P&HC March 2020 Minutes

Market Deeping Town Council – Planning and Highways Committee
Minutes of a meeting of Market Deeping Town Council’s Planning and Highways Committee held on Wednesday 4th March 2020 at 7pm in the Town Hall, Market Deeping.
Cllr Brookes presided over Cllr Miss Collins, Cllr Hembrow, Cllr Mrs Redshaw, Cllr Lester, Cllr Shelton, Cllr Yarham and Cllr Davis.
Also present, as members of the public, were Cllr Halfhide (Chair of Langtoft Parish Council), Cllr Hallam (Vice-Chair of Langtoft Parish Council), Cllr Mrs Brogam (Langtoft Parish Council), Cllr Trickey (Langtoft Parish Council) and the Deputy Clerk.
155 Chairman’s Welcome
The meeting opened at 7pm. Cllr Brookes welcomed everyone and invited the members of the public to speak. They collectively voiced their concerns regarding the pending Appeal by BP Oil following the refusal of Planning Permission for the proposed Petrol Station development on the junction of A15/A1175, and in particular, the view of Market Deeping Town Council in relation to the proposal. Cllr Brookes stated that comments had been previously submitted by the Town Council and issues had been raised regarding the highway safety element of the proposal among other things. Cllr Brookes also stated that the Town Council had considered that although the investment was welcomed in Market Deeping, the location for the development was considered unsuitable and other locations for its siting should be considered. Cllr Brookes informed the members of the public that they would be very welcome to attend a further meeting of the Town Council when, as part of the Appeal process, the committee would consider the application further.
Cllr Brookes thanked the members of the public for their attendance and the Public Session closed at 7.15pm.
156 Apologies for Absences
There had been no apologies for absence received prior to the meeting.
157 To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
There were no Declarations of interest made.
158 Minutes from the Meeting dated Wednesday 5th February 2020.
Cllr Brookes asked the committee if they were to accept the minutes of the meeting dated Wednesday 5th February 2020. Cllr Mrs Redshaw requested an amendment to minute no 153 as the “sign” referred to was actually a “notice board”. It was proposed by Cllr Brookes, seconded by Cllr Miss Collins to accept the amendment to minute no 153 and Resolved unanimously that, with the amendment, the minutes should be signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. The minutes were signed accordingly.
7.20pm Cllr Miss Moran entered the meeting and apologised for her late arrival.
159 Clerk’s Report
Members had received a report prior to the meeting.
Minute No |
Update |
98 (ii) |
Update on LCC’s review of the zebra crossing on Godsey Lane. Reviews are carried out generally between March & October. This crossing is scheduled for review during March/April. Awaiting assessment. |
128 (a) |
A letter has been sent to SKDC, and copied to LCC & the representing LCC Councillor, stating MDTC’s disappointment regarding the decision by SKDC not to pursue the Planning condition for a pedestrian crossing on Godsey Lane. See attached reply. |
It is understood that the issue relating to the inconsiderate parking of a large number of vans at one property down The Grove has resolved itself. |
The Town Centre Christmas tree has been chosen & reserved by the Park Keepers. No deposit was necessary. |
160 Correspondence to be Noted
Members had received a copy of the correspondence prior to the meeting.
Correspondence to be Noted – Planning & Highways Committee –February 2020
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1 |
Planning Support, SKDC |
10/02/2020 |
List of Valid Planning Application received between 3rd February & 7th February 2020. |
2 |
Planning Support, SKDC |
17/01/2020 |
List of Valid Planning Application received between 10th February & 14th February 2020. |
3 |
Planning Support, SKDC |
21/02/2020 |
Notification of time change for SKDC Planning Meeting to 11am on 4th March. |
4 |
Planning Support, SKDC |
21/2/2020 |
Agenda for SKDC Planning Meeting 4th March. |
5 |
Planning Support, SKDC |
24/02/2020 |
List of Valid Planning Application received between 17th February & 21st February 2020. |
6 |
Dev. Managem’t, SKDC |
25/02/2020 |
Notification that BP Oil UK Ltd has appealed to the Sec. of State re SKDC’s decision to refuse advertisement consent for land adj to A15/A1175 Roundabout. |
7 |
Business Owner, Bentley Business Park |
19/02/2020 |
Information regarding a further traffic incident on the bend near the Inside Out Store. Vehicle lost control. |
Members stated that LCC had previously intimated that an anti slip surface would be laid at this location. Members requested that all incidences be forwarded on to LCC as a matter of course. |
8 |
Town Centre Business Owner |
27/02/2020 |
Enquiry regarding the reason why the sponsored lights on the town rdbt are no longer working. Response sent – LCC are investigating loss of electricity supply. |
9 |
Planning Support, SKDC |
02/03/2020 |
List of Valid Planning Application received between 24th February & 28th February 2020. |
Cllr Brookes stated that Cllrs should endeavour to look through these listings in order to gain an overall awareness of Planning Applications in the neighbouring parishes. |
161 Correspondence to be Acted Upon
Members had received a copy of the correspondence prior to the meeting.
Correspondence to be Acted upon – Planning & Highways Committee – February 2020
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1 |
Resident of Towngate East |
11/02/2020 |
Request for Town Council to pursue a TRO for sections along Towngate East. |
Members sympathised with the resident for the difficulties currently being experienced and recognised that this was an important route for Market Deeping. Members considered that the situation may be exacerbated by the on-going development in the vicinity. Members agreed that this situation should be further monitored before making any decision which would result in a permanent change. |
2 |
Resident of Market Deeping |
11/02/2020 |
Request for P&H Committee to adopt & submit resident’s supplied comments “Additional Objection – Millfield App S18/2146” as Town Council comments. |
Members agreed to add this to the agenda for the next meeting in order to allow further time to fully consider the comments. |
162 Finance - Omega Report: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income
The Deputy Clerk had provided members with a report prior to the meeting. There were no issues raised.
163 To consider the planning applications received up to 4th March 2020, as per SKDC Weekly Planning lists
Ref. no |
Application details and address |
MDTC response |
S19/1962 |
Applicant: Mr M Lovett 47 Halfleet, Market Deeping PE6 8DB Proposed alterations to dormer windows, and to front elevation, new render to dwelling – amended plans Application Type: Householder |
Permission granted by SKDC prior to the meeting. |
S20/0239 |
Applicant: Mr D Briggsfish 12 Stamford Road, Market Deeping, PE6 8AB To remove 1 Plum tree and 1 Ivy covered tree near a barn Application Type: Trees in CA – Section 211 Notice |
Deadline for comments prior to the meeting date. Members comments submitted as individuals. |
S20/0237 |
Applicant: Mr C Bradshaw Remove 1 Sycamore tree and reduce the upper crown on 1 Hazel tree by 1/3 approx 3m. |
Deadline for comments prior to the meeting date. Members comments submitted as individuals. |
S20/0228 |
Applicant: Mr Jon Bird 5 John Eve Way, Market Deeping, PE6 8LJ Single storey rear extension to garage, erection of a timber fence and rendering to the existing property. Application Type: Householder |
Members wished to raise no objections to this proposal. |
S20/0096 |
Applicant: Mr Christopher Halley The Granary, High Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8AT
Replacement of 65mm plastic downpipe with 105mm plastic downpipe. Application Type: Listed Building Consent |
Members wished to raise no objection to this proposal. |
S20/0311 |
Applicant: Mr Tom Johnson Main Square, Market Deeping Erection of War Memorial. Application Type: Full Planning Permission |
Members recognised that the Council had previously supported this proposal in principal. However, from a planning perspective, members considered that: • the style and material used would not be in keeping with the surrounding architecture and built environment, • the size and scale of the proposed monument would result in a cluttering up of the walkway, • there is insufficient space to allow for the monument to be used for public gathering, • the installation would result in the loss on a town centre seating area amenity.
Members agreed to delay the submission of comments until this application had been put to the Full Council for is consideration. |
164 Planning applications and their results received up to the 4th March 2020
Ref No. |
Application details address |
SKDC Decision |
S19/2156 |
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Thurston 69A Tattershall Drive, Market Deeping PE6 8BZ
New porch & new fencing to side boundary. Date Received: 12th December 2019 Decision Date: 10th February 2020 |
Permission Granted. Cllr Brookes advised member to read the Officer’s Report to better understand the decisions made. |
S16/2741 |
Applicant: Miss Hannah Albans Phase 3 Godsey Lane, Market Deeping
Submission of details in relation to the discharge of condition 11 of Planning Approval S13/2802 Date Received: 16th December 2016 Decision Date: 14th February 2020 |
Details Refused. |
S19/1962 |
Applicant: Mr M Lovett 47 Halfleet, Market Deeping, PE6 8DB Erection of dormer windows to front and rear elevations and erection of porch. |
Permission Granted. |
165 For Members to Review Compliance with Planning Conditions for Major Developments
Cllr Brookes stated that it is important that the Town Council is aware of any issues arising with regard to compliance as developments progress.
a) Persimmons Homes, Godsey Lane
Members expressed concern that the adoption of the roads within the development appeared not to be progressing. The roads therefore currently remain under the control of the developer. Cllr Brookes stated that there appeared to be no condition that stated that the roads had to be adopted by LCC merely that they needed to be maintained to an adoptable standard. Cllr Davies considered that this was incorrect. Cllr Lester commented that, in any case, the roads were not currently being maintained to an adoptable standard and put forward that an enquiry regarding the current state of play of the adoption process be made to LCC. It was suggested that Cllr Davies and Cllr Brookes walk around the estate before penning a draft letter to the developer regarding the issues at hand to be considered by the Committee at its next meeting.
b) Larkfleet Homes Development, Northfield Road
There are no issues to report at this time.
c) Housing Development, Halfleet/Towngate East
Cllr Davies expressed concern regarding the S106 monies due to, and already received by, SKDC in relation to the affordable housing contribution. The Deputy Clerk agreed to contact the S106 Monitoring Officer to enquire where within Market Deeping this money was to be allocated.
d) Linden Homes, Linchfield Road (Deeping St James)
Members informed the Committee that although the public footpath section across the field from the existing housing estate had been stopped up, there were no notices in place or diversion routes displayed informing members of the public. This was despite a Legal Order being in place which permits the closure. Members requested that the Deputy Clerk raise this issue with the Footways Officer at LCC.
166 For Members to Review the Progress of, and issues relating to, Section 106 Agreements.
The Deputy Clerk informed members that there had been no further correspondence received from SKDC. Instruction was still awaited regarding the next steps to take following SKDC’s receipt of the monies, allocated in the S106 Agreement relating to The Town Gate Inn development, for improvement works on Greensland and Cherry Tree Park.
166 For Members to consider issues relating to grass cutting 57 5th March 2020 P & H Minutes
The Deputy Clerk reported that although the current contractor was DSJPC’s preferred choice to continue to provide the grass cutting services for both parishes, they had taken on board MDTC’s comments and agreed to support the slightly cheaper EnvironmentSK quotation. Contract papers were being drawn up and all would be in place in time for the start of the cutting season.
167 For Members to receive an update on the implementation of a Community Speed Watch (CSW) Programme
Cllr Miss Moran informed members that she had yet to receive an update on the training of the volunteers and was doubtful whether the third volunteer was in fact still able to commit to the programme. Cllr Miss Collins stated that she was also due to undertake the training and would be happy to assist Cllr Miss Moran in the Programme.
168 For members to receive an update on the review of the Council’s bus stop provision
A copy of Cllr Hembrow’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr Hembrow informed the members that there were 3 parts to the report:
• Issues surrounding the purchase and installation of a new shelter
• A review of the condition of the current bus shelters, and
• A proposal for introducing a decorative consistency.
Members considered the report’s findings and agreed that this had been a really useful exercise and that the issues raised, in particular to the repairs and on-going maintenance, needed to be addressed with some urgency. Cllr Brookes thanked Cllr Hembrow for his excellent report and members agreed that the report should be used as the basis for drawing up a tender for both the repair work and the additional decorative paint work. Cllr Hembrow agreed to progress these matters and update the committee at its subsequent meetings.
The Deputy Clerk was asked to contact Lincolnshire County Council and take advice on the exact location for the proposed new shelter near the former Towngate Inn site. The Deputy Clerk informed the committee that a new quotation from the supplier of the heritage style shelters had been sought, and also a request for a quotation had been sent to the company that currently supply the shelters for DSJPC. With regards to the possible addition of decorative painting to the street furniture, the Deputy Clerk also agreed to make enquiries as to which Council body currently undertakes the painting of the street furniture within the Town and whether it would be possible for Market Deeping Town Council to take on the responsibilities for the decorative element of the paintwork.
169 For Members to review reported highway issues
The Deputy Clerk informed the members that the LCC had been advised of the following:
Highway Issues – Planning & Highways Committee –February 2020
No. |
Highway Issue |
Date |
Reported to |
LCC Response |
1 |
Missing slabs and tarmac infill following work by utility company. |
30/07/2019 |
LCC Fix My Street |
07/2019 – Investigating.
03/2020 – In Progress. |
2 |
Request for review of zebra crossing on Godsey Lane. |
18/11/2020 |
Traffic Signal Team, LCC |
Review scheduled for March/April 2020. |
3 |
Bollards not illuminating on the Town Roundabout. |
03/01/2020 |
LCC Fix My Street |
01/2020 - In progress. |
4 |
Request for extension to double yellow lines along Douglas Road & introduction of double yellow lines along The Avenue at its junction with Church Street. |
06/01/2020 |
LCC, Divisional Highways Team |
5 |
Street light not working outside 76 Meadway. |
15/01/2020 |
LCC Fix My Street |
01/2020 – In Progress |
6 |
Missing/damaged pedestrian railing at Church St pedestrian crossing. |
21/01/2020 |
LCC Fix My Street |
Work Completed –
02/2020 – Clerk enquired whether missing sections would be replaced. No reply has been received. |
7 |
Storm damage to tree on Church St resulting in fallen branch blocking the pavement. |
11/02/2020 |
LCC Fix My Street |
02/2020 - Issue resolved. |
8 |
Flooding from a blocked drain outside 47 High Street. |
24/02/2020 |
LCC Fix My Street |
02/2020 – No further action at this time. The fault will be fixed as part of the next cycle of works. |
Cllr Hembrow and Cllr Yarham again expressed concern regarding the delamination of sections of Church Street and its general poor state of repair. The Deputy Clerk stated that it would be helpful if Councillors would forward to the Office photographs of any issues that they wished to report. Cllr Davis reported the continuing issue of littering along the hedgerows of the A1175 and requested that the Deputy Clerk once again further report this. Cllr Lester requested that the broken slabs outside the former Barclays Bank again be reported.
Conservation Area
170 For members to review any issues relating to the Conservation Area
Cllr Hembrow reported that further enquiries had been made regarding the building work on the former “Hop Kweng” on the High Street and that all the necessary planning permissions were in place to support the work being undertaken. Cllr Hembrow also confirmed that the premises had not in fact been de-listed but it had been granted a change of use from commercial to residential.
171 For Members to review any matters arising from the public session
Members considered that there was nothing further to add to that already said earlier in the meeting.
There being no other business, Cllr Brookes closed the meeting at 8.55pm. The next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 1st April 2020 at 7pm.