FC October 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Market Deeping Town Council
Held on Wednesday 9 October at 7.30pm
At the Town Hall, Market Deeping

Present:    Cllr Dr Byrd                                      Cllr Miss Collins
    Cllr Broughton                Cllr Mrs Sked                
    Cllr Wey                 Cllr Mrs Steel
    Cllr Neilson                Cllr Guerge                
    Cllr Mr Piper                Cllr Hanson
    Cllr Mrs Jones                Cllr Hughes


The Clerk and Deputy Clerk were also in attendance.
Cllr Baxter attended representing SKDC and LCC.

Cllr Dr Byrd opened the meeting at 7:30pm.

Cllr Baxter reported the following:

•    A Parish forum was held at the Open Door Church, Deeping St James.  Another forum is being held next week in Bourne.

Cllr Wey arrived at 7:32pm.

•    A slurry seal has been used to resurface pavements.  There have been issues like grass growing through and water meters being covered. These have been reported to LCC.

•    A meeting was held regarding the issues at The Deepings School.  Staff held strikes due to poor behaviour, workload and management practices.

•    Deepings Leisure Centre – a further meeting is due to take place after the Autumn budget which takes place at the end of October.

•    SKDC Today is now available electronically.  Councillors were encouraged to sign up to receive information.

•    There will be an artist (funded by UK Shared Prosperity Funding) working with residents to produce a piece of art for display in The Deepings.

•    West Deeping quarry – a planning application is expected from Breedon.

•    The local Plan – SKDC may be requested by The Government to build more houses than the 600 already planned.

•    Cllr Baxter said that “KFE corner” on Northfields Industrial Estate was known to be an issue and this will be treated as a priority.

Queries from Councillors were raised as follows:

•    2024-5 increase in green bin increased charges – Cllr Baxter explained that the cost of bins increased from £49 to £51.  He stated that the cost of additional bins used to be discounted but these now call cost the same.

•    The potholes on Halfleet outside the Coronation Hall were discussed.  Cllr Baxter agreed that they were in need of repair and will continue to request that they are repaired.

Cllr Mrs Jones arrived at 7:45pm.

•    Cllr     Steel mentioned Millfield.  Cllr Baxter said there were lots of alternative places to build houses in the Deepings but this would depend on Government directives regarding numbers going forward .

•    Cllr Piper asked if Market Deeping Town Council could employ Contractors to fill potholes, which has been done in Devon.  Cllr Baxter said he thought this would be illegal but would carry out further research.

Cllr Byrd (SKDC) reported that the Standards Committee at SKDC were finding instances of inappropriate behaviour on Facebook and other social media platforms. She stated that Councillors need to be really mindful of their responsibilities as Councillors.
Cllr Neilson said that MDTC’s standing orders do not cover actions on social media.  Cllr Dr Byrd stated that Cllrs could be reported to the monitoring Officer.

There being no further business the public session was closed.  

93.    Chairman’s Welcome & Introductions

Cllr Dr Byrd again welcomed members to the meeting at 7.55pm.

94.    To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence
There were apologies for absence from Cllr Ms Reed and this was accepted.

95.    Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 

Cllr Miss Collins declared an interest in the Youth Club of which she is a trustee.  The book was completed accordingly.

96.  Acceptance of the minutes of a meeting held on 11th September 2024 

Cllr Dr Byrd asked members if they were to accept the minutes of the meeting of 11th September 2024.  It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes of the meeting as a true and accurate record.   The Chairman signed the minutes.

97.    Reports: Including reports from Committees: Planning and Highways, DNP, AOS, Town Hall & Cemetery, Finance & Personnel, Mayor’s diary and the Clerk’s report

Planning and Highways

Cllr Byrd reported that there were no updates.

Deeping Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Dr Byrd reported that work was being undertaken with SUSTRANS on a cycling and walking infra structure plan for The Deepings.

Finance and Personnel

There was a meeting this afternoon.  The Precept for 2025/26 was discussed and this will be picked up later on the agenda.       

Amenities and Open Spaces
Cllr Broughton thanked Cllr Piper for helping to fit the defibrillator at The Green School.
It was requested that a defibrillator was purchased for the John Eve Field.

Cllr Baxter left at 8:20pm

                                                      Mayoral Diary

The mayor attended the AGE Concern AGM at the Green School at 7pm on 16th September 2024
The mayor attended a Sausage Supper and opening of the fair at Peterborough City Council on Thursday 26th September 2024
The mayor attended South Holland District Council’s Civic Service at All Saint’s Church Morton on Sunday 29th September 2024.
The mayor attended the SKDC Chairman’s Civic Service at Bourne Abbey Church on Sunday 6th October 2024. 

Deputy Mayor 

Clerk’s Report – 9 October 2024

 Plans to organise the Christmas market are well underway.


The old photocopier has finally been collected.


Invitations have been sent out to the Opening and closing of the Remembrance Gardens on the 3rd and 17th November 2024.  The Community Centre has been booked for refreshments.


The Park keepers have attended a First Aid course.


An enquiry has been made regarding booking The Coronation Hall for the Mayor’s Civic Dinner on 26th April 2025.  It was explained that this was chosen by Cllr Dr Byrd as it is a local venue.


A meeting took place regarding the gate at Cross Road Market Deeping attended by Cllr Byrd and Phil Dilks and representative from LCC.


98.    Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon

Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 9 October 2024





Received from

Date Received


Committee Response





Safety and Security of Locally elected Officials






Recycling of batteries






Enews to 24.9.24 and training bulletin






Town and parish council newsletter September 2024




Environment Agency


Maxey Cut Bushing and Tree Maintenance project




Rural services Network


Rural Services Bulletin




Citizen’s Advice South Lincs


Working Together Stakeholder Workshop 12.11.24




Andrew Bowell


RE £1m Police funding received




Andrew Bowell


Minutes from last week’s Policing meeting




Rural services Network


Rural Services Bulletin






PSPO Cross Road






eNews to 4.10.24



Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 9 October 2024





Received from

Date Received


Committee Response



DHSC Defib grant


Defibrillator available for £750


Thanks were offered to Cllr Piper for his electrical wiring on the Coronation Hall defibrillator.

A discussion took place regarding time limited match funding.  MDTC considered that 2 defibrillators could be purchased as we have voluntary donations of £1500.  The Clerk was asked to place on AOS agenda.



Coronation Hall


Consideration for help with costs for bee removal costs £3,150.00

A lengthy discussion took place. Urgent work is required for safe bee removal in the roof and walls, this will require scaffolding and is urgent.  Quotes have been obtained.  A proposal to pay £3150 was made by Cllr Mrs Sked and seconded by Cllr Neilson. A recorded vote was requested.

Votes in favour were:  Cllr Sked, Cllr Neilson, Cllr Hanson, Cllr Collins, Cllr Jones, Cllr Piper, Cllr Guerge, Cllr Steel

Votes against: Cllr Wey

Abstention: Cllr Hughes, Cllr Dr Byrd and Cllr Broughton

Cllr Hughes suggested the work could be carried out more cheaply he will forward contact details to the Clerk


Cllr Wey left at 8:25pm 

99.    Council Finances
a)  Income and expenditure by cost centre

Members had received a copy of the Council Finances and Omega report prior to the meeting. Cllr Dr Byrd asked if there were any questions.  There were none.

b) Accounts to be paid October 2024

It was RESOLVED that the council pay its’ bills for October 2024.  See appendix A.  Cllr Byrd pointed out that the grass cutting invoices had been paid and that a grass cut had taken place in September.
c) For members to review Council Finances to 30.9.24

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the report.

d) For members to review the Internal Auditor’s report for August 24

It was RESOLVED to accept the report and noted that the report said “Really good records held providing a good audit trail.”

e) For members to review EMRs and

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the EMRs at 30.9.24 as correct.

f) For members to review detailed income and expenditure to 30.9.24  

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the income and expenditure at 30.9.24 as correct.

100.    For members to receive an update regarding The Deeping’s Practice -PB

Cllr Byrd reported that DSJ and MDTC are trying to find a mutually convenient date to meet.

101.    For members to consider an update re an Air Ambulance coffee morning – JR

As Cllr Reed was not present it was agreed to carry the item forward to the next meeting.

102.    For members to receive an update on the Walk and Talk group – PS

Cllr Mrs Steel had researched the walking groups in the Deepings and reported that there are at least 4 different groups being held.  It was felt that there was a need for a walking group to be held at weekends.  Cllr Steel is happy to organise the Walk and Talk group and will report further at the November meeting.

103.    For members to consider a Volunteer Event – DJ

This was deferred to the next meeting. 

104.    For members to consider The Green Walk Wayfinding Project -PB

Cllr Dr Byrd proposed that delegated authority for taking the Wayfinding project forward be given to the DNP group.  This was seconded by Cllr Broughton and it was RESOLVED unanimously to allow the DNP to take the Wayfinding project forward.

105.    For members to consider a funding request from local Scouts

A discussion took place.  It was RESOLVED to invite the Scouts to the next Full Council meeting on 13th November to discuss their adventure, with a view to give them a contribution.

106.    For members to consider Precept funding for 2025/26

As agreed in the Finance and Personnel meeting earlier that day, it was proposed by Cllr Broughton and seconded by Cllr Dr Byrd and RESOLVED unanimously to not increase the precept from residents for 2025/26.

107.    For members to consider 2025/26 Precept request from Deeping Youth group

A discussion took place.  It was RESOLVED to defer the discussion to the next meeting and invite representatives on 13th November 2024. 

108.    For members to consider the S106 agreement

Cllr Dr Byrd read a letter sent by the Clerk to Double and Megson on 27th September 2024.  The title deed is not up to date and the play equipment is in need of repair.  As the original vote regarding the transfer took place in 2011 it was considered appropriate to seek the Councillors approval to continue with the transfer.  It was proposed by Cllr Broughton and Seconded by Cllr Hanson and RESOLVED unanimously to continue with the transfer of land between Persimmon and Market Deeping Town Council.

109.    For members to consider arrangements for forthcoming events: For members to consider Remembrance, Christmas events and Celebration event.

Remembrance events

Councillors gave a show of hands regarding attending the Remembrance Parade.

Christmas Market (1.12.24)

The Deputy Clerk outlined that there were 37 stalls booked in for the market.  The entertainment schedule is filling up.  
It is proposed to hold a Christmas bauble making and small face painting event for children in the Town Hall Chambers and a barrel train ride which will offer cheap rides for children.  

Celebration event

No further update available at this time.

110.    For members to discuss and consider any points raised in the public session

A discussion took place regarding an overgrown hedge.  It was stated that SKDC will take enforcement action if issues are reported to them. 

111.    Personnel Matters:  Consideration to go into Closed Session to discuss: 
There were no matters to discuss 

112.    To consider items for inclusion on the agenda items for next meeting of the Town Council, to be held at The Town Hall, Market Deeping on Wednesday 13 November 2024.

Cllr Piper reported attending a Deeping Community Police forum on 26.9.24 (minutes of which had been circulated as listed correspondence) and emphasised the need to report incidents to the Police via 101.  
Cllr Hughes reported a potential sponsor for the Funday Sunday of £1,500.

Agena items for the next meeting were CAB (Working Together Stakeholder Workshop 12.11.24 feedback -NN, Drs – PB, Precepting, Volunteer event, Scouts and Youth Group.

The Chairman thanked all members for attending and declared the meeting closed at 9.00 pm.  The next scheduled meeting of the Full Council will be held on Wednesday 13 November 2024.

Chairman’s signature........................................


 Attachments: Appendix A