FC September 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Market Deeping Town Council held on Wednesday 11th September 2024 at 7.30pm at the Town Hall, Market Deeping

    Cllr Dr Byrd                                      Cllr Miss Collins
    Cllr Broughton                Cllr Mrs Sked                
    Cllr Neilson                Cllr Mrs Steel
    Cllr Ms Reed                Cllr Guerge                
    Cllr Mr Piper                Cllr Hanson
    Cllr Mrs Jones

The Clerk and Deputy Clerk were also in attendance.

Cllr Baxter sent his apologies.

Cllr Dr Byrd reported that SKDC’S Local plan will be available in January 2025.

Cllr Dr Byrd was asked about the progress regarding the Deepings Leisure Centre.  Cllrs were referred to the “Saving the Deepings Leisure Centre” Facebook page for the latest information.

Cllr Dr Byrd reminded Cllrs to be mindful of the importance of using care when making comments, liking and sharing on Facebook.

There being no further business the public session was closed.  

75. Chairman’s Welcome & Introductions

Cllr Dr Byrd again welcomed members to the meeting at 7.35pm.

1.    To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence
There were apologies for absence from Cllr Hughes and these were accepted.

2.    Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 

There were none.

78.  Acceptance of the minutes of a meeting held on 10th July 2024 

Cllr Dr Byrd asked members if they were to accept the minutes of the meeting of 10th July 2024.  It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes of the meeting as a true and accurate record.   The Chairman signed the minutes.

79.    Reports: Including reports from Committees: Planning and Highways, DNP, AOS, Mayor’s diary and the Clerk’s report

Planning and Highways

Cllr Dr Byrd reported that a meeting took place with Deeping St James Parish Council and the contractor with regard to the grass cutting agreement.  The contractor reported that he had increased the work men in the area and all areas should now have been cut.  Cllrs were asked to look 

at the grass in the areas where they live.  The contract for next year will be discussed at the next Planning and Highways meeting on 2nd October 2024.

It was agreed that the work was now being done to a reasonable standard.

Deeping Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Dr Byrd reported that a housing needs assessment has been completed.  

Sustrans (a United Kingdom-based walking, wheeling and cycling charity, and the custodian of the National Cycle Network. Its flagship project is the National Cycle Network, which has created 12,763 miles of signed cycle routes) are working on a cycling infrastructure plan for the Deepings.

Joint shared prosperity funding of £30,000 has been received from SKDC for a green walk wayfinding project to include signage and benches.  The project is progressing and specific locations are being identified (within Market Deeping and Deeping St James). 


A piece of play equipment is to be replaced and Cemetery driveway signs have been agreed with residents.


Meetings were held in July and September.  All gravestones have been topple tested.

Finance and Personnel

£30,000 funding has been received from Shared Prosperity Funding by DNP for the wayfinding project.
Mayoral Diary

The Mayor opened St Guthlac’s Church Fete Saturday 13th July 2024.
At an Inner Wheel meeting on 4th September 2024 Cllr Dr Byrd was presented with cheque for £500 towards a defibrillator on the Green School. 
The Mayor attended A Civic Service for the Mayor of Bourne on Sunday 8 September 2024.
Deputy Mayor
Presented trophies and helped at the Sue Ryder stall at the Raft Race on 4th August 2024.Attended coffee morning 21 August 2024.  They raised £1,662.
The Deputy Mayor delivered the Carnival Queens to the Duck race on 1st September 2024
The Deputy Mayor attended a Civic Service for the Mayor of Bourne on Sunday 8 September 2024.
The defibrillator has been fitted to the Coronation Hall with help from Cllr Piper.

Clerk’s Report – 11 September 2024
A new telephone system is in operation.  The system allows all 3 phones to be used at the same time which has happened several times already.
The new photocopier is finally connected and the old one should be collected shortly.

Urban grass cutting - a meeting took place between Market Deeping Town Council and Deeping St James Parish Council with a view to resolving issues.  Cllr Dr Byrd, Cllr Wey (as representatives of the Planning and Highways Committee) and the Clerk attended.

It was RESOLVED that Cllr Dr Byrd would issue an email to the Contractor on behalf of both Councils.
Cllr Wey was tasked with working with DSJ Cllr Mrs Rose to consider necessary revisions to the contract for the future.

The follow up to this will be reported in the planning and Highways report.

The Legend on a bench installation took place on 14th August 2024 in the Rectory Paddock.  This was well attended by the public and was followed by a reception afterwards.  There was lots of publicity and the bench looks wonderful.
The stair lift service and annual LOLER report were carried out.

The Gate has been removed on Cross Road. Following advice received from the LCC legal team a request has been made to SKDC for a Public Spaces Protection Order to be put in place.  SKDC have requested examples of anti-social behaviour since the gate was removed.  Cllr Broughton will forward examples of fly -tipping to the Clerk via email

An asbestos Management survey has been carried out; the results will be forwarded once the bill has been paid.  There are likely to be recommendations as the last report was carried out in 2005.  It is advisable to have a survey carried out every 2 years.  The Clerk was advised to refer this to the TH&C committee

80.    Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon
Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 11 September 2024 

Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 11 September 2024


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response




Garden Lions event 20.7.24





Community Funding workshop





Notification of Local Development scheme update





West Deeping Quarry summary



Deepings Community Library


Thanks, and update re-funding and activities



Lincs Police


Safer Together newsletter



Lincs Air Ambulance


Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance



Parish Online


Newsletter #51





Contaminated Land Consultation



Environment Agency


Crowland and Cowbit washes project briefing update and Response to winter flooding 2023-24



Town and Parish News


Town and parish council newsletter July 2024





eNews 260724



Minerals and Waste Lincolnshire


Minerals and waste Local Plan consultation



Rural services Network


The Rural Bulletin - 6 August 2024



Andrew Bowell


Deepings Community Policing Panel - Relaunch

Cllr Piper and Cllr Steel volunteered to attend and represent MDTC


LCC Town and Parish news


Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Greater Lincolnshire





Parish/Town Council Forums





Gate Cross Road MD



Environment Agency


Update on Cowbit and Crowland washes








LCC Town and Parish Newsletter


Parish/Town Council Update






LALC Extraordinary General Meeting – 12.09.24





Parish/Town Council Forums – a reminder





Feedback from Deepings practice meeting 4.9.24



Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 11 September 2024


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response




Joint meeting request x2

To consider 50% funding for room hire re Policing panel meetings



DSJPC request a joint meeting with both Councils and representatives from the Deeping Practice.

It was RESOLVED with 10 in favour and 1 abstention to contribute for 1 year then review.

A long discussion took place.  It was RESOLVED that Cllr Ms Reed would send available dates to Cllr Steel to arrange a meeting with DSJPC.



A resident of West Deeping


LCC public Consultation - Updating Lincs Minerals & Waste Local Plan - closing date 24th Sept - Proposed Allocation of Site SG17 (with plant) West Deeping

Everyone was encouraged to respond and the Clerk was requested to send MDTC’s previous response to all Cllrs.

81.    Council Finances
a)  Income and expenditure by cost centre

Members had received a copy of the Council Finances and Omega report prior to the meeting. Cllr Dr Byrd asked if there were any questions.  There were none.

b) Accounts to be paid September 2024

It was RESOLVED unanimously that the council pay its’ bills for September 2024.  See appendix A. Discussion took place regarding grass cutting but this will be reported in the Clerk’s report.  
It was RESOLVED unanimously to pay the 2nd grass cutting invoice.
c) For members to review Council Finances to 31.8.24

It was RESOLVED unanimously that the finances were in order.

d) For members to review the Internal Auditor’s report for June and July 2024

It was RESOLVED to accept the reports and noted that the report said “Really good records held providing a good audit trail.”

e) For members to review EMRs 

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the EMRs as correct.
f) For members to review detailed income and expenditure to 31.8.24  

A discussion took place and the Clerk advised Committees to look at their level of spending as we are approaching the half way point in the year.  The detailed report shows the percentage of each budget which had been spent.

A discussion took place regarding the mayor’s allowance and it was agreed to discuss this at the next Finance and Personnel meeting.  The suggestion was that it should be set at £3.000 pa.

82.    For members to consider and accept the conclusion of External auditor’s report for 2023/24 

The Clerk had issued copies of sections 1, 2 and 3 of the AGAR report to members and explained that PKF Littlejohn LLP had completed their limited assurance review of Sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR.  The Clerk explained that this was made available to the public via the website and displayed on the noticeboard between 2.8.24 and 18.9.24.  Copies can be made available to members of the public upon request. 

83.    For members to consider the appointment of Cllr Piper to Planning and Highways committee.

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept Cllr Andrew Piper on to the Planning and Highways committee.

84.    For members to receive an update from the Police meeting – DJ

Cllr Mrs Jones reported from a meeting held on 25th June 2024 as follows:  
Lincolnshire Police aim to reduce the number of deaths and injuries on the roads over the next 4 years.
The volume of 999 calls is up.  If a visit is deemed necessary 96% of these are attended in 30 minutes or less.
The volume of 101 calls peaked at 15,000. 70% of all calls are answered in 3 minutes.
Market Deeping had a County Lines issue and 9 arrests were made in one day.
It is accepted that visibility of Police is a problem.
Anti-social and inconsiderate behaviour is increasing.
Speeding in the Deepings is an issue.  If it can be demonstrated as being a problem, we can request speed traps.
Cllr Dr Byrd thanked Cllr Mrs Jones for attending the meeting and feeding back.

85.    For members to receive an update on the Health Centre meeting and to consider the request from DSJ PC
Cllr Dr Byrd reported that The Deepings Practice covers 18 parish council’s residents and has 25,000 patients.  Attendees were invited to submit questions in advance.  The Practice are fully staffed but underfunded and are doing their best with the resources they have.

Cllrs were given a PPG newsletter, statistics and the Q and A and were asked to read them. The Clerk was instructed to put the Health Centre on the Agenda for next month. The Practice intend to hold a follow up meeting with Parish representatives in a year.

86.    For members to consider MDTC’S 75% contribution to cemetery drive

It was RESOLVED with 1 abstention to increase the contributions towards the cemetery drive costs from 60% to 75%.

87.    For members to consider allocating money from Shared Prosperity fund to committee

It was RESOLVED unanimously to transfer the £30,000 shared Prosperity funding to the Planning and Highways committee from AOS.

88.    For members to receive an update on the Section 106 agreement -PH

Cllr Dr Byrd explained that maintenance costs are currently with the Developer. This has been ongoing for 13 years since 2011.  She stated that MDTC should consider the advantages and disadvantages of taking over the responsibility for the land which includes play equipment, small allotments and grass verges.
Cllr Hanson stated that there was no Section 106 agreement. The solicitors state that the transfer should be completed by 4th October 2024.
Cllr Neilson left at 9pm.
Cllr Dr Byrd agreed to carry out further investigations at SKDC and feedback at the next meeting.
Cllr Dr Byrd thanked Cllr Hanson for his hard work in taking this forward. 

89.    For members to discuss forthcoming events:  Remembrance, Autumn Walk, Celebration event and Christmas events.

Remembrance events

The road closure has been booked.  The Clerk will book the Community Centre for refreshments.

Walking the footpaths 

It was agreed to hold this event in the Spring due to the darker nights.  Cllr Piper, Cllr Sked and Cllr Steel agreed to take this forward and arrange.

Celebration event

Cllr Mrs Jones reported that Allison Homes have agreed pay for the Cardyke lectern.  The wording has to be decided upon. 

Christmas Market (1.12.24)

The road closure has been requested and application forms have been sent to stallholders.  

90.    For members to discuss and consider any points raised in the public session

There were none.

91.    Personnel Matters:  Consideration to go into Closed Session to discuss: 

There were no items to discuss.

92.    To consider items for inclusion on the agenda items for next meeting of the Town Council, to be held at The Town Hall, Market Deeping on Wednesday 9 October 2024.

Agenda items suggestions were as follows:
Air Ambulance coffee morning – JR
Walk and Talk – PS
Section 106 – PB/PH
Volunteer Event - DJ 
The Deeping’s Practice -PB

The Chairman thanked all members for attending and declared the meeting closed at 9.10 pm.  

The next scheduled meeting of the Full Council will be held on Wednesday 9 October 2024.