P&HC December 2022 Minutes

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Market Deeping Town Council
Town Hall
Market Place
Market Deeping

Telephone: 01778 343170
Email: townclerk@marketdeeping-tc.gov.uk

Town Clerk: Mrs Gail Darnes

Market Deeping Town Council – Planning and Highways Committee

Minutes of a meeting of Market Deeping Town Council’s Planning and Highways Committee held on Wednesday 7th December 2022 at 7.00 pm.  Cllr Brookes presided over Cllr Mrs Redshaw and Cllr Dr Byrd.  The Deputy Clerk was in attendance.   There were 5 members of the public in attendance.
Councillor Brookes welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the members of public to address the Committee.

The members of the public outlined their concerns with regards to planning application S22/1485.  They were concerned about the limited access which is already shared by 6 residents, the driveway is 3½ metres wide and has poor visibility exiting onto the High Street, difficulty for construction vehicles and disruption to existing residents, privacy issues to existing property owners due to the proposed 2 windows on the upper floor, trees have been removed near the laurels although it was requested to only remove one tree, property overzealous for the size of land.  

The members of public were thanked by the Chairman and informed that their concerns would be discussed later on in the meeting.  The members of public left the meeting at 7.30 pm. 

73.   Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

74.   Apologies for Absences

Apologies were received from Councillor Shelton, Councillor Lester and Councillor Jones prior to the meeting.

75.   To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

There were no declarations of interest. 

76.   Minutes from the meeting dated Wednesday 2nd November 2022 and the Extra Ordinary meeting held on Wednesday 16 November 2022

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd November and 16th November be signed as a true and accurate record.   The minutes were signed accordingly.

77.   Clerk’s Report



The Christmas Market road closure had been approved by Lincolnshire County Council.   Road closure signs are in place.

The Committee noted.

The Deputy Clerk, as requested by the Committee, had written to the Conservation Officer for an update concerning the Family Shopper signage on the High Street.  The Conservation Officer referred the matter to SKDC’s Planning department who contacted the Deputy Clerk on the 23 November.  The Planning Department referred the matter to the Enforcement Officer and a call back is awaited.

The Committee noted.

78.  Correspondence

Members had received a copy of the correspondence prior to the meeting.

Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 7 December 2022


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response




Record of valid planning applications registered between 31st October – 4th November 2022





Agenda Planning Committee – Thursday 17 November 2022, 1.00 pm





Record of valid planning applications registered between 7-11 November 2022





Supplement: Additional information reports to the agenda for Planning Committee, Thursday 17 November 2022, 1.00 pm





Minutes for Planning Committee, Thursday 3 November 2022, 1.00 pm





Agenda for Planning Committee, Thursday 1 December 2022, 1.00 pm





Record of valid planning applications registered between 14 November to 18 November 2022





Record of valid planning applications registered between 21-25 November 2022





Record of valid planning applications registered between 28 November – 2 December 2022



Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 7 December 2022


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response




Towngate East Proposed 40mph speed limit (Extension agreed until 8.12.22)

The Committee were very pleased to hear that Lincolnshire County Council are considering the committee’s request to reduce the speed limit along this road. The Deputy Clerk was asked to write to LCC confirming that the council are pleased that this is being considered.


The Deepings Lions Club


Phone Kiosk in the Market Place

The Committee requested that the adoption of the phone kiosk is considered at Full Council in January.




Application: Licensing Consultation

Registered: 8 November 2022

Proposal: Application to vary a premise licence

Location: 4 Market Place, Market Deeping

The Committee would like reassurance that the selling of alcohol is only permitted with the purchase of food.




Concern raised by a member of the public regarding lack of double yellow lines at Wilcox entrance car park on Blenheim Way.   LCC have responded to say their initial thoughts are that the existing restrictions protect visibility to/from the car park, however if the county councillor supports the request, then they will consider it.

LCC’s response had been received and their initial thoughts are that the existing restrictions protect visibility to/from the car park.  The Committee accepted LCC’s response but agreed to review in 6 months’ time.  




Requesting a meeting with a Councillor to discuss planning application S22/1485.  

This was discussed at item 16.




Resident concerned about a wine bar who are possibly seeking permission for pavement furniture outside on the High Street.

The Deputy Clerk had contacted Lincolnshire County Council to clarify the position, a response to the query is expected within 7 days. The resident has been informed.  


Langtoft Parish Council


Invitation to a zoom meeting to discuss Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan – Sites Nominated 

The Committee noted the zoom meeting on 13 December and it was agreed that Councillors would join if they were available.

79.   Finance

a)   Omega Report: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income

The Deputy Clerk had provided members with a report prior to the meeting.    Cllr Brookes asked members if there were any comments on the omega report, and there were none.  

b)   For members to consider the precept for 2023/24

It was RESOLVED to accept the proposed precept figures for 2023/24 of £10,462.  

80. To consider the planning applications received up to 7th December 2022, as per SKDC Weekly Planning lists

Ref. no

Application details and address

MDTC response


Applicant: Mrs Woolhouse

17 Church Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8AN


Reduce and shape tree that leans over the footpath


App Type: Trees in CA – Section 211 Notice

SKDC deadline for comments: 23.11.22

Work has been allowed.


Applicant: Mrs Jessica Fraylich

Land to the rear of 44 Halfleet, Market Deeping, PE6 8DB


Erection of two storey detached dwelling with garage


App Type: Full Planning Permission

SKDC deadline for comments: 12.12.22

The Planning and Highways Committee met on 7.12.22 and considered the application.  There are concerns about the overall size and height and they consider the development is too big for the area.  A two-storey property is considered to be unacceptable and will impact on neighbouring properties.  They would like reassurance that there will be adequate bin storage facilities.  


Applicant: Mr G Richardson

Lancaster House, 1 Lancaster Way, Market Deeping, PE6 8LA


Change of use of an office building to 2no. residential dwellings


App Type: Full Planning Permission

SKDC deadline for comments: 12.12.22

The Planning and Highways Committee considered the application and had no objections.

81. Planning applications and their results received up to the 7th December 2022

The Committee noted the decisions below and had no comments to make.

Ref No.

Application details and address

SKDC Decision


Applicant: -

Market Deeping Service Station, Peterborough Road, Market Deeping


Erection of a 7m pole sign


Date received: 28 September 2022

Decision date: 16 November 2022

Consent has been granted


Applicant: Ms M Wright

11 Eastfield, Market Deeping, PE6 8PBN


Reduce tree to approx. 3m in height and remove all branches above this height


Date received: 12 October 2022

Decision date: 18 November 2022

Work allowed 18 November 2022


Applicant: Mrs Western

48 Church Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8AL


Reduce by 2/3m and balance 1 cherry tree


Date received: 21.10.22

Decision date: 22.11.22


Work allowed 22 November 2022


Applicant: Mrs Woolhouse

17 Church Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8AN


Reduce and shape tree that leans over the footpath


Date received: 24.10.22

Decision date: 30.11.22

Work allowed 30 November 2022


Applicant: Mr and Mrs Cotterill

20 The Pasture, Market Deeping, PE6 8PD


Demolition of existing garage and erection of two storey front/side extension, single storey rear extension, single storey front extension and alteration of external facades including replacement windows and doors, soffits, facias, bargeboards and rainwater goods.


Date received: 24.08.22

Decision date: 01.12.22

Grants Planning Permission

82. For members to review S106 money for S17/1728 from Towngate pub development 

It was agreed to defer this item to January. 

83. For members to consider supporting change to permitted development rights regarding cycle shelters

It was agreed to defer this item to January.


84. For members to review reported highways issues.

The Deputy Clerk had circulated a copy of the Highways issues report prior to the meeting. 

MDTC Reported Highway Issues – Planning & Highways Committee – up to 7 December 2022


Highway Issue

Date reported

Reported to



Request for extension to double yellow lines along Douglas Road & introduction of double yellow lines along The Avenue at its junction with Church Street.


LCC, Divisional Highways Team

06/20 - This is currently on the LCC Traffic Team's list to investigate. It will take between 6-9 months to implement a suitable scheme, if they think there is one that will address the issues.

10/21 – Proposed yellow lines being advertised

Update 08.12.2021 – LCC contacted MTDC seeking comments to proposed waiting times, deadline to respond 7.01.22 Update: 24.01.22 Public Notice issued by LCC, deadline for objections 25 February 2022


Halfleet (between St Guthlac’s Church and Towngate) – Significant carriageway deterioration.


LCC Ref 373932

23/07/20 – Investigating

23/07/20 – In Progress

25/11/20 – Action scheduled

04/01/21 – Chased up by District Cllr

18/02/21 – In Progress

10.12.21 – LCC reported fixed

05.01.22 Cllr Shelton advised that he would check that the road had been repaired.


Pothole outside the Iron Horse

25.11.22/ 28.11.22

Fix my street and email to Highways

Repaired 30.11.22

The Committee requested that the stretch of road on Halfleet (between St Guthlac’s Church and Towngate) is inspected to ensure that LCC had made the necessary repairs requested, if it is still outstanding it was agreed to resubmit a request for these works to be carried out. 

85. For members to consider the pavement gap on Northfield Road

The Committee requested that county councillors should be approached to raise this with Lincolnshire Highways to establish what is being proposed and when the gap in the pavement will be addressed.  Cllr Brookes suggested that LCC walking infrastructure plan may be able to help with this project.

86. For members to consider the received quotations for the work to install a sheltered bus stop outside the former Towngate Inn on Peterborough Road

The Committee had received quotes prior to the meeting and it was RESOLVED to progress with one of the companies.  The bus shelter would be a 2-bay cantilever, fitted with end panels, seating and painted in black to match existing shelters.  As planning permission had already been granted it was agreed that this did not need to be resubmitted. 

Conservation Area

87. For members to review any issues relating to the Conservation area.

The Committee raised their concern about a property along High Street that has been in disrepair for a considerable amount of time.  The Deputy Clerk was asked to bring this to the attention of the enforcement officer.

Cllr Dr Byrd expressed concern about a property that had been granted planning permission for 2 flats and is now believed to be used as a single dwelling.  The Committee agreed that this should be brought to the attention of the enforcement officer.   

88.  For members to review any matters arising from the public session.

The Committee considered the concerns raised by the members of public regarding application S22/1485.  It was agreed that an objection to SKDC planning department should be submitted with concerns regarding access to the proposed development which already serves 6 properties, the width of the access road and lack of visibility exiting on to High Street, the loss of privacy for existing residents and the access of construction vehicles would be difficult and detrimental to residents.   

89. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting.

•   For members to review S106 money for S17/1728 from Towngate pub development
•   For members to consider supporting change to permitted development rights regarding cycle shelter

There being no other business, Cllr Brookes thanked everybody for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.30 pm.  The next meeting of the Planning & Highways Committee will be held on Wednesday 4th January 2023.