FC November 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Market Deeping Town Council held on Wednesday 8 November 2023 at 7.30pm at the Town Hall, Market Deeping.
Cllr Broughton
Cllr Miss Collins
Cllr Dr Byrd
Cllr Shelton
Cllr Mrs Jones
Cllr Mrs Sked
Cllr Mrs Steel
Cllr Mrs Cook
Cllr Hanson
Cllr Wey
Cllr Neilson
The Clerk and Deputy Clerk were also in attendance.
At 7.30pm Cllr Broughton welcomed everyone to the meeting
The Open Session commenced:
Two members of Deeping Youth Group were in attendance, to support their request for Precepted funds in support of the group in 2024/25. They answered questions from Councillors.
Cllr Byrd reported the following:
• Attended SKDC development sessions on homelessness. Refer any cases to Cllr Byrd.
• Attended a session on Section 106 monies which are not always distributed. There is an intention to tighten this up.
• Attended a planning Committee meeting which approved the Deepings Library application.
At 7.35pm Cllr Neilson arrived.
103. Chairman’s Welcome & Introductions
Cllr Broughton asked whether members wished to close the open session and open the meeting. It was unanimously RESOLVED to open the meeting.
Cllr Broughton welcomed members to the meeting at 7.41 pm
104. To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence
Cllr Hughes and Cllr Ms Reed sent apologies prior to the meeting and these were accepted.
105. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Mrs Sked, Cllr Dr Byrd, Cllr Hanson and Cllr Shelton made a Declaration of interest in Agenda item 10 regarding the library precept.
Cllr Miss Collins made a Declaration of interest in Agenda item 9 the Youth Group precept.
106. Acceptance of the minutes of a meeting held on 11 October 2023
Cllr Broughton asked members if they were to accept the minutes of the meeting of 11 October 2023. It was RESOLVED with 1 abstention to accept the minutes of the meeting as a true and accurate record. The chairman signed the minutes.
107. Reports: Including reports from Committees: Planning and Highways, Deepings Neighbourhood plan, Amenities and Open spaces, Town Hall and Cemetery, Finance and Personnel, Mayor’s report and the Clerk’s report.
Planning & Highways
Cllr Dr Byrd reported the following:
A speed indicator location on Towngate East is being researched.
Cllr Steel is going to carry out research in to double yellow lines on Dovecote Road.
The Precept figures for 2024/5 have been agreed.
Deepings Neighbourhood Plan (DNP)
Cllr Dr Byrd reported the following:
• A Company has been appointed to produce 2 products which are a design code and a housing development masterplan.
• A meeting took place with SKDC Planning officers
• Allison Homes wish to discuss pipeline projects
Cllr Shelton arrived at 7.50 pm.
Town Hall and Cemetery
Sanctum fees have been updated and the Cemetery booklet has been updated.
The Precept figures for both Committees for 2024/5 have been agreed.
Amenities and Open Spaces
Cllr Broughton reported the following:
A winter work programme has been agreed for the Park Keepers, who will also be covering the work of the Cemetery Keeper.
Market Deeping Town Council were runners up in SKDC’s Urban Spaces Award and there is a large plaque to be placed.
The Precept figures for 2024/5 have been agreed.
Finance and Personnel
Staffing matters to be discussed in closed session.
Mayoral Diary
The mayor attended the SKDC Community Award night. Market Deeping Town Council were runners up in the Urban Spaces Award and were presented with a large plaque.
The Mayor attended Deepings Camera Club Annual exhibition.
The Mayor is attending the Opening of the Remembrance Gardens.
Clerk’s Report – 8 November 2023
The Opening and Closing of the Remembrance Gardens was held on 5th November 2023 at 3pm. The Closing service will take place on 19th November. An advertisement has been placed in the Advertiser, Town Council website and on our Facebook page. |
New play equipment is installed. The final fencing work and repaired gate has been fitted. |
We have received an award as Runner up in the Urban awards at SKDC Community Awards celebration event at Bourne Corn Exchange on 27 October 2023 at 7pm. |
The new clock controller has been fitted. The clock is still losing time and may need to be repaired. It was suggested that a digital clock could be considered. Options are to be explored to get it repaired. |
Sponsorship and raffle prizes are needed for the Christmas market. A meeting will be held next week to take this forward. |
The glass in the window at the Town Hall has been taken away to be repaired and boarding has been put in its place. |
The defibrillator was used by Ambulance Service in Bourne and not replaced. LIVES Service are still trying to locate it. |
The Christmas market has reached full capacity for indoor stalls and the entertainment schedule is filling up nicely. A card reader has been obtained from Barclays for taking electronic payments. |
Gray’s Fair visited and the field was left in good condition. |
The lamp post poppies are all in place and Riverside Park is Remembrance ready. |
The hanging baskets are still looking good. |
108. Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon
Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 8 November 2023 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1. |
12.10.23 |
Lincolnshire Comm. Foundation Household Support funding in South Kesteven |
Noted |
2. |
The Deeping’s Lions |
17.10.23 |
Big Duck Lucky’s 2024 calendar |
Noted |
3. |
13.10.23 |
eNews to 13.10.23 |
Noted |
4. |
20.10.23 |
Bins are changing in SKDC |
Noted |
5. |
Resident |
22.10.23 |
The Deepings school behaviour and conduct |
Noted |
5. |
31.10.23 |
New guidance for Street Naming and Numbering process |
Noted |
6. |
31.10.23 |
Town and parish council newsletter October 2023 |
Noted |
8. |
27.10.23 |
eNews to 27.10.23 |
Noted |
9. |
Lincs Police |
1.11.23 |
Parish Council Engagement Session - North and South Kesteven - 7th December 2023 |
Noted |
10. |
Deepings Library |
3.11.23 |
Invitation to attend talk 9.11.23 |
Noted |
11. |
Deepings Literary Festival |
3.11.23 |
Thank you for the donation |
Noted |
Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 8 November 2023 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1. |
Patient Part. Group |
24.10.23 |
Attendance at meeting 14.11.23 and request for concerns/questions |
There were 2 volunteers to attend. |
2. |
Lincs Police |
18.10.23 |
NSK Policing Priority form – due 4.12.23 |
Priorities identified as follows: Drugs, ASB, Knives, Youngsters cycling without lights. |
3. |
Deepings Leisure Centre Group |
20.10.23 |
Further information regarding Deepings Leisure Centre |
A meeting to be held in due course. |
3. |
30.10.23 |
Meeting took place 6.11.23 |
4. |
DSJ Parish Council |
31.10.23 |
Request for joint meeting regarding the health Centre |
A meeting to be arranged possibly on 11.12.23 |
5. |
24.10.23 |
Lincs Resilience Forum – Emergency planning |
Clerks to obtain supplies of sand and bags. |
7. |
Raft race committee |
2.11.23 |
Raft race meeting. Volunteers needed. |
Noted. |
109. Council Finances
a) Income and expenditure by cost centre
Members had received a copy of the Council Finances and Omega report prior to the meeting. Cllr Broughton asked if there were any questions. There were none.
b) Accounts to be paid for November
It was RESOLVED unanimously that the council pay its bills for November 2023. See appendix A.
c) For members to review Council Finances to 31 October 2023
It was noted that the Council Finances are in order.
d) Review of the Town Council’s expenditure incurred under S137 of the Local Government Act 1972 and
It was RESOLVED unanimously that the amounts incurred under S137 were in order.
e) For members to receive and accept the internal auditor’s report
It was RESOLVED to accept the internal auditor’s report
f) For members to review EMRs
The Clerk explained the October spending from EMRs in respect:
EMR 338 Play Equipment - £19951 new play equipment and £1950 phase 3 fencing.
This reduces balance to £10,429
EMR 342 Volunteer Event - £400 – Civic expenses £16
EMR 343 – Grounds Maintenance AOS - £1854 – BMX – Track repairs
This reduces balance to £2047
EMR 345 – BMX Track - £5500 BMX track repairs
This reduces the balance to £0
It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the EMRs as correct.
110. For members to consider precept planning 2024/5
It was RESOLVED to accept the Precepted figures for 2024/25 from the Town Hall and cemetery, Planning and Highway and Amenities and Open spaces Committees.
The administration budget will be discussed by the Finance and Personnel Committee on 11 December 2023.
111. For members to consider Precept request from Deeping Youth group
A discussion took place. It was RESOLVED with 1 abstention to precept for £6,000 for the Deeping Youth Group for 2024/25.
112. For members to consider Precept request Deepings Library
It was RESOLVED unanimously to precept for £7,000 for the Deepings Library for 2024/25.
113. For members to consider Remembrance events, Celebration and Christmas Events for 2023
The Clerk reminded members who had said they were attending the remembrance parade on Sunday 12 November 2023. She will issue an email with timings.
Cllr Shelton had no updates he will report at the next meeting.
Christmas tree festival
It is hoped that the Christmas Tree Festival is to continue this year.
Cllr Nielson said he would cover for 4/5 hours
Cllr Mrs Steel said she would cover for 1 hour
Cllr Shelton said he would cover 1 hour
and Cllr Broughton said he would cover 2 hours.
Cllr Neilson left at 9.10pm.
Christmas Market
• Christmas Market indoor pitches have sold out, there are still outdoor pitches availability.
• A request was made for Tombola items.
• Raffle tickets will be issued to Cllrs to sell shortly. Any unused tickets are to be returned to the office.
• The Christmas tree will be being put up on 19/20th November and lights later in the week.
• Raffle prizes have been donated by local businesses and more are being sought.
• The raffle will be drawn at 4pm.
• Street entertainers are being provided by SKDC and tote bags will be given out.
• A card reader has been obtained. The Clerk needs to obtain a mobile phone to operate it with.
• 3 Councillors volunteered to sell raffle tickets.
Carols around the tree
A Christmas Tree has been identified and a date has been agreed Thursday 21 December at 6.30 pm.
114. For members to consider and discuss any points raised in the public session
There were none.
115. Confidential/Personnel Matters: Consideration to go into Closed session to discuss:
Staff issues
A staffing issue was discussed.
It was RESOLVED that to come out of close session.
116. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda items for next meeting of the Town Council, to be held at The Town Hall, Market Deeping on 14 December 2023.
The Chairman thanked all members for attending and declared the meeting closed at 9.15 pm. The next scheduled meeting of the Full Council will be held on Wednesday 14 December 2023.