P&HC March 2022 Minutes

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Market Deeping Town Council – Planning and Highways Committee

Minutes of a meeting of Market Deeping Town Council’s Planning and Highways Committee held on Wednesday 2 March 2022 at 7pm.

Cllr Shelton presided over Cllr Brookes, Cllr Davis, Cllr Lester and Cllr Miss Moran.  The Deputy Clerk was also in attendance.   Five members of the public was also in attendance

Cllr Shelton welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the members of the public to speak to address the Committee.  The members of public raised their concerns regarding planning application S22/0271 and the dry stoned wall that was on the boundary concerning this development.  The wall is 100 years old and has been maintained by 5 out of 6 residents at a cost to them, it complements the area and is part of the Deeping Heritage.    The residents would like the committee to support their quest to preserve the wall.  

The Chairman thanked the members of public for their attendance and the public session closed at 7.15.

127.    Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

128.   Apologies for Absences

Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Redshaw prior to the meeting.

129.   To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

There were no declaration of interests. 

130.   Minutes from the meeting dated Wednesday 2 February 2022

It was proposed by Cllr Shelton and seconded by Cllr Davis and RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting be signed as a true and accurate record. 

131.   Clerk’s Report

Interactive Speed Signs – signs are working well.  The database has been downloaded to the laptop, Cllr Davis and the Deputy Clerk visited the device on Halfleet to download the information collected so far but was unable to do so due to a technical issue.  The Deputy Clerk will contact the company for further advice. 

Covered Bus Shelter on Peterborough Road – SKDC planning team have confirmed that planning permission is required to install the sheltered bus stop. The planning application will be submitted when a tender has been chosen (see item 11).

Cllr Davis requested that the speed sign on Halfleet be rotated 180 degrees to pick up traffic leaving Market Deeping.  

132.  Correspondence

Members had received a copy of the correspondence prior to the meeting.

Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 2nd March 2022


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response




Record of valid planning applications registered between 31 January – 4 February 2022





Minutes for Planning Committee, Thursday 20 January 2022





Record of valid planning applications registered between 7 February and 11 February 2022





Temporary Traffic Restriction: Market Deeping

Reason for restriction: Road Planning/surfacing works/road markings

Location and nature of restrictions:

Road Closure Order in place on:

A15 (Between A1175 & Meadow Road)

Period of restriction: 07/03/2022 – 11/3/022 





Agenda for Planning Committee, Thursday 24th February 2022, 1.00 pm





Record of valid planning applications registered between 14-18 February 2022





Record of valid planning applications registered between 21-25 February 2022




Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 2nd March 2022


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response




Resident has the following concerns:

Parking on grass verges on Towngate East between the Deepings Health Centre and where Towngate East meets Halfleet/Peterborough Road.

Increased traffic levels and speeding which will increase further due to new housing and supermarket.

Request to introduce cycle lanes within Market Deeping and join the Peterborough Green Wheel.

The Committee considered the resident’s concerns and requested that the resident contacts South Kesteven District Council concerning the parking on grass verges and Lincolnshire County Council with regards to the traffic levels.

Cllr Brookes informed the committee that the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Committee are working with the local cycling and walking infrastructure plans.  





Resident thanked the Council for the interactive speed device that had been purchased and installed along Stamford Road but would like a further device on Stamford Road going out of Market Deeping. 

Request that the 30 mph limit signs are relocated further out towards the A15 roundabout.

Request to place plastic reduction signs around Market Deeping saying Watch Your Speed. 

The Committee considered the residents request and could not justify purchasing another speed device for Stamford Road at this time.

With regards to the relocation of the 30 mph speed signs and additional plastic speeds signs the Committee agreed that this is a decision for Lincolnshire County Council.



Allison Homes


Request for a meeting to discuss a development in Market Deeping.

The Chairman had agreed with the planning director of Allison Homes in a conversation that afternoon that they were starting a period of consultation concerning a commercial site SKLP281 which is identified within the SKDC Local Plan Allocations finishing 24 March 2022.  Allison Homes will be conducting the consultation online with the residents of the Deepings.   

Allison Homes requested the opportunity to present this project to the Town Council, Parish Council and the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Committee.  This is being arranged by the Chairman within the next two weeks.

Cllr Davis requested that it be noted that he did not agree with this approach and it should be presented to Council.




Resident concerned that lorries from a local company are travelling along Church Street which has a 7.5 tonne weight limit.

Enquiring if a pavement will be installed along Northfield Road into Blenhiem Way following the housing developments that are currently be built in the area.

The Committee requested that the Clerks contact the manager of the company to make him aware that a complaint had been received.

The Committee requested that the enquiry is referred to LCC.


133.   Finance

a)    Omega Report: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income

The Deputy Clerk had provided members with a report prior to the meeting. Cllr Shelton asked members if there were any comments on the omega report, and there were none.  

Cllr Miss Moran left the meeting at 8.13.   

134.   To consider the planning applications received up to 2 March 2022, as per SKDC Weekly Planning lists

Ref. no

Application details and address

MDTC response


Applicant: Mr Mick Lovett

47 Halfleet, Market Deeping, PE6 8DB


Internal and external alterations & extensions, erection of double garage, new crossover/entrance (with dropped kerb)


App Type: Householder

The Committee share the representations made by local residents with a concern as to the protection of a 150-year-old dry stone wall which borders two sides of the site.  The Committee would like to draw to your attention the adopted Deeping Neighbourhood Plan policy DNP8 protecting Heritage assets "boundary walls and use of traditional materials in the public realm".


The Committee would like the assurance that this wall will be protected and maintained in the future and particularly whilst the site is developed.


Applicant: Mr M Lovett

47 Halfleet , Market Deeping, PE6 8DB


Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 (no.) dwellings


App Type: Full Planning Permission

The Committee share the representations made by local residents with a concern as to the protection of a 150-year-old dry stone wall which borders two sides of the site.  The Committee would like to draw to your attention the adopted Deeping Neighbourhood Plan policy DNP8 protecting Heritage assets "boundary walls and use of traditional materials in the public realm".


The Committee would like the assurance that this wall will be protected and maintained in the future and particularly whilst the site is developed.


Applicant: Mrs Pam Byrd

52 Church Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8AL


Erection of rear extension single storey with bridge over to existing outbuilding


App Type: Householder

The Committee agreed that the use of materials should be in keeping with the area.


Applicant: Mr and Mrs Khela

12A Millfield Road, Market Deeping PE6 8AD


Proposed ground floor and first floor extension to front and rear, conversion and extension of loft, new access and oak framed garage


App Type: Householder

The Committee had no comments.


Applicant: Mr Gareth Roberts

Riverside Garage, 25 Stamford Road, Market Deeping, PE6 8AB


Non-material amendment to S21/1757 to remove the parapets on the proposed dwelling, as well as removing and altering window positions of Plot 2


App Type: Non-material amendments

The Committee had no comments.

135.   Planning applications and their results received up to the 2 March 2022

Members had no comments on the decisions below.

Ref No.

Application details and address

SKDC Decision


Applicant: Hacker

Georgian Cottage, High Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8ED


Work to trees


Date received: 18 January 2022

Decision date: 8 February 2022

Work allowed 8 February 2022


136. For members to review reported highways issues.

The Deputy Clerk had circulated a copy of the Highways issues report prior to the meeting.  

MDTC Reported Highway Issues – Planning & Highways Committee – up to 2 March 2022


Highway Issue

Date reported

Reported to



Request for extension to double yellow lines along Douglas Road & introduction of double yellow lines along The Avenue at its junction with Church Street.


LCC, Divisional Highways Team

06/20 - This is currently on the LCC Traffic Team's list to investigate. It will take between 6-9 months to implement a suitable scheme, if they think there is one that will address the issues.

10/21 – Proposed yellow lines being advertised

Update 08.12.2021 – LCC contacted MTDC seeking comments to proposed waiting times, deadline to respond 7.01.22

Update: 24.01.22 Public Notice issued by LCC, deadline for objections 25 February 2022


Halfleet (between St Guthlac’s Church and Towngate) – Significant carriageway deterioration.


LCC Ref 373932

23/07/20 – Investigating

23/07/20 – In Progress

25/11/20 – Action scheduled

04/01/21 – Chased up by District Cllr

18/02/21 – In Progress

10.12.21 – LCC reported fixed

05.01.22 Cllr Shelton advised that he would check that the road had been repaired.


Corner of Bramley Road & Godsey Lane – poor state of repair causes fall.


LCC Ref 374253

29/07/2020 – Investigating

31/07/20 – In Progress

01/09/20 – Action Scheduled


Kerb stone missing on Whitley Way Roundabout




LCC FixMyStreet

Ref 401136

Ref 401276

12.07.21 Action scheduled. 12.01.22 LCC informed that the roundabout is in need of maintenance and the missing kerb will be addressed when this is carried out


Waiting restrictions on Blenhiem Way



Consultation taken place by LCC.

The Committee agreed that any outstanding items be referred to Cllr Baxter to follow up with the relevant authorities.

137. For members to consider the received quotations for the work to install a sheltered bus stop outside the former Towngate Inn on Peterborough Road 

The Deputy Clerk had provided members with a copy of the quotes and Mr Hembrow’s comments prior to the meeting.  The Committee, after carefully considering all quotes received, RESOLVED on the basis that Externiture’s quote was still valid and subject to planning permission to award the work to Externiture.  

Conservation Area

138.  For members to review any issues relating to the Conservation area.

Cllr Davis enquired if the letters to businesses in the town centre had been issued.   The Deputy Clerk informed that they had not at this stage. Cllr Davis reiterated that he would like them issued as soon as possible. 

139.  For members to review any matters arising from the public session.

There were no issues to discuss.

There being no other business, Cllr Shelton thanked everybody for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.10 pm.  The next meeting of the Planning & Highways Committee will be held on Wednesday 6th April 2022 at 7pm.