FC November 2024 Minutes
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Market Deeping Town Council
Held on Wednesday 13 November at 7.30pm
At the Town Hall, Market Deeping
Present: Cllr Dr Byrd Cllr Miss Collins
Cllr Broughton Cllr Ms Reed
Cllr Neilson Cllr Guerge
Cllr Mr Piper Cllr Hanson
Cllr Mrs Jones
The Clerk and Deputy Clerk were also in attendance.
Cllr Dr Byrd opened the meeting at 7:30pm.
Representatives were present from the Deepings Youth Group. They answered questions about the Youth Group’s precept funding request for 2025/26 and outlined their fund-raising efforts.
Cllr Baxter sent his apologies.
Cllr Dr Byrd reported that there were no matters to report relating to the Deepings.
There being no further business the public session was closed.
113. Chairman’s Welcome & Introductions
Cllr Dr Byrd again welcomed members to the meeting at 7.50 pm.
114. To note apologies and accept valid reasons for absence
There were apologies for absence from Cllr Mrs Sked, Cllr Mrs Steel, Cllr Hughes and Cllr Wey and these were accepted.
115. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Miss Collins declared an interest in the Youth Club of which she is a trustee. The book was completed accordingly.
116. Acceptance of the minutes of a meeting held on 9 October 2024
Cllr Dr Byrd asked members if they were to accept the minutes of the meeting of 9 October 2024.
It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes of the meeting as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes.
117. Reports: Including reports from Committees: Planning and Highways, DNP, AOS, Town Hall & Cemetery, Finance & Personnel, Mayor’s diary and the Clerk’s report
Planning and Highways
Cllr Byrd reported that there have been double yellow lines painted on Dovecote Road.
Deeping Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr Dr Byrd reported that work was being undertaken with SUSTRANS on a cycling and walking infra structure plan for The Deepings. There will be a display and information in The Square at the Christmas Market on 1st December.
A meeting was held with Allison Homes to resolve issues raised by the public and consultees regarding their new developments at Beaufort Grange.
Amenities and Open Spaces
Cllr Broughton has installed a new defibrillator on the John Eve Field.
Town Hall and Cemetery
The committee reviewed the Asbestos Management report and made the decision not to disturb the asbestos which is in the attic of the Town Hall.
Finance and Personnel
It was agreed that the Precept for 2025/26 was to remain the same as 2024/25.
Mayoral Diary
The Mayor attended the following:
SKDC’s Town Council forum in Bourne on Monday 14th October 2024 at 7:00pm in the Bourne Corn Exchange.
Deeping’s camera Club Annual Exhibition Deepings Community Centre 26th October 2024 at 10am.
Whittlesey Town Council Mayor’s Civic Service 27th October at 2.45pm.
The PPG AGM 11.11.2024
Deputy Mayor
Whittlesey Town Council Mayor’s Civic Service 27th October at 2.45pm
Clerk’s Report – 13 November 2024
Precept planning for 2025/26 is being undertaken.
The Deeping’s Explorer group were not able to attend tonight’s meeting due to exams. They have agreed to attend our next meeting on 11th December. They have agreed to help the children make the reindeers in the Chambers at the Christmas Market on 1st December 2024.
The Town Centre clock was “repaired” on 1 November.It worked albeit briefly.The clock company are going to supply a report with estimated costs of what needs to be replaced as a long-term solution. |
The bees have been successfully re-homed from The Coronation Hall.
Research is being carried out in to the Mayor’s Civic dinner for 2025.
Christmas market planning is well underway and will be discussed later.
Bleed kits have been obtained for 3 of our 4 defibrillators. The cabinet in the precinct is too small so alternatives are being considered. The purchase of a cabinet for £450 was approved by AOS committee 13.11.24.
Health and Safety audit carried out successfully.
Spinney PSPO approved by SKDC 5.11.24.
118. Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon
Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 13 November 2024 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1. |
Library |
9.10.24 |
Information to support 2025/26 Precept request |
Noted |
2. |
Carer’s sitters service |
15.10.24 |
Carer’s sitter October Newsletter |
Noted |
3. |
Resident |
14.10.24 |
Offer of Yamaha piano |
Noted |
4. |
21.10.24 |
Parish/Town forum slides |
Noted |
5. |
18.10.24 |
eNews to 18/10/24 |
Noted |
6. |
1.11.24 |
Design Code survey |
Noted |
7. |
31.10.24 |
Design Code Workshop invite |
Noted |
8. |
31.10.24 |
PPG AGM 12.11.24 |
Noted |
Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 13 November 2024 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1. |
119. Council Finances
a) Income and expenditure by cost centre
Members had received a copy of the Council Finances and Omega report prior to the meeting. Cllr Dr Byrd asked if there were any questions. There were none.
b) Accounts to be paid November 2024
It was RESOLVED that the council pay its’ bills for November 2024. See appendix A. Cllr Byrd pointed out that the grass cutting invoices had been paid and that a grass cut had taken place in September.
c) For members to review Council Finances to 31.10.24
It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the report.
d) For members to receive and accept the Internal Auditor’s report for September 24
It was RESOLVED to accept the report and noted that the report said “Really good records held providing a good audit trail.”
e) For members to review EMRs and
It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the EMRs at 30.9.24 as correct.
f) For members to review detailed income and expenditure to 31.10.24
It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the income and expenditure at 30.10.24 as correct.
120. For members to receive an update regarding The Deeping’s Practice and consider a PPG group representative -PB
Cllr Byrd reported that meetings take place every 2 months on a Tuesday afternoon. Cllr Neilson offered to attend and act as a representative of MDTC.
121. For members to receive an update from CAB Working Together Stakeholder Workshop 12.11.24 feedback -NN
The meeting lasted for 3.5 hours there were about 45 attendees from County, District and other funders. A synopsis is expected and Cllr Neilson will present this to Council when it is received.
122. For members to receive an update on grass cutting contract – JW/PB
The Clerk for DSJ PC has requested quotes from 3 contractors.
123. For members to consider the transfer of Cherry Tree Park from SKDC to MDTC
SKDC are willing to transfer Cherry Tree Park to MDTC for £1. MDTC will need to pay legal costs in transfer. There will be a caveat that it can’t be used for building in the future. A substantial amount of work has taken place and cherry trees and shrubs have been planted.
It was Proposed by Cllr Hanson and Seconded by Cllr Guerge and RESOLVED unanimously to proceed with the transfer from SKDC for £1.
The play equipment is outdated and will need replacing. It was proposed by Cllr Broughton, seconded by Cllr Ms Reed and RESOLVED unanimously to allocate £40,000 from EMR 347 – DIGITAL COUNCIL (£32,496) and EMR 354 – SUSTANABLE TRAVEL (£26,750) to fund this.
It is thought that the legalities of the transfer could take up to 6 months.
124. For members to consider Precept funding for 2025/26
It was confirmed that work was being done by committees to agree precepted amounts. It was agreed to discuss at the next meeting as the deadline for submission to SKDC isn’t until January.
125. For members to consider 2025/26 Precept request from Deeping Library
It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting on 11th December 2024.
126. For members to consider 2025/26 Precept request from Deeping Youth group
It was proposed by Cllr Hanson and seconded by Cllr Broughton and RESOLVED unanimously to precept for £7,500. This is to be paid in 6 monthly installments subject to certain conditions being met.
127. For members to receive an update on the S106 agreement
The Anglian Water pumping station issue has now been resolved. The Clerk was encouraged to keep applying to the solicitor for weekly updates.
128. For members to consider arrangements for forthcoming events: For members to consider Remembrance, Christmas Market, Carols around the tree, VE Day 8TH May 2025 – proposed volunteer and Celebration event.
Remembrance events
The Remembrance parade went well and there was a reminder about the Closing of the Remembrance gardens on Sunday 17th November.
Christmas Market (1.12.24)
The Deputy Clerk outlined that there were 49 stalls booked in for the market. The entertainment schedule is full.
Carols around the tree
This is being held on 17th December 2024 at 6.30pm.
VE Day 8TH May 2025 – proposed volunteer and Celebration event
The Coronation Hall has been booked and it is proposed to hold an afternoon tea.
There was a suggestion that a 1940s singer could be booked.
This will also celebrate the work of past Councillors.
129. For members to discuss and consider any points raised in the public session
There were no matters for discussion
130. Personnel Matters: Consideration to go into Closed Session to discuss:
There were no matters to discuss
131. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda items for next meeting of the Town Council, to be held at The Town Hall, Market Deeping on Wednesday 11 December 2024.
The Clerk was asked to invite DSJ Councillors to The Bull after next month’s Council meeting.
The Chairman thanked all members for attending and declared the meeting closed at 9.15 pm. The next scheduled meeting of the Full Council will be held on Wednesday 11 December 2024.
Chairman’s signature........................................
Attachments: Appendix A