.21 |
Planning Agenda Supplement – Minutes of the meeting held on 17 February to the agenda for Planning Committee, Wednesday 3 March 2021 |
Noted. |
11 |
01.03.21 |
Additional items – Issued 1 March 2021 to the agenda for Planning Committee, Wednesday 3 March 2021 |
Noted. |
150 Correspondence to be Acted Upon
Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 3 March 2021 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1 |
11.02.21 |
Towngate East Waiting Restrictions - update |
The Committee agreed that following the implementation of the proposed waiting restrictions along Towngate East further consideration would be given, if necessary, to include Dovecote Close junction. It was agreed to see what impact the existing proposal restrictions had on the area. |
2 |
Resident |
01.03.21 |
Revised Planning Application S20/1432 |
The Committee understood the concerns of the neighbouring resident and suggested that a hip roof could be considered. The Committee suggested that the neighbouring resident should raise their concerns with the Planning Department at SKDC. |
151 Finance
a) Omega Report: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income
The Deputy Clerk had provided members with a report prior to the meeting. Cllr Brookes asked members if there were any comments on the omega report, and there were none.
152 To consider the planning applications received up to 3 March 2021, as per SKDC Weekly Planning lists
Ref. no |
Application details and address |
MDTC response |
S21/0080 |
Applicant: Mr Stuart Bowman The Oast House, 39 Dixons Road, Market Deeping PE6 8AG
Erection of summer house
App Type: Householder |
The Committee considered this application and agreed with the Conservation Officers concerns. The Deputy Clerk was asked to write to the Planning Department on behalf of the Committee reiterating the concerns raised by the Conservation Officer. |
S21/0081 |
Applicant: Mr Stuart Bowman The Oast House, 39 Dixons Road, Market Deeping PE6 8AG
Erection of summer house
App Type: Listed Building Consent |
As above. |
S21/0220 |
Applicant: Mrs Claire Bradshaw The Cedars, 82 Church Street, Market Deeping PE6 8AL
Installation of windows and doors to existing single storey garden room
App Type: Householder |
Members had no comments to make. |
S21/0221 |
Applicant: Mrs Claire Bradshaw The Cedars, 82 Church Street, Market Deeping PE6 8AL
Installation of windows and doors to existing single storey garden room
App Type: Listed Building Consent |
Members had no comments to make. |
S21/0309 |
Applicant: Mark Shirley Land at Spitfire Business Park, Northfield Road, Market Deeping PE6 8GY
Erection of 14 no new small industrial units B1, B2 and B8 use, including storage, warehouse and associated works including fenced service yard area at Spitfire Business Park (Amended design as previously approved under reference number S20/1192)
App Type: Full Planning Permission |
The Committee agreed that consideration should be given to the ratio of units and car park spaces available, including provision for the installation of vehicle charging points. The Committee also had concerns about the climate emergency declaration and would like to see this application implementing some measures to support the emergency. Members were concerned about the use of the units due to the limited information available at this time. |
S20/2218 |
Applicant: Mr James Hunter 76 Church Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8AL
Internal amendments to fireplaces
App Type: Listed Building Consent
The Committee agreed that they would prefer the resident to preserve and repair the tiling. |
153 Planning applications and their results received up to the 3 March 2021
Members had no comments on the decisions below. Cllr Brookes would like to see when trees are removed a suitable replacement is considered.
Ref No. |
Application details and address |
SKDC Decision |
S20/2140 |
Applicant: Mr Martin Medlock 5 The Paddock, Market Deeping, PE6 8LZ
Removal of dead wood, partial Crown reduction in from tips by 2.3m in height and 1.5m in width to prevent branches contacting buildings and the highway
Date received: 21 December 2020 Decision date: 9 February 2021
Work allowed 9 February 2021 |
S21/0017 |
Applicant: Mr Jonathan Short 14 Church Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8DA
Coppice 1 x hazel tree then re-coppice every 3 years to maintain the tree in this location
Date received: 5 January 2021 Decision date: 9 February 2021
Work allowed 9 February 2021 |
S20/2210 |
Applicant: Miss Carol Stewart 39 High Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8ED
Single storey rear extension linking existing outbuilding
Date received: 24 December 2020 Decision date: 15 February 22021
Grants Planning Permission |
S20/2211 |
Applicant: Miss Carol Stewart 39 High Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8ED
Single storey rear extension linking existing outbuilding
Date received: 24 December 2020 Decision date: 15 February 2021
Consent has been granted |
S21/0216 |
Applicant: Miss Bethany Cross 29A Church Street, Market Deeping
Non Material Amendment for replacement of flagstone flooring to Oak flooring under condition 3 – materials of p/p S20/1170
Date received: 3 February 2021 Decision date: 2 March 2021
Amendments Approved |
S20/0065 |
Applicant: Mr Justin Carter 31 Halfleet, Market Deeping, PE6 8DB
Construction of bungalow with detached garage, erection of boundary fencing, alterations to driveway
Date received: 2 June 2020 Decision date: 1 March 2021 |
Permission Refused |
154 For members to agree a response to South Kesteven District Council – Draft design guidelines for Rutland and South Kesteven (Design Supplementary Planning Document) – Public Consultation
The Deputy Clerk had provided Members with the information and link to the documents prior to the meeting in February. Cllr Davis would like to see more emphasis on renewable energy when large planning applications are being considered. There were no other comments.
155 For members to consider South Kesteven District Council Draft Statement of Community involvement 2021
The Deputy Clerk had provided Members with the information and link prior to the meeting. The Committee had no comments.
156 Revision to the Deepings First Constitution
The Clerk had provided Members with the revised Constitution prior to the meeting. The Committee approved the document and agreed to pass to Full Council for ratification on Wednesday 10 March 2021. Cllr Shelton offered to answer any questions the committee may have prior to Full Council. There were no other comments.
157 For Members to receive an update on the refurbishment work to the Council’s current bus stops and the provision of a new shelter on Peterborough Road.
Cllr Hembrow reported that due to the Covid restrictions the streets were too busy to commence the work on the bus stops and would wait until the end of April to progress the refurbishment work.
158 For members to review reported highways issues including interactive speed sign on Peterborough Road.
The Deputy Clerk had provided Members with a copy of the Highways report prior to the meeting. There were no comments.
MDTC Reported Highway Issues – Planning & Highways Committee – up to 3 March 2021 |
No. |
Highway Issue |
Date |
Reported to |
Response |
1 |
Missing slabs and tarmac infill following work by utility company. |
30/07/2019 |
LCC Fix My Street Ref 353825 |
07/2019 – Investigating. 03/2020 – In Progress. 04/2020 – Action scheduled but delayed by COVID-19. 16/02/21 – Action scheduled |
2 |
Request for review of zebra crossing on Godsey Lane. |
18/11/2020 |
Traffic Signal Team, LCC |
Review scheduled for March/April 2020 but delayed by COVID-19 |
3 |
Request for extension to double yellow lines along Douglas Road & introduction of double yellow lines along The Avenue at its junction with Church Street. |
06/01/2020 |
LCC, Divisional Highways Team |
06/20 - This is currently on the LCC Traffic Team's list to investigate. It will take between 6-9 months to implement a suitable scheme, if they think there is one that will address the issues. |
4 |
Brickwork in the tunnels on the Bridgefoot Bridge in a poor state of repair |
09/06/2020 |
Peterborough City Council
Cllr Hembrows condition report submitted to Peterborough City Council
28/05/2020 – Investigating
07/07/2020 – PCC identified bridgeworks as high priority within the 3year construction works programme. Site investigations will be required but works should be completed within 2 years. PCC will provide updates as and when available. Special thanks to Cllr Hembrow for his report. |
5 |
Halfleet (btwn St Guthlac’s Church and Towngate) – Significant carriageway deterioration. |
22/07/2020 |
LCC Ref 373932 |
23/07/20 – Investigating 23/07/20 – In Progress 25/11/20 – Action scheduled 04/01/21 – Chased up by District Cllr 18/02/21 – In Progress |
6 |
Corner of Bramley Road & Godsey Lane – poor state of repair causes fall. |
29/07/2020 |
LCC Ref 374253 |
29/07/2020 – Investigating 31/07/20 – In Progress 02/09/20 – Action Scheduled |
7 |
Resident reports that the street light opposite 15 Park Drive is not working. Resident reports that the light has failed again. Resident complained again 29/09/20 |
27/08/2020 |
02/09/20 - SKDC to install a new column and LED light. Work to be completed ASAP |
8 |
Church Street road in poor state in 3 locations. Road leading to roundabout near the charity shop |
2020 |
LCC Fix my street 379930 |
11/12/20 LCC assessed and concluded that it does not require urgent attention and closed the case. |
9 |
The Grove pot hole |
08/02/2021 |
LCC Fix my street |
Already reported 03/02/21 10/02/21 – Action scheduled |
It was proposed by Cllr Davis, seconded by Cllr Brookes and RESOLVED unanimously to purchase two interactive speed signs from Lincolnshire County Council. The Committee asked the Clerks to write to Lincolnshire County Council to obtain their recommendation for locating a speed sign on Halfleet prior to the junction of Towngate East heading out of Market Deeping towards Langtoft.
Conservation Area
159 For members to review any issues relating to the Conservation area.
It was noted that an advertising sign had been placed outside of Linfords Fish and Chip Shop which had been reported to the Local Authority. There were no other issues to report.
160 For members to review any matters arising from the public session.
There were no issues to discuss.
There being no other business, Cllr Brookes thanked everybody for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8.15 pm. The next virtual meeting of the Planning & Highways Committee will be held on Wednesday 7 April 2021 at 7pm.