April 2019 Minutes

Minutes of a Meeting of Market Deeping Town Council Held on Wednesday 10th April 2019 at 7.30pm at the Town Hall, Market Deeping
Cllr Shelton (Chair)
Cllr Mrs Redshaw
Cllr Mrs Sked
Cllr Miss Collins
Cllr Gamble
Cllr Broughton
Cllr Miss Moran
Cllr Stephenson
Cllr Davis
Cllr Brookes
Cllr Lester
Cllr Neilson
Cllr Baxter and Cllr Mrs Trollope-Bellew, SKDC, a representative of the Deepings Lions, the Clerk and the deputy Clerk were also in attendance.
Cllr Shelton welcomed everyone to the meeting and the Open Session commenced:
The representative from the Deepings Lions spoke in support of a grant application, and thanked the council for its continued support.
Cllr Trollope-Bellew then presented her report.
Cllr Baxter presented his written report to members.
Cllr Broughton advised members he would not present a SKDC report due to purdah restrictions. Cllr Neilson advised members of the meetings he had attended in the last month.
There being no further business the public session was closed at 7.37pm.
170. Chairman’s Welcome & Introductions
The Chairman welcomed the members to the meeting.
171. Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Hanson.
172. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Mrs Redshaw declared a personal interest in agenda item 8.
173. Acceptance of minutes of the meeting held on the 13th March 2019.
It was proposed by Cllr Shelton, seconded by Cllr Broughton and RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes of a meeting held on the 13th March 2019 as a true and accurate record. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
175. Reports: Including reports from Deepings First, The Neighbourhood Policing Panel, Travellers’ working party, Committees (Planning and Highways, Finance and Personnel), the Clerk and the Mayor’s Diary
Deepings First
Cllr Shelton advised members that there was no update to give this month.
Neighbourhood Policing Panel
Cllr Mrs Sked advised members that there had been no meeting since the last Full Council meeting so there was nothing to report.
Travellers working party
Cllr Shelton advised members that there had been no meeting since his last report.
Planning & Highways
Members had been provided with draft minutes of the meeting held on 3rd April. Cllr Brookes advised members that there had been no significant issues arising from that meeting. He asked members if there were any questions and there were none.
Finance and Personnel
Members had been provided with draft minutes of the meeting held on 27th March. It was RESOLVED unanimously to agree that the underspent budget remaining from 2018/19 should be split as recommended by the Finance and Personnel committee – ie £15,000 to go towards the Town Hall reserves, £15,000 to go towards the Amenities and Open Spaces reserves, and the remainder to be Ear Marked for legal fees in connection with the purchase of allotment land, any other relevant open spaces, and the Town Hall.
Clerks Report
The Clerk had issued members with a report prior to the meeting:
1. The clerk had arranged a contract for installation of the electricity meter with Opus energy for the new box on the John Eve field.
2. The clerk had arranged for litter picking to take place on Sunday 7th April. The scouts and the Lions took part and MacDonalds at Glinton also volunteered and loaned equipment.
3. The clerk has reported 2 incidents of vandalism to a bench and bus shelter.
4. The first part of the precept for 2019/20 has been received and transferred to CCLA.
5. Grimsthorpe estates have said they may not be able to provide a Christmas Tree this year but are looking at what is available. Are the council happy to accept a smaller tree if one can be sourced from Grimsthorpe? Cllr Broughton advised that he had a tree he would donate for this year and members were happy to accept this.
6. The clerk has contacted 4 clock repairers who are unable to mend turret clocks, but has obtained details for 2 companies who may be able to help.
7. The electricity meter will be fitted to the box on the John Eve field on 17th April. The clerk will ask an electrician to fit the sockets.
Mayors Diary
Mayor and Deputy Mayor’s Diary: up to 10th April 2019.
Cllr Shelton attended the following events:
Date |
Location |
Event Details |
17/03/2019 |
Sleaford |
Civic Service |
22/03/2019 |
Chairman’s charity gala |
24/03/2019 |
Louth |
Civic service |
29/03/2019 |
Stamford |
Civic dinner |
01/04/2019 |
Stamford |
Fair opening reception |
07/04/2019 |
Raunds |
Civic service |
Cllr Miss Collins did not attend any events
176. Council Finances
a) Income and expenditure by budget cost centre
Members had received a copy of the Council Finances and Omega report prior to the meeting. Cllr Shelton asked if there were any questions and there were none.
b) Cash and bank assets
There were no questions
c) Ear Marked reserves
The Finance and Personnel committee recommendations were accepted as detailed above.
177. Correspondence to be Noted and Resolved upon
Correspondence to be noted
Who from |
Subject |
Date |
Lincs environmental awards |
04/02/2019 |
Parish update |
13/03/2019 |
Neighbourhood alert |
Fake TV licencing |
14/03/2019 |
Neighbourhood alert |
Safer together research |
14/03/2019 |
Neighbourhood alert |
New police panel facebook page |
15/03/2019 |
Community Lincs |
Bulletin |
16/03/2019 |
Newsletter |
15/03/2019 |
Deepings school |
Newsletter |
15/03/2019 |
Healthwatch |
Newsletter |
15/03/2019 |
Deepings library |
Update |
17/03/2019 |
Temporary road closure |
17/03/2019 |
Rural services network |
Bulletin |
19/03/2019 |
Healthwatch |
Survey |
19/03/2019 |
Healthwatch |
Newsletter |
22/03/2019 |
Newsletter |
22/03/2019 |
Friends of Deeping Library |
Newsletter |
24/03/2019 |
Deepings school |
Newsletter |
25/03/2019 |
Rural services network |
Newsletter |
26/03/2019 |
Newsletter |
27/03/2019 |
UK Parliament |
Newsletter |
28/03/2019 |
Networking day |
29/03/2019 |
Neighbourhood alert |
Fake emails |
29/03/2019 |
Newsletter |
29/03/2019 |
Healthwatch |
Newsletter |
29/03/2019 |
Deepings School |
Newsletter |
29/03/2019 |
Deepings Library |
Newsletter |
30/03/2019 |
Deepings library |
Weekly news |
31/03/2019 |
Lincs Buses |
Timetable update |
02/04/2019 |
Rural services network |
Bulletin |
02/04/2019 |
Pain management initiative |
02/04/2019 |
Rural services network |
Monthly bulletin |
02/04/2019 |
Newsletter |
03/04/2019 |
Road closure – Cross Road |
03/04/2019 |
SKInvest |
Survey |
08/04/2019 |
Chair DSJPC |
Petition with 900 signatures re Barclays Bank closure |
08/04/2019 |
Rural services network |
Update |
09/04/2019 |
Newsletter |
10/04/2019 |
Neighbourhood alert |
Trading standards mattresses |
10/04/2019 |
Neighbourhood alert |
Theft of tools |
09/04/2019 |
Rural services network |
Newsletter |
09/04/2019 |
Deepings school |
Newsletter |
05/04/2019 |
Library |
News |
07/04/2019 |
Chief executive bulletin |
07/04/2019 |
Newsletter |
04/04/2019 |
Correspondence to be resolved upon:
Who from |
Subject |
Members’ Response |
Persimmon |
Open spaces transfer |
Members noted the comments from Cllr Davis regarding the transfer of ownership of the Windsor Gardens phase III land. Solicitors have been instructed to deal with the transfer of the allotment land as a separate transaction to avoid further delay |
Resident |
Complaint re Council tax cost |
The resident had received responses from Cllrs Broughton, Brookes and Stephenson and had not queried this further |
Clustering questionnaire |
The clerk was asked to respond regarding the Grass cutting, Neighbourhood Plan and Remembrance celebrations |
Sir John Hayes |
Support of our concerns re closure of Barclays Bank |
Noted |
Seafarers Uk |
Fly the red ensign for Merchant Navy Day 3rd Sept 2019 |
Agreed |
Salvation Army |
Request to site clothing recycling bank on council land |
It was RESOLVED unanimously to refuse this request |
Best kept village/small town competition |
The clerk was asked to enter MDTC |
Scout leader |
Offer to litter pick during scout meeting |
Accepted |
178. Accounts to be paid
It was RESOLVED with one abstention that the Council should pay its bills. See appendix A.
179. Annual review of the Council’s subscriptions
The clerk advised members of the current subscriptions, namely LALC membership, LALC annual training scheme, SLCC membership, Parish online membership ICO subscription
It was RESOLVED unanimously to continue with these subscriptions.
180. Grant Aid – For members to:
a) Ratify a payment of £500 to Deepings Lions as agreed by the Finance and Personnel Committee
It was RESOLVED unanimously to award this grant.
b) For members to consider and vote on a grant payment of £4000 to Madcaps
It was RESOLVED with one abstention to award this grant subject to Market Deeping Town Council being named on any literature.
8.06pm Cllr Neilson left the meeting.
181. For members to consider and vote on the transfer of broadband and phone services from BT and Chess to Onecom
The clerk had issued members with the contract details being offered by Onecom prior to the meeting and it was RESOLVED unanimously to switch provider
8.08pm Cllr Neilson rejoined the meeting
182. For members to ratify fees for the hiring of the John Eve Field
Fees had been set at £400 for smaller fairs/circuses and £500 for larger fairs. It was RESOLVED unanimously to leave the fees at this rate for the coming year.
183. For members to consider the wording on the Rotary’s proposed War Memorial cross in the Market Place
Some members felt all those who were killed during the war, whether civilians or servicemen/women, should be acknowledged in the wording. However, the Rotary had advised that the memorial, in line with other memorials, should be solely for fallen servicemen/women. It was then RESOLVED with 8 in favour and 4 abstentions to accept the wording proposed by the Rotary in their request.
184. For members to consider and vote on a provider for the replacement contract for the photocopier The clerk had provided members with a report detailing quotations from 5 providers prior to the meeting. It was RESOLVED unanimously to continue using Ricoh for the next 5 year contract.
185. For members to consider and vote on the purchase of a plaque for the Town Hall in recognition of winning the SKDC Best Kept Large Village award 2018
It was RESOLVED unanimously to proceed with the purchase of a plaque
186. For members to consider the structure and Terms of Reference of the Committees
Members discussed the possibility of a different structure and the creation of further committees. It was agreed that, as this is a complicated issue, and that members would need to support any change by volunteering for proposed new committees, that a working party should be created to consider this issue further.
187. For members to consider and discuss any points raised in the public session.
There were none.
188. Forthcoming events: Litter picking 7th April, Taylor’s Fair 25th-28th April, Civic Service 2nd June Members also noted that the parish walks had been agreed for Tuesday 14th May and Tuesday 11th June. Cllrs will need to volunteer to lead these walks.
8.26pm Cllr Neilson left the meeting.
189. Confidential/Personnel Matters: Consideration to go into Closed session to discuss: Staff workload
It was proposed by Cllr Shelton, seconded by Cllr Broughton and RESOLVED unanimously to move into Closed Session to members of the press and public in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, for members to discuss items that contained information of a confidential nature: staff workload. It was RESOLVED with 2 against and one abstention to accept the suggested changes as an interim measure. It was further RESOLVED with 2 against and one abstention that all keys are returned to the clerk at the end of the year and reissued in accordance with the key holding policy. It was RESOLVED with 2 against and one abstention that Cllr Shelton, with the clerk in attendance, would represent the Council at the forthcoming mediation process. It was then RESOLVED to come out of Closed Session.
The Chairman thanked all members for attending and declared the meeting closed at 8.57pm. The next scheduled meeting of Full Council will be held on Wednesday 15th May 2019, in the Town Hall, Market Deeping.