AOS November 2020 Minutes

Amenities and Open Spaces Committee
Minutes of a virtual meeting held on Wednesday 18th November,
Zoom meeting code 83744425714.
Cllr Yarham (for the Chairman) presided over Cllr Mrs Sked, Cllr Miss Moran, Cllr Dolan, Cllr Shelton, Cllr Hembrow, Cllr Mrs Redshaw, Cllr Brookes and Cllr Davis. The clerk and deputy clerk were also in attendance.
37. Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Yarham welcomed members to the meeting. The clerk was asked to contact the member of the public who had been due to speak to ask if they would like to attend the next meeting.
38. Apologies for absence
Cllrs Broughton and Miss Collins gave their apologies.
39. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
There were no declarations of interest
40. Minutes of a meeting held on the 16th September 2020
Cllr Yarham asked the committee if they were to accept the minutes of the meeting dated Wednesday 16th September 2020. It was proposed by Cllr Yarham and Resolved unanimously that the minutes could be signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. The clerk will sign on behalf of the chair.
41. Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had issued members with a report prior to the meeting:
1. PAT testing has now been completed on the park keeper’s shed.
2. The remedial work to the playpark has been completed satisfactorily.
42. Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon
None received.
43. Update on work and verbal presentation by the Park Keepers (via the clerk)
1. All grass cutting is up to date but due to the warm weather is ongoing.
2. As the park keepers move to a winter program of works, the benches in all areas will be maintained with routine painting of wooden and metal benches to be undertaken over the next few months.
3. Work to repair the BMX track has now been completed. Top soil has been ordered to finish off the mound created by the playpark repair excavated soil and this will then be seeded ready for use.
4. There is a damaged cherry tree on the John Eve field that will need to be felled.
Cllr Mrs Sked passed on thanks to the park keepers for their hard work on repairing and maintaining the benches, and on the work to the BMX track.
44. Omega reports: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income
The Clerk had provided an Omega report to members prior to the meeting. Cllr Yarham asked if there were any questions and Cllr Mrs Redshaw requested that an allowance be made for some flowers to be placed at the front of the peace memorial. Cllr Dolan noted that the condition of the path leading from Oak Grove to the cemetery had deteriorated and would be difficult for elderly or infirm visitors to the cemetery to negotiate. Cllrs agreed that material left from the repair of the BMX track could be used to repair the path and more ordered if necessary.
45. Precept planning 2021
Cllr Yarham noted that Cllr Broughton would have input to the precept plan in time for agreement at the next Full Council meeting.
46. Update on Playpark issues and for members to consider cleaning moss from the areas of the playpark that have not been resurfaced
Whilst the playpark surface repair had now been competed, members noted that there was still unsightly moss on the equipment and Cllr Mrs Sked asked for this to be addressed. It was agreed that the park keepers should include this in their ongoing work schedule.
47. For members to consider funding tree work at Stamford Close on land that does not fall within the remit of Lincolnshire County Council or South Kesteven District Council
Members were concerned at not setting a precedent for taking on work not within the remit of the council, and indeed if the council would be authorised to do the work. A quote had previously been obtained to cut back the trees at a cost of £570. The clerk was asked to make further attempts through Parish Online to find out who owns the land and Cllr Shelton suggested approaching SKDC as the local planning authority.
48. Update on the allotment purchase
Cllr Shelton advised members that the update given at last week’s Full Council meeting was still relevant and that he was working on obtaining a figure in respect of the commuted sum with assistance from SKDC and a planning professional. He will report back at the next meeting.
49. Review of the tenancy agreement
Cllr Yarham confirmed that he was working on an updated draft of the agreement and that it would be ready for such time as the allotments are taken on.
50. For members to consider any issues raised in the public session
There were none.
The clerk asked that members give further consideration to the precept for 2021/22 and members agreed to keep figures the same with an allowance for inflation. There should otherwise be an additional allowance of £500 for miscellaneous expenditure. Members discussed the need for budgeting for replacement play equipment and the need to find out the potential cost, as this would be considerable. Members also discussed an allowance for CCTV on the John Eve field, and whether to consult local children as to what equipment they would like to see in the park.
There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for attending and the meeting was closed at 7.37pm.
The next scheduled meeting of the Amenities and Open Spaces Committee will take place on