December 2019 Minutes

Minutes of a meeting of Market Deeping Town Council Held on Wednesday 11th December 2019 at 7.30pm at the Town Hall, Market Deeping
Cllr Miss Collins (Chair)
Cllr Lester
Cllr Broughton
Cllr Miss Moran
Cllr Davis
Cllr Yarham
Cllr Hanson
Cllr Shelton
Cllr Brookes
Cllr Hembrow
Cllr Mrs Sked
Cllr Mrs Redshaw
SKDC Cllr Baxter, the clerk and the deputy clerk were also in attendance.
Cllr Miss Collins welcomed everyone to the meeting and the Open Session commenced:
Cllr Baxter provided the clerk with a report of his actions over the previous month. Copies may be obtained from the clerk if required. Cllr Baxter wished members a Happy Christmas.
Cllr Mrs Trollope-Bellew had sent apologies via the clerk and also wished all members a Happy Christmas. There being no further business the public session was closed at 7.33pm.
119. Chairman’s Welcome & Introductions
The Chairman welcomed the members to the meeting.
120. Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Councillor Neilson.
121. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
There were none.
122. Acceptance of minutes of the meeting held on the 13th November 2019.
Cllr Miss Collins asked members if they were to accept the minutes of the meeting. It was then proposed by Cllr Broughton and RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes of a meeting held on the 13th November 2019 as a true and accurate record. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
123. Reports: Including reports from Deepings First, The Neighbourhood Policing Panel, Christmas Market, Saturday Market, Travellers’ working party, Committees (Planning and Highways, Amenities and Open Spaces, Town Hall and Cemetery, Finance and Personnel), the Clerk and the Mayor’s Diary
Deeping s First
Cllr Shelton advised members that the 6 week public consultation period had produced over 100 responses, which is higher than average. The plan is now being redrafted in light of the responses and will be resubmitted at the end of January.
Neighbourhood Policing Panel
Cllr Mrs Sked confirmed that PCSO Laughton had commenced her 2 year secondment and the remaining PCSO was now having to provide cover in Stamford as well as the Deepings. The clerk advised that she had expressed the grave concerns of the council at the continued lack of policing as requested, and that Insp Blackwell had acknowledged this but was not able to provide any greater PCSO cover.
Christmas Market
Cllr Miss Moran informed members that there had been many positive comments regarding the market, including thanks from residents who had previously complained. The market had been busier than ever before and the traders had been very happy, many wanting to book already for next year. She thanked the councillors who had supported the event but expressed her disappointment at those who had not been involved with the largest council fund raising event of the year. Cllr Miss Collins confirmed that the council should be pulling together for such events. It was also disappointing that local businesses who had benefitted financially from a far greater footfall on the day had not donated prizes as requested by the Mayor’s letter. On the whole though the event had been a tremendous success and only a couple of points had been raised regarding improvements for next year.
Saturday Market
Cllr Miss Moran reported there had been no change since last month’s report.
Travellers working party
There was no update as no meeting had taken place.
Planning & Highways
Cllr Brookes advised members that there were no significant issues to report. There were no questions from members regarding the minutes of the meeting of 4th December.
Amenities and Open Spaces
Cllr Broughton asked if there were any questions regarding the minutes of the meeting held on 20th November. There were none.
Town Hall and Cemetery
Cllr Lester advised that upkeep of the Cemetery was progressing. The clerk had been informed that the exchange of contracts for the Town Hall was imminent. Cllr Lester asked if there were any questions regarding the minutes of the meeting of 20th November and there were none.
Finance and Personnel
Cllr Miss Collins advised members of the pc and website issues that had been raised at the meeting of 27th November. Cllr Miss Moran advised members that the business club had received a presentation regarding website upgrades and councillors agreed that the chair of the business club should be invited to attend a council meeting to advise members of what had been learnt and who may be a suitable provider. There were no further questions.
7.55 Cllr Miss Moran left the meeting.
Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had issued members with a report prior to the meeting:
1. A replacement keypad for the defibrillator has been ordered, received and fitted. The clerk was asked to confirm that the access code was the same.
2. £74.97 was raised from the Poppy collection for Remembrance.
3. The council has received a certificate in thanks for ‘Flying the red ensign’ for Merchant Navy day
4. The office has received many positive comments regarding the Christmas Market, including thanks from individuals and businesses who had previously complained. All traders have been contacted and thanked. Funds raised on the day total £456.02 comprised of £253 from the Mayor’s tombola, £103.02 from the street collection buckets and £100 from Gray’s fair. Are any councillors going into Peterborough in the near future to bank the money?
5. The lights are set to come on at 2pm and go off at 1am.
6. The clerk has received a one hour training session on PSMA mapping.
7. The clerks attended a networking day at Cranwell on 27th November.
8. A thank you letter from Rotary for the Grant Aid towards the Grimethrope Colliery Band has been receied.
9. Andrew Norman, Head of Visitor economy, Invest SK, will be attending our January meeting to brief the council on the work of his team.
10. The clerks have now written to all volunteers to thank them for their participation/help with the Christmas Market.
11. Following the ROSPA report a quote has been received from Wicksteed for repair work to the surface of the play area. The quote is for £18617. The clerks will obtain 2 further quotes but are the council in agreement to spend money on this repair and if so how much? Cllrs felt that repairs from Wicksteed had been very expensive and had not lasted. Cllr Broughton advised that this was due to the clay soil and the water table causing problems. This has been addressed in the past but is still causing issues. Cllr Brookes advised that members must proceed carefully and balance the need to be careful with the need to spend tax payers’ money. It was noted that
other providers may use different methods/products to Wicksteed. Cllrs agreed to wait until more quotes were obtained before taking action.
Mayors Diary
Mayor and Deputy Mayor’s Diary: up to 11th December 2019.
Cllr Miss Collins attended the following events:
Cllr Broughton had attended the following events:
124. Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon
Correspondence to be resolved upon:
125. Council Finances
a) Income and expenditure by budget cost centre
Members had received a copy of the Council Finances and Omega report prior to the meeting. Cllr Miss Collins asked if there were any questions. There were none.
b) Accounts to be paid
It was RESOLVED unanimously that the council pay its bills. See appendix A.
c) Precept preparations for 2020/21
The clerk advised members that all updates agreed at the Finance and Personnel meeting of 27th November had been included in the precept sheets provided. Cllrs were happy with the resulting figures showing an increase of less than 1% and it was RESOLVED unanimously to submit these figures to SKDC for the 2020/21 precept request.
126. For members to consider a donation to the Poppy Appeal for wreaths
Members RESOLVED unanimously to make a donation of £50 for the 2 wreaths received.
127. Town Centre Cash Machine
Cllr Miss Moran had advised the clerk there was no update on the applications made. Members considered the siting of a machine in a hotel such as the Stage, and also considered contacting the landlord of the old Barclays building to investigate whether any new tenant could be asked to take on a machine. Cllr Baxter is looking into this.
128.. Update on the proposed Leisure Centre
There was no update available.
129. Digital council
This had been discussed at some length at the last Finance and Personnel meeting and Cllr Brookes advised that there was nothing new to report.
130. For members to vote on a motion to support the Local Electricity Bill
Members RESOLVED unanimously to defer any decision on such a bill until the new Parliament is in place.
131. For members to ratify the Financial Management – Internal and External Audit Policy
The clerk had provided a copy with the proposed changes highlighted to all members prior to the meeting. It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the amendments as marked.
8.24pm Cllr Baxter left the meeting.
132. Report and suggested actions following the NALC conference 28/29 October 2019
The clerk had provided members with an information sheet compiled by Cllr Yarham, who had attended the event, prior to the meeting. He advised members that there had been presentations on the environment, the economy and responsibilities that had been passed to County Associations. He ran through the various exhibitors, some of whom had contacted the clerk on relevant issues such as website design and working with a ‘paperless’ office. Cllrs noted the consideration of people with ‘hidden’ disabilities such as epilepsy, and noted how such people were being included in best practice strategies.
133. For members to consider and discuss any points raised in the public session.
There were none.
8.31pm Cllr Mrs Sked left the meeting. 8.33pm Cllr Mrs Sked returned to the meeting
134. Forthcoming events:
- Councillor training: 2020 schedule to be published in December
- Other events: Cllrs Surgeries at the library: Cllr Shelton 4th January, Cllr Mrs Sked 1st February
- Carols around the Tree Tues 17th December. Cllr Miss Collins confirmed that she would provide a gazebo to lend the choir master for his keyboards. Cllr Broughton also offered the use of his large van. The clerk will contact the choir master to establish the most suitable shelter for the event. Cllr Mrs Redshaw will serve mince pies and mulled wine in the Chambers following the Carol singing.
135. Confidential/Personnel Matters: Consideration to go into Closed session to discuss: Staff issues
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED unanimously to move into Closed Session to members of the press and public in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, for members to discuss items that contained information of a confidential nature: staff issues. It was RESOLVED to backdate any pay review award to 11th December 2019.
8.50pm Cllr Hanson left the meeting.
It was then RESOLVED to come out of Closed Session.
The Chairman thanked all members for attending and declared the meeting closed at 8.54pm. The next scheduled meeting of Full Council will be held on Wednesday 15th January 2020, in the Town Hall, Market Deeping.