AOS January 2021 Minutes

Amenities and Open Spaces Committee
Minutes of a virtual meeting held on Wednesday 20th January, Zoom meeting code 817 2012 2504.
Cllr Broughton presided over Cllr Mrs Sked, Cllr Miss Moran, Cllr Dolan, Cllr Shelton, Cllr Hembrow, Cllr Mrs Redshaw, Cllr Brookes, Cllr Miss Collins, Cllr Yarham and Cllr Davis.
The clerk and deputy clerk were also in attendance.
51. Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Broughton welcomed members to the meeting.
52. Apologies for absence
None were received.
53. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
There were no declarations of interest
54. Minutes of a meeting held on the 18th November 2020
Cllr Broughton asked the committee if they were to accept the minutes of the meeting dated Wednesday 18th November 2020. It was proposed by Cllr Broughton and RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes could be signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. The clerk will sign on behalf of the chair.
55. Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had issued members with a report prior to the meeting:
1. Despite searching records that we have access to, and contacting SKDC at the suggestion of the committee at the last meeting, we have been unable to establish the ownership of the land on the corner of Stamford Road and Stamford Close, and will have to pay to search land registry records as a last resort. Members agreed that if the clerks could not find assistance in obtaining this information from Parish online then they should proceed with this expense.
56. Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
Circus Ginnett |
13/12/2020 |
Request to hire John Eve field |
Members RESOLVED unanimously that it was too early to allow events on the field with the current restrictions and the circus should be advised accordingly. |
LCC Cllr Davies |
18/01/2021 |
Cycle rack location |
Members discussed relocating the rack to another location and also passing the matter back to Full Council. It was agreed that this was an AOS matter as Full Council had already resolved to relocate the rack to the John Eve field. It was then proposed by Cllr Mrs Sked, seconded by Cllr Miss Moran and RESOLVED with 7 in favour, one against and 2 abstentions to respond to Cllr Davies confirming that the cycle rack is to be removed. |
19/01/2021 |
Enforcement patrol report |
Members appreciated the detailed report. Cllr Miss Moran advised that the officers were doing a good job at educating people, but due to the time of year there were not many dog walkers to observe. It was then proposed by Cllr Broughton and RESOLVED unanimously to suspend the patrols after the end of January and recommence them in April. Cllr Broughton asked for the issue to be placed on the next AOS agenda. |
57. Update on work and verbal presentation by the Park Keepers (via the clerk)
1. The park keepers have been preparing the path from the John Eve field to the cemetery and will complete the laying of the dolomite when weather conditions allow. Cllr Mrs Redshaw asked if some dolomite could be saved for future BMX track repairs.
2. They would like further information on what type of planting Cllrs would like to see in front of the peace memorial, and whether to obtain quotes for troughs etc. Cllr Broughton offered to make some troughs for the planting and members
were happy to accept.
3. The Halfleet hedge alongside the paddock has been tidied and brambles cleared.
4. The remaining moss on the play equipment will be removed when the weather conditions allow for the vehicle to drive on the field.
5. During the worst of the weather the park keepers have cleaned and tidied the shed and all stores.
6. Whilst cleaning the shed, the park keepers have found 4 signs regarding no dogs or golf and one ‘Beware pond’ sign. Would councillors like to erect these signs anywhere? Posts would need to be purchased. Cllr Miss Moran would like the pond sign to be erected by the pond.
58. Omega reports: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income
The Clerk had provided an Omega report to members prior to the meeting. Cllr Broughton asked if there were any questions and Cllr Mrs Redshaw queried the £200 budget for the pond. The clerk and Cllr Broughton confirmed that this was the cost of yellow rattle seed. The clerk further confirmed that the cost of PPE facemasks for the park keepers comes from the budget line 4190.
59. For members to approve the provision of two sand bag bins and to agree their location
Cllr Broughton confirmed that he was in possession of 1000 sand bags, and the environment agency had supplied some too. Residents had also donated sand. The bins would cost £135 each and Cllr Broughton suggested that one be placed on the Riverside park and one in his yard until such time as a location was agreed. Members discussed possible locations and many were discounted due to the weight of filled sandbags and the appearance of the bins. It was agreed that a town centre location, possible by the Stage, would be preferable. Cllr Broughton then proposed that the 2 bins be purchased and it was RESOLVED unanimously to do so. Cllr Broughton agreed to phone the office the following day with details of the bins.
60. For members to discuss urgent maintenance requirements on the Godsey Lane fence and to agree a way forward.
Cllr Broughton advised members that the railings on the fence by the new hedge had come adrift and he had repaired that section of fencing. However, he believed 4” nails could be inserted into every section to help take the weight of the timber. Members agreed to proceed with the purchase of the nails and for the park keepers to insert them.
61. For members to consider sourcing a Christmas tree for 2021 with any associated costs to be passed to the Planning and Highways committee for approval
Cllr Broughton advised members that the company who had provided trees for the last two years did not have a suitable tree for the coming year. He offered a tree from his own garden as an emergency tree if required. Cllr Miss Moran had been reviewing artificial trees from a company who specialise in large outdoor trees. The cost for a 25ft tree, mounted on a steel frame, would be approximately £4200, which, although being a large initial outlay, was cheaper over a 10 year period than purchasing a real tree. There would also be environmental benefits. Cllr Brookes reminded members that the cost of the tree falls under the Planning and Highways committee remit, and suggested that if the Amenities committee would like to deal with the purchase of the tree then it should go to Full Council for approval. Members felt, however, that the tree fell under the remit of the Amenities and Open spaces committee. It was then proposed by Cllr Yarham and RESOLVED unanimously that the purchase of the Christmas tree and associated costs should be passed to the Amenities committee. Cllr Miss Moran will forward members details of the artificial tree, and Cllr Broughton will obtain details of the costs of the real tree. The clerk informed members that there is one year left on the current lighting contract, so the arrangements for lights for Christmas 2021, including the lights for the tree, are already in place.
62. For members to consider any issues raised in the public session
There were none.
There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for attending and the meeting was closed at 7.56pm.
The next scheduled meeting of the Amenities and Open Spaces Committee will take place on Wednesday 17th March 2021.