September 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of Market Deeping Town Council held on Wednesday 8th September 2021 at 7.30pm at the Deepings Community Centre
Cllr Yarham (Chair)
Cllr Miss Collins
Cllr Miss Moran
Cllr Mrs Sked
Cllr Neilson
Cllr Dolan
Cllr Shelton
Cllr Hembrow
Cllr Broughton
Cllr Lester
The Clerk was also in attendance.
Cllr Yarham welcomed everyone to the meeting and the Open Session commenced:
Cllr Yarham presented the previous Clerk Sarah Lydford with a leaving present, card and flowers. Cllr Yarham thanked her and wished her a long and happy retirement.
Cllr Miss Moran and Cllr Broughton discussed the closure of the Deepings Leisure Centre. It was reported that SKDC were paying £100,000 to commission a report and then will consider the feasibility of the repairs needed to the building.
Cllr Baxter sent his apologies, for not attending the meeting.
There being no other business in the open session this was closed. The closed meeting commenced at 7.45pm.
47. Chairman’s Welcome & Introductions
Cllr Yarham again welcomed members to the meeting.
48. Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Cllr Mrs Redshaw, Cllr Davis and Cllr Brookes.
49. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Shelton declared a declaration of interest in item 8, regarding the library. This was duly recorded by the Clerk.
50. Acceptance of the minutes of a meeting held on 14th July 2021.
Cllr Yarham asked members if they were to accept the minutes of the meeting of 14th July 2021.
It was proposed by Cllr Broughton and seconded by Cllr Yarham and RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes of the meeting as a true and accurate record. The Clerk was instructed to sign the minutes on behalf of the Chair.
51. Reports: Including reports from Deepings Neighbourhood plan, Planning and Highways, Amenities and Open Spaces, Town Hall and Cemetery, Mayoral Diary and the Clerk
Deepings Neighbourhood plan
Cllr Shelton is attending a meeting with The Deepings Practice management team regarding current concerns. He will circulate the minutes when they are received.
Amenities and Open Spaces
Cllr Broughton reported that a request for 20 trees had been submitted for Treescape funding.
Town Hall and Cemetery
Reports had been received of dog fouling in the cemetery which will be discussed at the next TH & C meeting.
Planning & Highways
The proposed waiting restrictions at Blenheim Way will be discussed later in the agenda.
Finance and Personnel
There was nothing to report
Mayoral diary
Cllr Yarham reported that he had declined a number of invitations but had declined all but Raunds due to Michaelmas.
Clerk’s Report
1. The request for 20 trees under Treescapes scheme has been submitted to Lincolnshire County Council. They have stated they are awaiting confirmation from the Forestry Commission on the funding for the project but that if the Forestry Commission funding is not available, they still plan to go ahead with a tree planting scheme and will prioritise the parish council planting sites that have been proposed.
2. Tractor run tractors will be travelling through The Deepings and gathering on John Eve field on Sunday 12th September 2021. The Rotary Club will be providing refreshments on the field.
The Deputy Mayor is attending to give prizes to the children. It was agreed that it was ok to use the electricity on the field.
52. Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon
Members had received a copy of the correspondence prior to the meeting.
Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 8TH September 2021 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1. |
6.8.21 |
Newsletter |
Noted |
2. |
LALC news to 10.8.21 |
10.8.21 |
Weekly newsletter (including training) |
Noted |
3. |
Deepings Swimming Club |
11.8.21 |
Letter re leisure centre closure |
Noted |
4. |
L.C.C. |
12.8.21 |
Bus survey |
Noted |
5. |
LALC news to 24.8.21 |
14.8.21 |
Weekly newsletter including advice on running a recruitment campaign |
Noted |
6. |
30.8.21 |
Acknowledgement of statement from MDTC re closure of Deeping’s leisure centre |
Noted |
7. |
3.9.21 |
Report for September |
It was noted that reports were very similar each month. It was requested that any other 1 off events should be reported to MDTC |
8. |
Treescapes - LCC |
2.9.21 |
Acknowledging our request for 20 trees |
Noted |
9. |
Cinnamon Trust |
7.9.21 |
Dog walker request |
Noted and placed on MDTC Facebook page |
Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 8TH September 2021 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1. |
Library |
12.7.21 |
Library precept money £6,000 |
To be discussed at Agenda item 8 |
2. |
Liberty Partnership Ltd (Richard Ash) |
10.8.21 |
Roundabout sponsorship |
It was proposed by Cllr Yarham and seconded by Cllr Miss Moran and RESOLVED with 9 in favour and 1 against to proceed with roundabout sponsorship |
3 |
Lions Carnival and Red Arrows fly past. |
24.8.21 |
Deepings Lions Carnival on John Eve Field proposed date 5th June 2022. Jubilee lunch on field and possible fly past. |
It was proposed by Cllr Yarham and seconded by Cllr Broughton and RESOLVED unanimously that the Carnival should be allowed to take place.
4. |
Lincs County Council |
25.8.21 |
Proposed waiting restrictions Blenheim Way. |
Cllr Shelton proposed that MDTC should ratify LCC’s decision to place waiting restrictions on Blenheim Way. This was seconded by Cllr Yarham and RESOLVED with 9 in favour and 1 against. |
53. Council Finances
a) Income & Expenditure by Cost Centre
b) Accounts to be paid
Cllr Yarham proposed and Cllr Lester seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously that the Council should pay its bills.
54. For members to consider application for financial assistance from The Deepings Library
Cllr Shelton proposed the motion that £6,000 financial assistance should be given to The Deepings Library. A discussion took place regarding this. Cllr Broughton stated that the library needed financial support. Cllr Shelton proposed and Cllr Broughton seconded and it was RESOLVED with 7 in favour, 2 against and 1 abstention that financial assistance be given to The Deepings Library.
55. For members to consider proposal to outsource defibrillator guardianship
The Clerk explained an offer of £150 p.a. for defibrillator guardianship and then invoice separately for any parts. Cllr Yarham proposed and Cllr Miss Collins seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously to outsource the defibrillator guardianship.
56. For members to consider the venue of future Committee and full Council meetings
Cllr Shelton proposed that Full Council meetings should be held at The Deepings Community Centre and Committee meetings be held at The Town Hall until 31.12.21. This was seconded by Cllr Yarham and RESOLVED with 9 in favour and 1 against.
57. For members to consider the use of John Eve field.
A discussion took place regarding the use of John Eve field; it was proposed by Cllr Yarham and seconded by Cllr Broughton and RESOLVED unanimously that the matter be referred back to the amenities and Open Spaces Committee to make changes to the Use/Hire of John Eve field policy.
58. Forthcoming events: For members to consider arrangements for the Opening and Closing of the Remembrance Gardens and the Remembrance Day service/parade, Christmas market, Christmas light switch on and carols around the tree
Cllr Yarham requested that these items be deferred to the next meeting. He requested that the Christmas market be discussed at the next AOS meeting.
59. For members to ratify AOS decision to erect signs on John Eve Park which stating no quad bikes, scooters or electric vehicles on John Eve Park
It was proposed by Cllr Dolan and seconded by Cllr Broughton and RESOLVED with 9 in favour and 1 against that there should be 1 sign incorporating no dogs, no golf, no scooters rather than lots of individual signs
60. For members to receive an update on Digital Council
This matter was deferred for discussion at the next meeting
61. For members to consider and discuss any points raised in the public session
There were no matters raised in the open session
62. Personnel Matters: Consideration to go into Closed Session to discuss: Staff Issues
Cllr Yarham proposed and Cllr Lester seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously to go into closed session.
It was agreed to place adverts for the Deputy Clerk in the Deepings Advertiser and on Indeed.
It was proposed by Cllr Yarham and seconded by Cllr Mrs Sked and RESOLVED with 9 in favour and 1 against that epacks would be issued with PDF versions of documents until a new deputy is appointed.
It was proposed by Cllr Yarham and seconded by Cllr Shelton and RESOLVED unanimously to end the closed session
There being no other business, Cllr Yarham, thanked all members for attending and declared the meeting closed at 8:50 pm. The next scheduled meeting of the Full Council will be held on Wednesday 13th October 2021 at 7.30pm at The Green school in Market Deeping.