November 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of Market Deeping Town Council held on Wednesday 10th November 2021 at 7.30pm at the Green School, Market Deeping
Cllr Yarham (Chair)
Cllr Miss Collins
Cllr Miss Moran
Cllr Mrs Redshaw
Cllr Neilson
Cllr Brookes
Cllr Shelton
Cllr Hembrow
Cllr Broughton
Cllr Lester
The Clerk and Deputy Clerk were also in attendance.
Cllr Yarham welcomed everyone to the meeting and the Open Session commenced:
Cllr Baxter gave a detailed report on the various meetings he has attended.
Cllr Broughton has attended a licensing meeting and has carried out training.
Cllr Miss Moran has attended on-line meetings and carried out training.
There being no other business in the open session this was closed. The closed meeting commenced at 7.40 pm.
59. Chairman’s Welcome & Introductions
Cllr Yarham again welcomed members to the meeting.
60. Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Cllr Davis, Cllr Mrs Sked and Cllr Dolan.
61. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Yarham reminded members of their obligation to notify SKDC and declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.
62. Acceptance of the minutes of a meeting held on 13th October 2021.
Cllr Yarham asked members if they were to accept the minutes of the meeting of 13th October 2021.
It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes of the meeting as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes.
63. Reports: Including reports from Deepings Neighbourhood plan, Planning and Highways, Amenities and Open Spaces, Town Hall and Cemetery, Mayoral Diary and the Clerk
Deepings Neighbourhood plan
Cllr Shelton has an SKDC exec. meeting to attend later this month.
Planning application S2/2138 has been received for Lidl on Peterborough Road comments are to be made by 16/11/21.
LCC are reviewing their 10-year transport plan. Responses will be sent from the both the Neighbourhood plan committee and Market Deeping Town Council’s Planning and Highway’s committee.
Heritage Lincolnshire are doing a complete survey to register all buildings/events/signs/sights of interest or importance in the area. The review needs to be completed by end of January 2022 and can involve the modern or quirky as well as old.
Planning & Highways
Preparing a 5-year plan to include some of the 24 projects proposed in the Neighbourhood plan.
Cllr Broughton and Cllr Shelton had a meeting with Persimmon to ensure that all remedial work is carried out before the Section 106 agreement and land is handed over to MDTC.
Cllr Shelton has arranged a meeting for our Clerks with DSJ Clerks to ensure information and expertise is shared as they have managed allotments for some time.
Amenities and Open Spaces
Cllr Broughton reported that the allotments are very small and there was a significant amount of tarmac.
Cllr Broughton thanked our Park keeper Jamie Murray for his hard work and dedication to duty when the wind caused damage to many trees in the Cemetery and John Eve field.
Cllr Broughton Proposed and it was RESOLVED to purchase flowers for Park keeper’s wife as a thank you for sacrificing their family time for the good of the Town.
Town Hall and Cemetery
There was nothing to report as damage was covered in the previous report.
Finance and Personnel
Cllr Yarham queried items shown in minutes which took place during the Closed session. The Clerk advised that generic items would be minuted and confidential items recorded and kept separately. This was accepted.
Mayoral diary
The Mayor has attended the following events:
- South Kesteven Civic reception in Stamford on 31.10.21
- Opening of the Remembrance gardens on 7.11.21
The Deputy Mayor has attended the following events:
- Sale of poppies in Tesco on 6.11.21
- British Legion war graves cemetery remembrance in Market Deeping and Baston on 7.11.21
- Opening of the Remembrance gardens on 7.11.21
Clerk’s Report
November 2021
1. It’s been a very busy period in the office and I’m delighted to welcome Emily back with effect from 2nd November 2021.
2. Plans are being made and invitations sent for Remembrance Garden opening and closing ceremonies and the Remembrance parade.
3. The parkkeepers have done a fantastic job of removing damaged trees and making our open spaces safe again.
4. The local PCSO is unable to visit our Full Council meetings for December or January due to shift patterns. We drew her attention to the reports we received of the Anti-Social behaviour on Jubilee Drive and she has concentrated patrols in the area. She is working with individuals and organisations to diffuse the behaviour as quickly as possible.
64. Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon
Members had received a copy of the correspondence prior to the meeting.
Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 10TH November 2021 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1. |
14.10.21 |
Public notice re traffic restrictions Blenheim Way |
Noted |
2 |
19.10.21 |
e news to 19.10.21 |
Noted |
3 |
28.10.21 |
Climate change |
Noted |
4 |
29.10.21 |
Local transport plan |
Noted |
5. |
Resident |
14.10.21 |
Deeping Youth Group |
Noted |
6. |
9.11.21 |
E-news |
Noted |
7 |
Resident |
9.11.21 |
MDTC - website |
Noted |
Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to10th November 2021 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1 |
Braeburn Lodge Care Home |
3.11.21 |
Contact with the Community |
Cllr Yarham will take this forward and arrange a coffee morning |
2. |
5.11.21 |
2022/23 precept information |
To be discussed later on the agenda |
3. |
David Palmer -tree services |
9.11.21 |
Quotation for tree removal |
It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the quote. |
4. |
Liberty Partnership |
10.11.21 |
Roundabout proposals |
It was RESOLVED to go ahead with Liberty Partnership’s proposals subject to LCC approval. Cllr Moran to discuss with LCC. |
65. Council Finances
a) Income & Expenditure by Cost Centre
b) Accounts to be paid
c) Preparations for precept planning 2022/23
It was RESOLVED unanimously that the Council should pay its bills.
Precept figures were discussed and it was RESOLVED unanimously to leave the precept figure requested from SKDC at the same level as 2021/22.
Following advice from LALC it was agreed to increase staffing costs by 10% to cover increases in salaries which have still not been agreed for 2021/22 and increases would be due in due course for 2022/23. It is anticipated that NIC costs will increase also.
Various different items of expenditure were discussed. It was agreed that election costs would be incurred in 2023. It was stated that Mayoral expenses need to be claimed where appropriate. It was stated that Civic event budgets could be increased with Full Council authority if necessary.
Electricity costs were discussed and the Clerk was tasked with finding out whether MDTC were on a fixed rate contract.
66. To consider purchase of Covid remembrance tree
It was stated that a plaque should be placed on an existing tree which is shortly to be received from Treescapes.
67. To consider arrangements for Christmas light switch on and carols around the tree
Arrangements were discussed for the event to be held on Saturday 4th December at 5pm. It is proposed to sing 6 carols covering a range of themes. The Deepings Round Table will provide mulled wine and hot drinks. Cllr Dolan will be acting as the surprise visitor for the children.
The Christmas tree will be installed by 8am on 2nd December.
68. For members to decide a S137 donation of £200 for wreaths
It was RESOLVED unanimously to make a S137 donation of £200 to the Royal British Legion for wreaths.
69. To consider ordering lamp post poppies for use in 2022 and onwards
It was RESOLVED unanimously to purchase 30 lamp post poppies to place on lamp posts on High Street and Church Street in future years.
70. For members to receive an update on Digital Council
Cllr Yarham reported that this was progressing and that the Clerk should be receiving communication from Apple.
Difficulties accessing emails and opening attachments were discussed and the Clerks offered to help with this.
71. For members to consider and discuss any points raised in the public session
Cllr Yarham reminded members not to respond to members of the public in the public session but to discuss items later in the agenda.
72. Personnel Matters: Consideration to go into Closed Session to discuss: Staff Issues
It was RESOLVED unanimously to go into closed session.
Staffing matters were discussed.
It was RESOLVED unanimously to end the closed session
To consider items for inclusion on the agenda items for next meeting of the Town Council, to be held at The Green School, Market Deeping on 8th December 2021
There being no other business, Cllr Yarham, thanked all members for attending and declared the meeting closed at 8:50 pm. The next scheduled meeting of the Full Council will be held on Wednesday 8TH December at 7.30pm at The Green school in Market Deeping.