December 2020 Agenda

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Notice is hereby given that a meeting of Market Deeping Town Council will be held on Wednesday 9th December 2020 at 7.30pm.


Zoom Code: 842 6695 9065 Password: 314107

The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda below

There will be an Open Session prior to the full council meeting, commencing at 7.30pm lasting for a maximum of 30 minutes, where members of the public are invited to address the Town Council. This will include five minute reports from any County/District Councillors. The full council meeting will commence at 8.00pm or at the closure of the public forum, whichever is the sooner.



1. Chairman’s Welcome & Introductions

2. Apologies for Absence

3. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

4. Acceptance of minutes of a meeting held on 11th November 2020

5. Reports: Including reports from Deepings First, Committees (Planning and Highways, Amenities and Open Spaces, Town Hall and Cemetery, Finance and Personnel), Mayor’s Diary, the Clerk

6. Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon

7. Council Finances

a) Income & Expenditure by Cost Centre

b) Accounts to be paid

c) Precept planning 2021/22 to include Grant aid provision for the library, youth group and

d) interactive speed sign provision: for members to ratify the decision of the Planning and Highways committee to take £4000 (no longer required for grass cutting provision) from Ear Marked Reserves during the current financial year 2020/21 and to adjust the precept for 2021/22 to £2000

e) Ratification of the precept request as agreed by the Finance and Personnel committee at their meeting of 25th November, subject to any alterations as agreed in c) & d) above.

8. Grant aid: Deeping St James signal box group

9. For members to receive an update on the Persimmon Homes transfer of allotment and other land

10. For members to receive an update on Digital Council

11. Forthcoming events: For members to consider arrangements for Carols Round the Tree

12. For members to consider and discuss any points raised in the public session

13. Personnel Matters: Consideration to go into Closed Session to discuss: Staff issues