FC March 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Market Deeping Town Council
Wednesday 8 March 2023 at 7.30pm at the Town Hall, Market Deeping
Cllr Lester (Chair)
Cllr Hughes
Cllr Dr Byrd
Cllr Wey
Cllr Shelton
Cllr Broughton
Cllr Mrs Jones
Cllr Mumby
Cllr Mrs Redshaw
Cllr Miss Collins
Cllr Brookes
The Clerk and Deputy Clerk were also in attendance.
Cllr Lester welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Residents reported anti-social behaviour and graffiti which has been taking place. This has been reported via 101 to the Police. A discussion took place regarding the need to report via 101 so that the PCSOs are able to prioritise the issue. A suggestion was made that this could be discussed at the Annual Town meeting.
A resident highlighted the efforts being made to fund a new Leisure centre for the Deepings. The group have set up a Facebook group and there is a video which is available to watch of their recent meeting. They are approaching businesses and the Councils for funding. They intend to ask Town and Parish Councils to pledge £2/£3 per resident. The Committee have a business plan and intend to be self-funding in the future.
The resident asked to attend the Annual Town meeting and this was agreed.
Cllr Baxter handed everyone a report on the Deepings Leisure Centre, LCC and SKDC budget meetings.
Cllr Broughton reported attending a licensing meeting, a drainage board meeting and has fitted a new hand drier at the Town Hall.
163. Chairman’s Welcome & Introductions
Cllr Lester welcomed members to the meeting at 7.50pm.
164. To note apologies and accept valid reason for Absence
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Mrs Sked and Cllr Neilson.
165. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
There were no declarations of interest.
166. Acceptance of minutes of a meeting held on 8 February 2023
Cllr Lester asked members if they were to accept the minutes of the meeting of 8 February 2023. It was RESOLVED with one abstention to accept the notes of the meeting as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes.
167. Reports: Including reports from Committees and working groups: Planning and Highways, DNP, Amenities and Open Spaces, Town Hall and Cemetery, Finance and Personnel, Mayor’s diary
and the Clerk’s report
Planning and Highways
The Lincs County Council highways officer is meeting with the Councillors on 16th March at 10am to discuss outstanding issues.
Cllr Mrs Redshaw stated that the Pilgrim’s Cross cannot be moved but can be tidied up. The Deputy Clerk stated that it was on the agenda.
Deepings Neighbourhood Plan (DNP)
Cllr Shelton reported the following:
• The DNP has responded regarding the New River Retail amendments. The DNP support the application in principle.
• Access needs to be formalised from High Street
• DNP have received a presentation by SKDC’s principal design officer to highlight changes in design codes.
Town Hall and Cemetery
Cllr Broughton reported that a new cleaner had been appointed.
Amenities and Open Spaces
Cllr Broughton reported that AOS had resolved to obtain quotes for additional accessible play equipment for the park at John Eve and to expand the area by expanding the fencing.
Cllr Broughton explained that the AOS Committee had previously resolved unanimously to purchase a replacement truck. It was explained that the current truck has a double cab which means that the back area is only 5ft. The new truck has a single cab which gives an 8ft useable area for carrying equipment. The Council has been offered £10,000 in part exchange for the old truck. Ear Marked Reserves of £23,250 are available to purchase a new vehicle. The cost of the truck will be £18,139 (net).
It was proposed by Councillor Wey and seconded by Councillor Broughton and RESOLVED with 9 in favour and 2 against to purchase a new truck.
Finance and Personnel
There was nothing to report.
Mayoral Diary
The Mayor met a local 7-year-old and gave him an introduction into the role of the Town Council and Mayor.
The Mayor showed a local Scout group around the Town Hall and held a mock Town Council meeting
The Deputy Mayor has attended an SKDC Race night in Bourne, money raised went to Lincs Air Ambulance.
Clerk’s Report – 8 March 2023
Preparations are being made for the end of year closedown which will take place via Teams in May. |
An assistant Clerk started in the office 2.3.23 and will be working 9 hours each week for an initial 12-week period. There is an extra desk in the office to accommodate her and the laptop is being utilised with a keyboard and monitor. |
The Clerk, Deputy Clerk and assistant Clerk attended election training organised by SKDC in Bourne on Monday 27th February between 6 and 8 pm. |
The fire extinguishers in the office and Park keeper’s shed have all been tested. |
A cleaner has been appointed for the Town Hall. Attendance will likely be once a month but this will be reviewed after the current lack of cleanliness has been addressed. |
168. Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon
Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 8 March 2023 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1. |
Lives |
14.2.23 |
Quarterly guardianship report |
Noted |
2. |
Rotary Club of The Deepings |
14.2.23 |
Thank you for £500 Grant aid to cover Grimethorpe losses |
Noted |
3. |
Rev’d George |
14.2.23 |
Update re Remembrance parade 2023 |
Noted |
4. |
9.2.23 |
Tourism Venues Networking meeting 28.2.23 2-4pm@Bourne Corn exchange |
Noted |
5. |
14.2.23 |
National Lottery Community Funding |
Noted |
6. |
21.2.23 |
Shared Prosperity Funding Opportunity |
Noted |
7. |
20.2.23 |
Community Ownership Funding |
Noted |
8. |
20.2.23 |
eNews 20.2.23 |
Noted |
9. |
24.2.23 |
YMCA Lincolnshire News & Updates Bulletin - January/February 2023 |
Noted |
10. |
Healthwatch Lincolnshire |
24.2.23 |
Healthwatch Lincolnshire eNews |
Noted |
11. |
Rev’d George |
28.2.23 |
Coronation service 10am on Sunday 7.5.23 |
Noted |
12 |
28.2.23 |
eNews 27.2.23 |
Noted |
13. |
Lions |
02.3.23 |
Email from Lions to SKDC re wildflower meadow |
Noted |
14. |
03.03.23 |
Civility and Respect newsletter |
Noted |
15. |
27.2.23 |
LALC meeting on 16.3.23. |
Noted |
16. |
Grassroots football |
25.2.23 |
Photo and thanks |
Noted |
Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 8 March 2023 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1. |
28.02.2023 |
Website Maintenance Service 2023/24 |
It was RESOLVED to continue subscribing to this service at a cost of £340 plus VAT for 20 hours service. The Clerk pointed out that an extra 5 hours had been used in 2022/23. |
2. |
Pam Steele |
07.03.23 |
Friends of Mill Field |
It was RESOLVED to instruct the Clerk to inform Resident that MDTC are fully in support but point out that as a consultee in the planning process they have no right to veto planning applications. |
3. |
Deepings Lions |
07.03.23 |
Phone box adoption |
It was RESOLVED for the Clerk to remind the Lions that we are in support of their telephone kiosk adoption. |
169. Council Finances:
a) Income & Expenditure by Cost Centre
Members had received a copy of the Omega report prior to the meeting. Cllr Lester asked if there were any further questions. There were none.
b) Accounts to be paid
It was RESOLVED unanimously that the council pay its bills for February 2023. See appendix A.
c) Review of Council finances to 28.2.23
Members had received a copy of the council finances prior to the meeting. Cllr Lester asked if there were any further questions. There were none.
170. For members to consider the engraving of Mayoral chains and a new chain
It was RESOLVED to obtain quotes for regilding the existing chain and buy an additional chain. Additional names need to be added so that past Mayors are recorded and brass plaques need to be updated underneath photos in the Chambers. The Clerks were asked to bring three quotes to the next meeting and funds to pay for items will be taken from EMRs.
The plaques on the walls in the chambers are to also be updated,
171. For members to ratify an alternative memorial stone for cremated remains area of the Cemetery
It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the recommendations of the Town Hall and Cemetery committee which will allow residents to purchase a small either single or double desktop wedge type memorial plaque with posy holder in the Flat plaque cremated remains area of the cemetery. The existing flat plaques would still be available if people prefer those. The existing policies and pricelists will need amending.
172. Forthcoming election of Councillors briefing on timescales etc
The Clerk briefed the Councilors that the Period for delivery of nomination papers (and withdrawal of nominations) was Monday 20th March to 4pm on Tuesday 4th April 2023. The completed nomination forms need to be delivered by hand to South Kesteven House, St Peter’s Hill, Grantham, NG31 6PY. Appointments need to be made with the elections team by calling 01476 406080 or by emailing nominations@southkesteven.gov.uk . Appointments will be available from 10am until 4pm. Candidates are advised not to leave delivery of nomination until the last minute.
173. Forthcoming events; Commonwealth Day 13th March, Annual Town meeting 18th April and Coronation 6th – 8th May
Commonwealth Day – 13th March 2023 – 10am
The Rev’d George and Nigel Bacon are attending and Cllr Redshaw offered to make teas and coffees for any attendees.
Annual Town meeting – 18th April 2023
A discussion took place about speakers for the Annual Town meeting. The Clerk confirmed that The Deeping’s Mens group will be attendee and giving a presentation on their work. They will be presented with a cheque on the evening.
Cllr Shelton reported that both Aldi and The Deepings practice have declined our invitation to attend.
The Clerk was requested to invite the Citizen’s Advice Bureau to attend to talk about their work.
Coronation weekend - 6,7,8th May 2023
A discussion took place regarding celebrations for the Coronation of King Charles lll.
There will be music on the Riverside Park in the afternoon of 6th May 2023. A golden weeping willow tree has been purchased to be planted on Riverside Park.
The Motorcade on Sunday 7th May 2023 will take the same route as before. Cllr Dr Byrd has purchased hand-held flags to be waved along the route at slowing down spots.
It was agreed to purchase 50 lamppost signs and 250m of Union Jack bunting from Royal British Legion Industries.
The Heritage group would like to use the Town Hall Chambers for a historic display on Sunday 7 May 2023.
A discussion took place regarding potential commemorative gifts for school children. It was RESOLVED to purchase bonded leather book marks for Primary school children at William Hildyard and Market Deeping County Primary school children.
A children’s decorated bike competition was also suggested.
174. For members to consider and discuss any points raised in the public session
A discussion took place regarding anti-social behaviour and the importance of reporting was
reiterated. Cllr Sked is inviting the Police to attend The Annual Town Meeting.
The amount requested in support of The Deepings Leisure Centre is to put on the agenda for the Full
Council meeting in June.
175. Personnel Matters: Consideration to go into Closed Session to discuss: Staff Issues
There were none.
176.To consider items for inclusion on the agenda items for next meeting of the Town Council, to be held at The Town Hall, Market Deeping on 12 April 2023.
There were none.
There being no other business Cllr Lester thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting was declared closed at 9.20 pm.
The next scheduled meeting of the Full Council will be held on Wednesday 12 April 2023 at 7.30pm in the Town Hall, Market Place, Market Deeping.