P&HC January 2022 Minutes

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Market Deeping Town Council – Planning and Highways Committee

Minutes of a meeting of Market Deeping Town Council’s Planning and Highways Committee held on Wednesday 5 January 2022 at 7pm.  Cllr Shelton presided over Cllr Brookes, Cllr Mrs Redshaw and Cllr Davis.

The Clerk and Deputy Clerk was also in attendance. 

100.    Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

101.   Apologies for Absences

Apologies for absence were received prior to the meeting from Cllr Miss Moran.

102.   To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

There was no declaration of interests. 

103.   Minutes from the meeting dated Wednesday 1st December 2021

It was proposed by Cllr Davis and seconded by Cllr Brookes and RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting be signed as a true and accurate record. 

104.   Clerk’s Report

Interactive Speed Signs - Unipart Dorman have confirmed that the speed cameras will be arriving early in the New Year.  Update: Informed on the 4th January that the manufacturers are waiting on a part and will be in touch when this has been received and the signs are ready for delivery.

Bus Shelter Cleaning – Four quotes have been requested and followed up for a response.  The current position is as follows:- 

  • One quote has been received as discussed at last month’s meeting
  • One company has responded and informed that they do not clean bus shelters
  • No response has been received from the other two companies.

Pilgrim’s Cross – to agree a way forward following the resignation of Councillor Hembrow who had volunteered to carry out the maintenance work.

It was agreed that Cllr Davis would contact Brian Hembrow to see if he would still be interested in doing the maintenance work around the Pilgrim’s Cross.

It was agreed to trial the bus shelter cleaning for 6 months on an 8-weekly cycle.  In total four window cleaning companies had been contacted and one was able to provide the service for £300.00 per clean.  The Clerks were asked to contact the company to take this forward.  Two companies did not offer this service and the fourth company had not responded.  

105.  Correspondence

Members had received a copy of the correspondence prior to the meeting.

Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 5th January 2022


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response




Minutes from Planning Committee, Thursday 18th November 2021





Record of valid planning applications registered between 29 November and 3 December 2021





Agenda for Planning Committee, Wednesday 15 December 2021





Record of valid planning applications registered between 6-10 December 2021





Agenda supplement: Additional information report – issued 13 December 2021 to the agenda for Planning Committee, Wednesday 15 December 2021





Confirmation that trailer advert outside Tesco’s has been removed 



Cllr A Baxter


Speeding and highway issues in Market Deeping

Noted.  The Committee asked the Clerks to respond to Cllr Baxter informing him that two interactive speed signs had been purchased one of which will be installed on Stamford Road.    


Cllr Gilks


Speeding and highway issues in Deeping St James





Record of valid planning applications registered between 13 December and 17 December 2021





Temporary Traffic Restriction: Market Deeping

A15 Peterborough Road (Between A1175 & Meadow Road)

A15 (Between B1524 & a point 250m South of B1166)

Period of Restrictions: 17.01.22 to 28.02.2022





Record of valid planning applications registered between 20-24 December 2021





Record of valid planning applications registered between 27-31 December 2021





Minutes of Planning Committee, Wednesday 15 December 2021





Agenda for Planning Committee, Wednesday 12 January 2022





The Clerk had been copied into an email regarding a possible abandoned vehicle in the area.  This had been brought to the attention of SKDC.

Noted.Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 5th January 2022


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response



Market Deeping – The Avenue and Church Street Proposed Waiting Restrictions




Application to erect a structure on the Highway

Location: Towngate East, Market Deeping

Agreement to be signed by Committee and returned to LCC

The Committee noted the receipt of the application form from LCC which the Chairman agreed to sign.  The Committee requested the Clerks contact the Planning Department at SKDC to establish if a planning application will be required.



Request for an update on the proposed bus shelter on Towngate Crossroads

The Committee noted the resident’s concerns and asked the Clerks to provide the resident with an update.

106.   Finance

a)    Omega Report: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income

The Deputy Clerk had provided members with a report prior to the meeting. Cllr Shelton asked members if there were any comments on the omega report, and there were none.  

b)      For members to consider and agree the precept for 2022/23

Cllr Shelton asked the committee if there were any comments or amendments to the proposed Precept for 2022/23.  The committee agreed that the cost to install a covered bus shelter on Peterborough Road would be funded by the EMR for Sustainable Travel.

Cllr Shelter confirmed that £200.00 precepted for the Neighbourhood Plan would be sufficient.

Cllr Davis requested that he would like to see, in the future, a budget for more defibrillators in Market Deeping.  

It was proposed by Cllr Shelton and seconded by Cllr Mrs Redshaw and RESOLVED unanimously to accept the proposed Precept for the Planning and Highways Committee for 2022/23.  

107.   To consider the planning applications received up to 5 January 2022, as per SKDC Weekly Planning lists

Ref. no

Application details and address

MDTC response


Applicant: Mr Gary Ward

11 Princess Grove, Market Deeping, PE6 8GJ


Single storey side and rear extension


App Type: Householder

The Planning and Highways Committee considered this application and requests that there is a time restriction for trade vehicles to deliver materials.  The Committee also requests that builders park considerately to avoid unnecessary inconvenience to nearby residents. 


Applicant: Zara

17 Church Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8AN


Reduce crab apple tree by 2-3 metres


App Type: Trees in CA – Section 211 Notice

Members had no comment.


Applicant: Julia & Martin Heaton & Clarke

16 High Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8EB


New roof, new garage doors and refurbishment works to listed building


App Type: Householder

The Planning and Highways Committee considered these applications and welcomed the detailed plans.  The Committee notes and appreciates that the plans include the use of natural slate and respectfully requests that you ensure that the use of this is complied with.




Applicant: Julia & Martin Heaton & Clarke

16 High Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8EB


New roof, new garage doors and refurbishment works to listed building


App Type: Listed Building Consent

As above.


Applicant: Gail Darnes

Glebe Park, Nr Godsey Lane, Market Deeping


Reduce 2 x field maple trees, balance, shape and raise 3 or 4 field maple trees due to wind damage


App Type: Trees in CA – Section 211 Notice

Members had no comment.

108.   Planning applications and their results received up to the 5 January 2022

Members had no comments on the decisions below.

Ref No.

Application details and address

SKDC Decision


Applicant: Mr Mick Lovett

47 Halfleet, Market Deeping, PE6 8DB


Non material amendment to planning approval S19/1931 to alter the large picture window to front elevation (West) with the inclusion of grey vertical cladding with shadow gap.  Installation of an escape window to the north elevation of master bedroom.


Date received: 12 November 2021

Decision date: 8 December 2021

Amendments approved 8 December 2021


Applicant: Mr Ray Crowson

Riverside Garage, 25 Stamford Road, Market Deeping, PE6 8AB


Demolition of existing commercial garage and erection of 2 (no) residential dwellings


Date received: 3 September 2021

Decision date: 10 December 2021

Grants Planning Permission


Applicant: Mr and Mrs Shattock

2 The Woodlands, Market Deeping, PE6 8BB


Demolition of existing conservatory, erection of single storey rear and front porch extensions.


Date received: 5 October 2021

Decision date: 14 December 2021

Grants Planning Permission


Applicant: R Mann & T Hall

136 Tattershall Drive, Market Deeping, Lincolnshire


Non material amendment for the change of elevation materials from brickwork to render of planning permission S21/1302


Date received: 27 October 2021

Decision date: 14 December 2021

Amendments approved 14 December 2021


Applicant: R Mann & T Hall

136 Tattershall Drive, Market Deeping


Non material amendment to permission S21/1302 for facia to match existing dwelling

Date received: 9 December 2021

Decision date: 22 December 2021

Amendments approved 22 December 2021


109. For members to review reported highways issues.

The Deputy Clerk had circulated a copy of the Highways issues report prior to the meeting.  It was agreed to include on the report the proposal of waiting restrictions on Blenhiem Way, thus enabling the committee to keep track on progress.

The Committee was concerned that item no. 2 regarding Halfleet (between St Guthlac’s Church and Towngate) that the carriageway repairs had not been fully completed and requested the clerks to obtain a copy of the schedule of works carried out by LCC. 

MDTC Reported Highway Issues – Planning & Highways Committee – up to 5 January 2022


Highway Issue

Date reported

Reported to



Request for extension to double yellow lines along Douglas Road & introduction of double yellow lines along The Avenue at its junction with Church Street.


LCC, Divisional Highways Team

06/20 - This is currently on the LCC Traffic Team's list to investigate. It will take between 6-9 months to implement a suitable scheme, if they think there is one that will address the issues.

10/21 – Proposed yellow lines being advertised

Update 08.12.2021 – LCC contacted MTDC seeking comments to proposed waiting times, deadline to respond 7.01.22


Halfleet (between St Guthlac’s Church and Towngate) – Significant carriageway deterioration.


LCC Ref 373932

23/07/20 – Investigating

23/07/20 – In Progress

25/11/20 – Action scheduled

04/01/21 – Chased up by District Cllr

18/02/21 – In Progress

Update 10.12.21 Fixed


Corner of Bramley Road & Godsey Lane – poor state of repair causes fall.


LCC Ref 374253

29/07/2020 – Investigating

31/07/20 – In Progress

01/09/20 – Action Scheduled


Disabled marking signs faded


LCC FixMyStreet


08.07.21 Action scheduled


Kerb stone missing on Whitley Way Roundabout




LCC FixMyStreet

Ref 401136

Ref 401276

12.07.21 Action scheduled


Recent resurfacing at junctions along Whitley Way not completed leaving differing grip levels between surfaces


LCC FixMyStreet

Ref 401895


22.07.21 Open and investigating


Loose chippings on Stamford Road, Church Street, High Street at Market Deeping


LCC FixMyStreet

Ref 401894

22.07.21 Open and investigating

110. For members to consider and agree the Parish Agreement Scheme – urban grass verge cutting

The Clerk had received correspondence from LCC enquiring if the Council and DSJPC wished to continue with the agreement for 2022/23.   It was proposed by Cllr Shelton and seconded by Cllr Davis and RESOLVED unanimously to continue with the agreement.    

111. For members to consider the received quotation for the work to install a sheltered bus stop outside the former Towngate Inn on Peterborough Road

The Deputy Clerk reported that the tender deadline expired on the 13 December and one quote had been received. The Committee requested the Clerks to follow up with the remaining contractors to see if they would be interested in putting forward a quote.  Cllr Shelton informed that he would be meeting with Delaine next week and will enquire if they had any contractors that they would recommend.  It was agreed at this stage, that although a quote had been received, another comparison is required.  The Committee requested the Clerks to contact SKDC planning department to enquire if planning permission will be required to install the shelter.  It was agreed to discuss this further at the next meeting in February.    

Conservation Area

112.  For members to review any issues relating to the Conservation area.

a)    Poster policy in the conservation area (Cllr Mrs Redshaw)

Cllr Mrs Redshaw outlined her concerns regarding a few businesses who had placed banners and posters on the 1st level of their premises.  Cllr Mrs Redshaw would like a local council policy to be introduced and would provide some suggestions.  Cllr Davis asked how this would be enforced and asked the Clerks to contact the Conversation Officer at SKDC for advice.  

113.  For members to review any matters arising from the public session.

There were no issues to discuss.

There being no other business, Cllr Shelton thanked everybody for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8.15 pm.  The next meeting of the Planning & Highways Committee will be held on Wednesday 2nd February 2022 at 7pm.