P&HC October 2022 Minutes

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Market Deeping Town Council – Planning and Highways Committee

Minutes of a meeting of Market Deeping Town Council’s Planning and Highways Committee held on Wednesday 5th October 2022 at 7.00 pm.  Cllr Shelton presided over Cllr Mrs Redshaw, Cllr Dr Byrd and Cllr Davis.  The Deputy Clerk was in attendance.   A member of the public was also in attendance.

Councillor Shelton welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the member of public to address the Committee.  

The member of public had attended the last Full Council Meeting and was invited to attend the Planning and Highways Committee to raise his concerns regarding the Deeping Meadows development.  He was concerned about the lack of enforcement by SKDC in ensuring developers meet the conditions on the first phase D of this development, expressed disappointment that the play area had been replaced by a pumping station and the roads and paths should have been topped up in June 2021 which as yet had not been undertaken.  He had made a formal complaint to SKDC and the Local Government Ombudsman were now investigating the matter with the findings being published within the next few weeks. 

Councillor Shelton thanked the member of public for attending and informed him that the matter would be discussed in the meeting.  The public session closed at 7.30 pm.

36.   Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

37.   Apologies for Absences

Apologies were received from Councillor Lester and Cllr Brookes prior to the meeting.

38.   To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

There were no declaration of interests. 

39.   Minutes from the meeting dated Wednesday 7th September 2022

It was proposed by Cllr Shelton and seconded by Cllr Mrs Redshaw with 3 in favour and 1 abstention that the minutes     of the meeting be signed as a true and accurate record.   The minutes were signed accordingly.

40.   Clerk’s Report



Installation of a covered bus shelter on Peterborough Road – Externiture have withdrawn their quotation so it’s back to the drawing board. 

The Committee agreed that three quotes should be obtained with recommendations from SKDC and Delaine.  It was agreed that the project from the groundwork, installation and sourcing of the shelter should be provided by one company.  Councillor Shelton agreed to speak to Delaine.

41.  Correspondence

Members had received a copy of the correspondence prior to the meeting.

Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 5th October 2022


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response




Record of valid planning applications registered between 5-9 September 2022





Record of valid planning applications registered between 12-16 September 2022





Record of valid planning applications registered week ending 18th September 2022





Record of valid planning applications registered between 19 - 23 September 2022





Planning application issues re Deepings Meadow

This was discussed as an agenda item.




Minutes for Planning Committee, Thursday 8th September 2022, 1.00 pm





SKDC Planning Committee Meeting 6 October 2022 – Cancelled due to no applications being ready for consideration





Record of valid planning applications registered between 26-30 September 2022



Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 5th October 2022


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response




Withdrawing from quote 7774 – Installation of new bus shelter and hardstand, Towngate Mews, Market Deeping

This was discussed at point 40, Clerk’s report.

42.  For members to discuss taking over the phone box in the Market Place

It was agreed to contact The Deepings Lions Group to see if they were still considering taking ownership of the telephone box in the Market Place. 

43.   Finance

a)   Omega Report: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income

The Deputy Clerk had provided members with a report prior to the meeting.  Cllr Davis noted that there was £400 allocated in the budget for a defibrillator and he confirmed that he would identify a suitable location in Church Street/Halfleet for an additional defibrillator in this area of the town.   Cllr Shelton asked members if there were any other comments on the omega report, and there were none.  

44. To consider the planning applications received up to 5th October 2022, as per SKDC Weekly Planning lists

Ref. no

Application details and address

MDTC response


Applicant: Mrs Jessica Fraylich

Land to the rear of 44 Halfleet, Market Deeping, PE6 8EA


Erection of two storey detached dwelling with garage


App Type: Full Planning Permission

SKDC deadline for comments: 06.10.22

The Planning and Highways Committee object to this application due to the following: -

  • Proposed development is too high.  A neighbouring property's planning application to erect two dwelling houses and associated garages (S04/1595/56) was refused and was limited to a single storey dwelling.
  • Impact on neighbouring properties.
  • Inaccuracies in the application form, unstated relationship with a serving councillor of a council and concerns that the applicant does not own the land.
  • Concerns that the access could not accommodate emergency access to three businesses and lack of parking.
  • Concerns that the property could be used as a business.   
  • Plans used and location map have inaccuracies.


Applicant: Mr Mark Dollman

1A Bramley Road, Market Deeping, PE6 8JG


Rear two storey extension and infill front extension to create porch/WC area, including replacement with pitched roof of the existing flat roof to integral garage to the front elevation


App Type: Householder

SKDC deadline for comments: 05.10.22

Extension requested until 06.10.22 (accepted)

The Planning and Highways Committee had no comments on this application.


Applicant: Mr M Lovett

47 Halfleet, Market Deeping, PE6 8DB


Erection of garages/car ports (to No’s 47, 49 & 51 Halfleet)


App Type: Full Planning Permission

SKDC deadline for comments: 21.10.22

The Planning and Highways Committee wished to reiterate their previous comments on this application with regards to the green screening that is shown on the Block Plan.  The Committee are of the view that this will be of benefit to the development and requests details of the type of hedging that is being proposed.


The Committee also queried the number of car park spaces as the original application stated 9 spaces, the block plan shows provision for 6 garage spaces.  The Committee would like this to be clarified.

45. Planning applications and their results received up to the 5th October 2022

The Committee noted the decisions below and had no comments to make.

Ref No.

Application details and address

SKDC Decision


Applicant: Gail Darnes

Glebe Park – off Godsey Lane, Market Deeping


Remove 1 no. field maple


Date received: 12 August 2022

Decision date: 15 September 2022

Work allowed 15 September 2022


Applicant: n/a

14 High Street, Market Deeping


Installation of automated teller machine signage (retrospective)

Date received: 18th July 2022

Decision date: 28th September 2022

Consent has been granted


Applicant: n/a

14 High Street, Market Deeping


Installation of automated teller machine signage (retrospective)


Date received: 18th July 2022

Decision date: 28th September 2022

Consent has been granted


Applicant: Mr P Bridger

49 Church Street, Market Deeping

Remove T1 Eucalyptus tree and various shrubs

G1 – various shrubs – Remove

Date received: 19th July 2022

Decision date: 30th September 2022

Work allowed

46. For members to consider supporting change to permitted development rights regarding cycle shelters

It was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting in the absence of Cllr Brookes.

47. Working Together – Deepings Neighbourhood Plan and Planning and Highways Committee

It was agreed to defer this item until all councillors are in attendance.

48. For members to consider planning issues on Deeping Meadows

This item was raised at Full Council and referred to this committee to consider.  The Committee considered the concerns raised by the member of the public and it was agreed that Councillor Shelton, as Chair of Planning and Highways would write to the Leader of SKDC to raise concerns that Planning should be more robust with regards to monitoring and implementing planning conditions and enforcing S106 agreements. 

It was RESOLVED to suspend standing orders at 8.48 pm to allow the member of public to speak.  He informed the committee that he would forward a copy of the Local Government Ombudsman’s report to the council when it is published.  

It was then RESOLVED to reinstate standing orders at 9.00 pm to allow business to continue.  

49. For members to discuss the proposed reservoir in Lincolnshire

A discussion took place and concern was raised by Cllr Mrs Redshaw that farming land was being reduced by this proposal and requested that the council are mindful of such proposals in the future. 


50. For members to review reported highways issues.

The Deputy Clerk had circulated a copy of the Highways issues report prior to the meeting. 

MDTC Reported Highway Issues – Planning & Highways Committee – up to 5 October 2022


Highway Issue

Date reported

Reported to



Request for extension to double yellow lines along Douglas Road & introduction of double yellow lines along The Avenue at its junction with Church Street.


LCC, Divisional Highways Team

06/20 - This is currently on the LCC Traffic Team's list to investigate. It will take between 6-9 months to implement a suitable scheme, if they think there is one that will address the issues.

10/21 – Proposed yellow lines being advertised

Update 08.12.2021 – LCC contacted MTDC seeking comments to proposed waiting times, deadline to respond 7.01.22

Update: 24.01.22 Public Notice issued by LCC, deadline for objections 25 February 2022


Halfleet (between St Guthlac’s Church and Towngate) – Significant carriageway deterioration.


LCC Ref 373932

23/07/20 – Investigating

23/07/20 – In Progress

25/11/20 – Action scheduled

04/01/21 – Chased up by District Cllr

18/02/21 – In Progress

10.12.21 – LCC reported fixed

05.01.22 Cllr Shelton advised that he would check that the road had been repaired.


Fly tipping on Black Prince


SKDC report REF 2346864



Willoughby Avenue

11.05.2022 &


Email LCC as Fix My Street not registering

Resident requested that the weeds on Willoughby Avenue cleared as they are causing the tarmac to crack.


Light not working. Between 20/22 Bramley Road there is an alley way which leads to The Grove.


Fix my street ref. 432036

There are concerns this is causing danger to an elderly partially sighted resident and is contributing to increased anti-social behaviour.

21.9.22 – status changed to investigating

51. For members to review the Interactive Speed Device report

Cllr Davis informed the committee that he is now Chair of the Deepings Community Policing Panel.  Cllr Davis confirmed that the panel will shortly be meeting and he would be sharing the data obtained from the speed devices with the panel.   Cllr Davis would also like to share this information via the council’s website/Facebook page and would be seeking approval from Full Council to do this.    Councillor Davis confirmed that a report will be shared with the council shortly. 

It was agreed that data would be downloaded bi-monthly as opposed to monthly.

Conservation Area

52.  For members to review any issues relating to the Conservation area.

The Deputy Clerk was asked to contact the Conservation Officer to establish the latest position regarding the Happy Shopper sign. 

53.  For members to review any matters arising from the public session.

This was discussed at point 48.

54. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting.

•   Debrief following the meeting with Deepings Neighbourhood Plan and SKDC
•   For members to consider the Precept for 2023/24
•   For members to consider supporting the change to permitted development rights regarding cycle shelters
•   Working Together – Deepings Neighbourhood Plan and Planning and Highways Committee

There being no other business, Cllr Shelton thanked everybody for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.15 pm.  The next meeting of the Planning & Highways Committee will be held on Wednesday 2nd November 2022.