P&HC August 2020 Minutes

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Market Deeping Town Council – Planning and Highways Committee


Minutes of a virtual meeting of Market Deeping Town Council’s Planning and Highways Committee held on Wednesday 5th August 2020 at 7pm.

Cllr Brookes presided over Cllr Hembrow, Cllr Shelton, Cllr Davis and Cllr Mrs Redshaw. The Clerk and the Deputy Clerk were also in attendance.


32 Chairman’s Welcome

Cllr Brookes welcomed everybody to the meeting.


33 Apologies for Absences

Apologies for absence had been received, prior to the meeting, from Cllr Yarham


34 To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

Declarations of Interest, in relation to Agenda Item 9, were made by Cllr Shelton.


35 Minutes from the Meeting dated Wednesday 1st July 2020.

It was proposed by Cllr Brookes, seconded by Cllr Hembrow and Resolved unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 1st July 2020 be signed as a true and accurate record. The Deputy Clerk was instructed to sign the minutes on behalf of the Chair.


36 Clerk’s Report

Members had received a report prior to the meeting.

Minute No



Cllr Miss Moran has taken the decision to resign from the Committee with immediate effect. As Deputy Mayor she will continue to be an Ex-officio member, with voting rights if she so chooses. Ordinary membership now, therefore, stands at 6.


Further to the SKDC decision to grant permission for the removal of the Holly trees along the cemetery drive, at the request of Cllr Mrs Redshaw advice has been sought from the footpaths officer in the Countryside Access Team at LCC. Unfortunately, as this is a planning issue, they are unable to assist in any way.


Members were disappointed with the SKDC decision. Cllr Brookes commented that Planning Authorities generally have a means of scoring the amenity value of trees. Members agreed that, to enable better understanding of this decision and future decisions, an enquiry should be made to SKDC to ascertain how this assessment is undertaken. Cllr Redshaw requested that a review of the trees within Market Deeping, both inside and outside the Conservation Area be undertaken. Members agreed.


For info - An error in the documentation used by the S106 Officer at SKDC has been highlighted and the amount available for improvements to Greensland Park & Cherry Tree Park has been confirmed as £ 14,354.36 as per the original agreement.


37 Correspondence to be Noted

Members had received a copy of the correspondence prior to the meeting.

Correspondence to be Noted - Received up to 5th August 2020


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response


Planning Support, SKDC


Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on Wed 24th June 2020.



Planning Support, SKDC


List of Valid Planning Applications received between

29th June – 3rd July 2020.



Planning Support, SKDC


Additional Items (published 6th July 2020) to the agenda for the Planning Committee, Wednesday 8th July, 2020, 10am.



Planning Support, SKDC


Agenda for the Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday 22nd July 2020, 10am.



Planning Support, SKDC


List of Valid Planning Applications received between 6th July –10th July 2020.



Planning Support, SKDC


List of Valid Planning Applications received between 13rd July – 17th July 2020.



Cllr Baxter, SKDC


Copy of correspondence btwn Cllr Baxter and SKDC Principal Planning Officer re S20/0965.



Planning Support, SKDC


Additional Items (published 20 July 2020) to agenda for Planning Committee, Wednesday 22nd July 2020, 10am.



Planning Support, SKDC


Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 8th July 2020.



Planning Support, SKDC


Agenda for Planning Committee Meeting, Wednesday 5th August 2020, 10am.



LCC Councillor


Copy of response from LCC Officer to LCC Councillor re removal of roundabout ahead signs on Godsey Lane/Towngate East.



LCC Councillor


Copy of response from LCC Countryside Access Team to LCC Cllr re Footpath No 2.





Concerns re the growing of deadly nightshade along footpath No 2. Forwarded on to LCC Countryside Access Team.



Breedon Group


Acknowledgement of Council correspondence re issue re excess gravel on the roads and details of measures implemented.



Planning Support, SKDC


List of Valid Planning Applications received between 20th July – 24th July 2020.



Planning Support, SKDC


Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 22nd July 2020.



Planning Manager, SKDC


FW Copies of Decision letter & Public Notices for Consultation Period for Deepings Neighbourhood Plan



Planning Support, SKDC


List of valid Planning Applications received between 27th – 31st July 2020.



Planning Support, SKDC


“Additional Items (published 3 August 2020)” to the agenda for Planning Committee, Wednesday 5th August, 2020 at 10am



Planning Support, SKDC


Agenda for Planning Committee Meeting, Wednesday 19th August 2020



38 Correspondence to be Acted Upon

There were no items of correspondence to be acted upon.


39 Finance – a) Omega Report: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income

The Deputy Clerk had provided members with a report prior to the meeting. Cllr Brookes asked members if there were any comments on the omega report, Cllr Hembrow queried the process relating to any underspend at the end of the financial year and the Clerk answered accordingly. Cllr Brookes asked if there were any other queries, and there were none.



40 For members to consider how to strengthen influence in local planning authority decisions

Members were collectively concerned that Town Council comments were largely not being taken into account in the decision-making process. Cllr Brookes stated that to ensure that Council comments were effective it was necessary to link them with the policies contained within the Local Plan and, once approved, the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Shelton commented that the chart produced and circulated by the Deputy Clerk would prove to be useful in helping members to focus their comments. Cllr Davis stated that he considered the Town Council’s past comments had been valid and relevant and that there needed to be greater collaboration between the Town and District Councils earlier on in the application process. Cllr Davis went on to suggest that enquiries be made with the District Council to identify who would be the best person to speak to regarding greater collaboration and suggested that regular meetings should be held between the two Councils, possibly using a rota of Planning & Highways committee members. Cllr Shelton agreed to raise this matter with the Strategic Director for Growth at SKDC.


41 To consider the planning applications received up to 5th August 2020, as per SKDC Weekly Planning lists

Ref. no

Application details and address

MDTC response


Applicant: Mr & Mrs Lenton

4 Althorpe Close, Market Deeping, PE6 8BL

Lime Tree (T1) – Fell because of excessive shading and low amenity value, Tree trunk is covered with ivy.

App Type: Tree Preservation Order.

Members to submit individual comments.


Applicant: Mr & Mrs Lenton

4 Althorpe Close, Market Deeping, PE6 8BL

Members had no objection to the side storey extension but considered that the fence should be restricted to 2m and be positioned on the existing boundary line, as shown on the amended plan, so as not to impede the existing public rights.


Applicant: Mrs Mary White

11 Eastfield, Market Deeping, PE6 8PB


Removal of Monkey Puzzle Tree

App Type: Tree Preservation Order

Members to submit individual comments.


Applicant: Mr John Garven

97 Thackers Way, Market Deeping, PE6 8LY

Erection of rear single storey extension. App Type: Householder

Members had no objections to this application.


Applicant: Mrs Claire Bradshaw

The Cedars, 82 Church Street, Market Deeping PE6 8AL


Internal alterations to a fire place

 App Type: Listed Building Consent

Members had no objections to this application.


Applicant: Sue Shields

50 Church Street, Market Deeping, Lincolnshire PE6 8AL


Remove the ash tree lower limb as overhanging the shed.

App Type: Trees in CA – Section 211 Notice.

Members to submit individual comments.


Applicant: Miss Bethany Cross

29A Church Street, Market Deeping, PR6 8AN


Proposals to convert the Grade 2 listed barn to an annexe/granny flat.

App Type: Householder

Members had no objections in principal to this proposal. However, members considered that restrictions needed to be put in place to ensure that the annexe remains as an annexe and does not become a private, separate dwelling. Members also had concerns with regard to visibility and the safety of the adjacent footpath users when vehicles exit the driveway. Members therefore requested that the Planning Authority be asked to ensure that the site has adequate turning capabilities so that vehicles would be able to exit in a forward gear.


Applicant: Miss Bethany Cross

29A Church Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8AN



Proposals to convert the Grade 2 listed barn to an annexe/granny flat.

App Type: Listed Building Consent



Applicant: Mrs June Bird

17 Cedar Close, Market Deeping, PE6 8BD

Single storey pitched roof side and front extension. App Type: Householder

Members had no objections to this application.


Applicant: Mr Tim Roberts

17 Godsey Lane, Market Deeping, PE6 8HT

Erection of single storey side extension and alterations to existing.

App Type: Householder

Members had no objections to this application.


Applicant: Mr Brady Hoines

8 The Woodlands, Market Deeping, PE6 8BB

Erection of a single storey extension, alterations. App Type: Householder

Members had no objections to this application.


Applicant: Mr D Mee

The Bungalow, Northfield Rd, Market Deeping, PE6 8LG


Erection of 14 industrial units including storage, warehouse and associated works.

App Type: Full Planning Permission

Members had no objections to this application in principal. However, in line with the permissions granted previously on this site, members requested restrictions were placed on permitted use classes (to exclude B2), and also restrictions on the hours of operation to minimise disruption to the neighbouring residential properties. Members welcomed the provision of on-site cycle storage but suggested that the provision be spread over the whole of the site rather than just one place. This would make the storage facilities more prominent thereby encouraging cycle usage, and enhance security.


Applicant: Mr Simon Wilson

26 Church Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8DA

Change of Use from annexe to bed and breakfast

App Type: Full Planning Permission

Members had no objections to this application.


42 Planning applications and their results received up to the 5th August 2020

Ref No.

Application details address

SKDC Decision


Applicant: Mrs Amanda Ingram

Address: 38 Church St, Market Deeping PE6 8DA Fell Apple Tree (T1)

App Type: Trees in CA – Section 211 Notice Date Received: 3rd June 2020

Decision Date: 6th July 2020

Permission Granted.


Applicant: Isabel Howett

Address: West Wing, The Old Rectory, 13 Church St, Market Deeping PE6 8DA


Holly (T5) – reduce height by 2m, reduce spread by 1m.


App Type: Trees in CA – Section 211 Notice Date Received: 9th June 2020

Decision Date: 6th July 2020

Permission Granted.


Applicant: Mr David Turner

Address: 20 Beech Close, Market Deeping, PE6 8LL

Erection of a bungalow and garage

App Type: Outline Planning Permission Date Received: 5th May 2020

Decision Date: 7th July 2020

Outline Planning Permission Granted.


Applicant: Mr Simon Fraylich

Address: 56 Towngate East, Market Deeping PE6 8DR


Erection of two detached dwelling houses, garage and associated works.

App Type: Full Planning Permission

Date Received: 20th March 2020

Decision Date: 15th July 2020

Permission Granted with conditions.


Applicant: Mrs Mary White

Address: 11 Eastfield, Market Deeping, PE6 8PB

Removal of Monkey Puzzle Tree

App Type: Tree Preservation Order Date Received: 1st July 2020 Decision Date: 21st July 2020

Permission Granted.


Applicant: Mr Julian Moore

Adress: Rectory Cottage, 11 Church St, Market Deeping, PE6 8DA

Remove 3 Holly Trees and raise the crown by approx. 5m on 1 Cherry Tree.


App Type: Trees in CA, Section 211 Notice Date Received: 16th June 2020

Decision Date: 21st July 2020

Permission Granted.


Applicant: Mr & Mrs Mason

Address: 11 Rockingham Close, Market Deeping, PE6 8BY

Single Storey Side & Rear Extension. App Type: Householder

Date Received: 19th May 2020

Decision Date: 21st July 2020

Permission Granted.


Applicant: Mr James Shackell

Address: 60 Lady Margaret’s Avenue, Market Deeping, PE6 8JA

T1 ash tree, to repollard to the previous cut points. App Type: Tree Preservation Order

Date Received: 15th June 2020

Decision Date: 21st July 2020

Permission Granted.


Applicant: Mr Christopher Halley

Address: The Granary, High Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8AT


Replacement of 65mm plastic downpipe with 105mm plastic downpipe.

App Type: Listed Building Consent Date Received: 21st January 2020 Decision Date: 22nd July 2020

Permission Granted.


Applicant: Gray

Address: 6 Hawthorn Close, Market Deeping, PE6 8LH

First floor extension over the existing double garage.

App Type: Householder

Date Received: 15th June 2020

Decision Date: 28th July 2020

Permission Granted


Applicant: Mr Peter Grey

Address: 5 Florence Way, Market Deeping, PE6 8PG

Approval of details of Condition 4 (Landscaping) of Planning Permission S20/0550

Date Received:2nd July 2020

Decision Date: 29th July 2020

Approval Granted.


43 For Members to Review Compliance with Planning Conditions for Major Developments

Cllr Brookes stated that it is important that the Town Council is aware of any issues arising with regard to compliance as developments progress.

a) Persimmons Homes, Godsey Lane

Members had no issues to raise at this time.

b) Larkfleet Homes Development, Northfield Road

Members had no issues to raise at this time.

c) Housing Development, Halfleet/Towngate East

Members had no issues to raise at this time.

d) Linden Homes, Linchfield Road (Deeping St James)

Cllr Brookes informed members that work on the access onto Linchfield Road was due to start imminently. Cllr Redshaw commented that it was important to be aware of any changes to the footpaths within the development to ensure that things were progressed as they should be.


44 For members to review the progress of, and issues relating to, S106 Agreements

No further progress had been made on these matters.



45 For members to receive an update on the report to LCC, “Road Maintenance and Sustainable Transport Improvements in Market Deeping” and to discuss the possibilities locally to promote more active travel.

Cllr Brookes informed members that in the first tranche of government funding Lincolnshire County Council had managed to secure £100K for Countywide improvements. The second tranche of funding would potentially provide a much larger pot for Lincolnshire (approx. £800K) but this would ultimately be dependent on the quality of the bid submitted by the County Council. Cllr Brookes considered that the measures highlighted in the Town Council report were relevant and he was optimistic that consideration would be given to the suggested temporary measures when the funding was secured. Lincolnshire County Council would need to spend any secured funds by the end of this financial year so it was likely that any measures, once agreed, would be implemented quickly.

Members agreed to further consider more strategic active travel possibilities at future meetings and to continue to highlight the need for cycling & walking measures to be incorporated within all new developments.


46 For members to receive an update on the review of the Council’s current bus stop provision/condition

Cllr Hembrow put forward the prepared tender document for the repair and refurbishment of the town’s nine bus shelters. It was proposed by Cllr Brookes, seconded by Cllr Davis and Resolved unanimously to seek approval from the Full Council for the tender document to be issued.


47 For members to review reported highway issues

The Deputy Clerk had circulated a copy of the Highways Issues report prior to the meeting:

Highway Issues – Planning & Highways Committee –up to 5th August 2020


Highway Issue


Reported to

LCC Response


Missing slabs and tarmac infill following work by utility company.


LCC Fix My Street

07/2019 – Investigating. 03/2020 – In Progress. 04/2020 – Action scheduled but delayed by COVID-19.


Request for review of zebra crossing on Godsey Lane.


Traffic Signal Team, LCC

Review scheduled for March/April 2020 but delayed by COVID-19


Bollards not illuminating on the Town Roundabout.


LCC Fix My Street

01/2020 - In progress.


Request for extension to double yellow lines along Douglas Road & introduction of double yellow lines along The Avenue at its junction with Church Street.


LCC, Divisional Highways Team

06/20 - This is currently on the LCC Traffic Team's list to investigate. It will take between 6-9 months to implement a suitable scheme, if they think there is one that will address the issues.


Local bus operators requested assistance with issue of overgrown trees on Church Street coming into contact with the upper floors of the double decker buses.




Assistance requested from Cllr Trollope-Bellew

No further Action. Response awaited.


Brickwork in the tunnels on the Bridgefoot Bridge in a poor state of repair




Peterborough City Council


Cllr Hembrows condition report submitted to Peterborough City Council

28/05/2020 – Investigating

07/07/2020 – PCC

identified bridgeworks as high priority within the 3year construction works programme. Site investigations will be required but works should be completed within 2 years. PCC will provide updates as and when available. Special thanks to Cllr Hembrow for his report.


Overgrown state of footpath that leads from The Woodlands to Stamford Rd (Market Deeping Public Footpath No 3_




06/2020 – Not in SKDC ownership, referred to LCC

09/06/2020 – Passed to Highways & Planning team

11/06/2020 – Response received from LCC Country side Access Team. This route is classified as priority 2. Issue will be addressed by 8th August 2020.






Anglian Water

29/06/2020 – Investigating

01/07/2020 – Not LCC’s

responsibility. Response awaited.


Church Street opposite The Avenue - Very poor state of repair.


LCC Ref 373930

23/07/20 – Investigating 23/07/20 – In Progress


Church Street opposite the Post Office


LCC Ref 373931

23/07/20 – Investigating 23/07/20 – In Progress


Halfleet (btwn St Guthlac’s Church and Towngate) – Significant carriageway deterioration.


LCC Ref 373932

23/07/20 – Investigating 23/07/20 – In Progress


Godsey Lane near the zebra crossing

– pothole/dip in centre of the carriageway


LCC Ref 373933

23/07/20 – Investigating 23/07/20 – Action Scheduled

30/07/20 – FIXED


Corner of Bramley Road & Godsey Lane – poor state of repair causes fall.


LCC Ref 374253

29/07/2020 –


31/07/20 – In Progress


Resident reports that the street light opposite 15 Park Drive is not working.                                                  



03/08/20 – email sent

Members were pleased to see that several issues raised by the Town Council had been addressed.


Conservation Area

48 For members to review any issues relating to the Conservation Area

Correspondence had been received from the Conservation Officer in relation to the roofing issue on the renovation work underway on the former Hop Kweng property. SKDC and the developers are currently in discussions following use of the incorrect roofing materials and a resolution is being sought. SKDC has agreed to keep the Town Council informed.


49 For members to review any matters arising from the public session

As there were no members of the public present at the meeting, there were no issues to discuss.

There being no other business, Cllr Brookes thanked everybody for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9pm. The next virtual meeting of the Planning & Highways Committee will be held on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 at 7pm.