FC February 2023 Minutes

Market Deeping Town Council
Town Hall
Market Place
Market Deeping
Telephone: 01778 343170
Email: townclerk@marketdeeping-tc.gov.uk
Town Clerk: Mrs Gail Darnes
Wednesday 8 February 2023 at 7.30pm At the Town Hall, Market Deeping
Cllr Lester (Chair)
Cllr Mrs Sked
Cllr Dr Byrd
Cllr Wey
Cllr Shelton
Cllr Broughton
Cllr Mrs Jones
Cllr Neilson
Cllr Mrs Redshaw
The Clerk and Deputy Clerk were also in attendance.
Cllr Lester welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Cllr Broughton reported attending a licensing meeting and a Coronation Hall Committee meeting. He had also been helping with repair work at the library.
144. Chairman’s Welcome & Introductions
Cllr Lester welcomed members to the meeting.
145. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
There were no declarations of interest.
146. For members to consider the co-option of a new Councillor for Millfield Ward
Cllr Lester explained that there had been one applicant for the vacancy of Councillor. It was unanimously RESOLVED to co-opt Mr. Richard Hughes as a Councillor for the Millfield Ward. Cllr Lester invited Cllr Hughes to join the table.
147. To note apologies and accept valid reason for Absence
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Mumby, Cllr Miss Collins and Cllr Brookes.
148. Acceptance of minutes of a meeting held on 11 January 2023
Cllr Lester asked members if they were to accept the minutes of the meeting of 11 January 2023. It was RESOLVED with one abstention to accept the notes of the meeting as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes.
149. Reports: Including reports from Committees and working groups: Planning and Highways, DNP, Amenities and Open Spaces, Town Hall and Cemetery, Finance and Personnel, Mayor’s diary
and the Clerk’s report
Planning and Highways
Cllr Shelton reported that the Grass Cutting agreement was to be discussed at Agenda item 10.
Deepings Neighbourhood Plan (DNP)
Cllr Shelton stated that the DNP is now at the Implementation, monitoring and review stage. There are 24 projects currently being reviewed.
Amenities and Open Spaces
There was nothing to report.
Cllr Hughes said how lovely the Christmas tree and lights had looked in 2022 and thanked Cllr Broughton for donating the tree.
Town Hall and Cemetery
There was nothing to report.
Finance and Personnel
It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the recommendations made by the Finance and Personnel committee at their meeting on 11 January 2023.
Mayoral Diary
The Mayor has not attended any events
The Deputy Mayor has attended:
The Mayor has not attended any events
Clerk’s Report – 8 February
The Precept request for 2023/24 has been submitted to SKDC which equates to a 0% increase in the amount requested from SKDC in respect of the provision of services in Market Deeping |
Cllr Lester thanked all Committees for their hard work ensuring that there were no increases in the amount requested from residents |
The Clerk and Deputy Clerk will be attending election training organised by SKDC in Bourne on Monday 27 February between 6 and 8 pm. |
Noted |
150. Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon
Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 8 February 2023 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1. |
SKDC (Deputy monitoring Officer) |
13.1.23 |
Drop-in sessions – model Code of Contact meetings The Deepings - 31.1.23 6pm |
Noted. Attended by Cllr Sked |
2. |
16.1.23 |
LALC eNews 16.1.23 |
Noted. |
3. |
18.1.23 |
NALC newsletter |
Noted. |
4. |
Rural Services network |
17.1.23 |
Rural cost of living survey |
Noted. |
5. |
11.1.23 |
Goodbye and thank you |
Noted. |
6. |
20.1.22 |
How to be a Councillor |
Noted. |
7. |
20.01.23 |
Chief Executive’s bulletin |
Noted. |
8. |
23.01.23 |
LALC e-news 23.01.23 |
Noted. |
9. |
24.01.23 |
NALC events |
Noted. |
10. |
Mayor of Peterborough City Council |
24.01.23 |
Invite to Snowdrop Day – Sunday 19th February 2023 |
Noted. |
11. |
25.01.23 |
NALC newsletter |
Noted. |
12. |
27.01.23 |
Chief Executive’s Bulletin |
Noted. |
13. |
27.01.23 |
Temporary Traffic Restriction – Road Closure Order – Godsey Lane (Between Towngate East & John Eve Roundabout) Period of Restriction 27.02.23 – 10.03.23, 18:00 to 23:59 |
Noted. |
14. |
30.01.23 |
LALC e-news 30.01.23 |
Noted. |
15. |
Deepings Leisure Centre Community group |
3.2.23 |
Invitation to meeting 27.2.23 |
Noted. Cllrs Shelton, Sked and Nielsen asked to be added to the list of attendees. |
16. |
6.2.23 |
Report for February 2023 |
Noted. |
17. |
6.2.23 |
LALC e-news 06.02.23 |
Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 8 February 2023 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1. |
Deeping St James United Charities |
19.1.23 |
Request for partnership working to provide Citizens Advice for the residents of The Deepings |
It was felt that more information was needed but Cllrs were interested in supporting this project. The Clerk is to obtain more information. |
I |
Finding fitness |
20.1.23 |
Funding help for equipment on John Eve Park |
It was RESOLVED to refer this to AOS committee for their consideration. |
3. |
The Deepings Lions Club |
23.01.23 |
Request to seek Council’s support for a wildflower meadow in Market Deeping and Deeping St James |
The Councillors are happy to support the Lion’s request to Lincolnshire County Council. |
4. |
Mayor’s Office, SKDC |
24.01.23 |
Enquiry to see if the Town Council will be holding any Coronation celebrations. |
Noted. |
151. Council Finances:
a) Income & Expenditure by Cost Centre
Members had received a copy of the Omega report prior to the meeting. Cllr Lester asked if there were any further questions. There were none.
b) Accounts to be paid
It was RESOLVED unanimously that the council pay its bills for February 2023. See appendix A.
c) Review of Council finances to 31.1.23
Members had received a copy of the council finances prior to the meeting. Cllr Lester asked if there were any further questions. There were none.
152. For members to consider the Town Christmas tree lights agreement 2023-2027
It was RESOLVED to accept the quote for Christmas lights for 2023-2027. Cllr Broughton reported that a potential tree had been found for 2023.
153. For members to consider the grass cutting agreement with EnvironmentSK for 2023/4
It was RESOLVED to accept quotes for 2023/4 but Councillors wish to go out to tender for 2024/5. The Clerks are to liaise with DSJ Parish Council.
154. For members to consider the date for Annual Town meeting
It was RESOLVED that 18th April 2023 was to be the date for the Annual Town meeting between 7 and 9 pm. The Clerks were instructed to book The Green School.
Cllr Mrs Sked offered to help with refreshments.
155. For members to consider changing the date of the Annual council meeting from 10.5.23 to 17.5.23 due to elections taking place on 4th May 2023
It was RESOLVED to change the date of the Annual Council meeting to 17 May 2023 due to election of new Councillors taking place on 4 May 2023.
156. For members to consider allocating responsibility for organising events to a committee
It was RESOLVED to put this on the agenda for the Council meeting on 17 May 2023.
157. For members to consider arrangements for forthcoming events: Commonwealth Day Monday 13th March, Annual Town meeting and Coronation Weekend 6,7,8th May
Commonwealth Day – 13th March 2023
Cllr Redshaw offered to make teas and coffees for any attendees.
Annual Town meeting – 18th April 2023
A discussion took place about potential speakers for the Annual Town meeting.
Coronation weekend - 6,7,8th May 2023
A discussion took place regarding celebrations for the Coronation of King Charles lll.
It was decided to hold a Motorcade on Sunday 7th May 2023. It was agreed to decorate the streets with lamppost signs and to hold a best dressed window competition.
The Heritage group would like to use the Town Hall Chambers for a historic display on Monday 8th May 2023.
A discussion took place regarding potential commemorative gifts for school children.
It was RESOLVED that there should be a budget of up to £5,000 and that decisions could be made by Cllr Dr Byrd in conjunction with the Clerks. There will be a weeping willow tree planted on Riverside Park.
The Clerk was asked to include the Coronation on the next agenda as an item for discussion.
158. For members to consider adoption of a public bench
Stamford, The Deepings and Bourne rambler’s association have donated a bench which they would like to be located on Godsey Lane outside the Health Centre.
It was RESOLVED for MDTC to adopt and maintain the bench after permission has been sought by the Planning and Highways Committee from either SKDC or LCC.
The bench is to be placed on the AOS committee agenda. Cllr Broughton agreed to fit the plaque to the bench.
159. For members to consider the application for Grant aid from Rotary
It was RESOLVED to give £500 grant aid to The Deepings Rotary towards the losses made on the Grimethorpe Colliery Band evening.
160. For members to consider and discuss any points raised in the public session
There were none.
161. Personnel Matters: Consideration to go into Closed Session to discuss: Staff Issues
A discussion took place regarding staff issues.
162. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda items for next meeting of the Town Council, to be held at The Town Hall, Market Deeping on 8 March 2023.
Cllr Mrs Redshaw asked for Pilgrim’s Cross to be placed on the next agenda. It was recommended that this be placed on the agenda for the next Planning and Highway’s committee meeting on 1st March 2023.
There being no other business Cllr Lester thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting was declared closed at 9.05 pm.
The next scheduled meeting of the Full Council will be held on Wednesday 8 March 2023 at 7.30pm in the Town Hall, Market Place, Market Deeping.