AOS November 2021 DRAFT Minutes

Market Deeping Town Council - Amenities and Open Spaces Committee

Minutes of a meeting held on Wednesday 17th November 2021 at 6.30 pm at the Council Chambers Cllr Broughton presided over Cllr Miss Collins, Cllr Shelton and Cllr Mrs Redshaw. The Clerk was also in attendance.

42.   Chairman’s Welcome

Cllr Broughton welcomed members to the meeting at 6.30pm  

43.   Apologies for absence 

Apologies were received from Cllr Miss Moran and Cllr Mrs Sked.

44.   Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011   

There were no declarations of interest.

45.   Minutes of a meeting held on 15th September 2021

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the minutes of the meeting dated Wednesday 15th September 2021 as a true and accurate record of the meeting. The Chairman signed the minutes.

46.   Clerk’s Report and update on work of parkkeepers

Members had received a copy of the report prior to the meeting.

John Eve field

  • The John Eve field has been cleared of any fallen branches following the storm.
  • The Park keepers have been continuing weekend litter picks.
  • Gray’s fair visited and left the field in a good state of repair.

Town centre

  • The Christmas tree is being installed early morning on 2nd December 2021.
  • The poppies have been placed on lamp posts along High Street.

47.  Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon    

Agenda Item 6

Correspondence – Amenities & Open Spaces – 17th November 2021


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response


Robinson’s road run


Thank you for use of JE field



Round Table


Request to erect a banner on the John Eve railings for the Firework event at Greensland on 6.10.21.  The Clerk approved the request



Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice


Request to erect a banner on the John Eve railings for the Stamford Santa Fun Run charity event.  The Clerk approved the request.


Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 17th November 2021


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response




Use of J E Field for car boot sales:

Sunday 13th March

Sunday 10th April

Sunday 15th May

Sunday 12th June

Will run from 9.00am to 3.00pm.


Sent to all Councillors and approved.  Subject to the weather conditions nearer the dates.


Queen’s canopy


Queen’s Green Canopy Project

It was RESOLVED for the Clerk to apply to the Woodland Trust for trees.

48.   Omega reports: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income

The Clerk had provided members with a report prior to the meeting. Cllr Broughton asked members if there were any comments on the Omega report, and there were none.

49. For members to give Consideration and plan for Precept 2022/23

Councillors were provided with copies of a precept planning sheet which included estimated figures for 2021/22 based on actual current spending levels. The Clerk had pre populated figures so that 2022/3 figures were kept the same level as 2021/22.    

Councillors discussed the figures and it was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the provisional figures provided by the Clerk.

50. For members to consider implementing a five-year plan for expenditure.

Various potential projects/items for expenditure were discussed:

Cllr Broughton explained that grass cutting equipment is likely to need replacing in the next 5 years.

There will need to be another extensive tree report carried out on the trees.

Cllr Mrs Redshaw said that she would like the white picket fencing around the flag pole at the Riverside Park extending so that the area includes the soldier.  Cllr Broughton said that he would make more fencing.

It was suggested that insect houses should be placed in open spaces to encourage insect.  The Clerk was tasked with researching construction plans and Cllr Broughton will then make.

The provision of allotments is being researched and the Clerks are having a fact-finding meeting with DSJ Parish Council and Cllr Shelton to find out the best way to take this forward.

It was suggested that possibly a clematis or trellis could be placed against the right-hand wall at the Riverside Park, to make the area more appealing.  Also, suggested that flowers could be placed in front of bins.

It was suggested that a further dog bin could be placed at the entrance to the Paddock.  Cllr Broughton stated that dog waste is now permitted in general waste bins and is going to obtain an SKDC bin for this location.

The Gateway entrance points to Market Deeping were discussed, it was suggested that a flower trough would look nice under the Market Deeping sign near the former Towngate Inn.   
51.  For members to consider and discuss any points raised in the public session 

There were none.

52. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting of Amenities and Open spaces committee, to be held at Town Hall Chambers on Wednesday 19th January 2022 at 6.30pm.

There were none.

There being no other business, Cllr Broughton thanked everybody for their attendance and closed the meeting at 7.05 pm.