AOS May 2020 Minutes

Amenities and Open Spaces Committee
Minutes of a virtual meeting held on Wednesday 20th May
Zoom meeting code 948 5414 5055.
Cllr Broughton (Chairman) presided over Cllr Mrs Sked, Cllr Miss Collins, Cllr Brookes, Cllr Shelton, Cllr Miss Moran, Cllr Hembrow and Cllr Davis. A member of the public, the clerk and deputy clerk were also in attendance.
1. Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Broughton welcomed the members to the meeting
2. Apologies for absence
There were none
3. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
There were no declarations of interest
4. Minutes of a meeting held on the 22nd January 2020
Cllr Broughton asked the committee if they were to accept the minutes of the meeting dated Wednesday 22nd January 2020. It was proposed and Resolved unanimously that the minutes could be signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. The minutes will be signed when safe to do so.
7.03pm Cllr Yarham joined the meeting
5. Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had issued members with a report prior to the meeting:
1. Pinder’s circus hire of the John Eve Field had to be cancelled due to the condition of the field being too poor.
2. William Hildyard used the John Eve Field for their cross-country event on 12th February.
3. The Rectory Paddock volunteers continue to work hard each Thursday up until the lockdown, and the Chair and clerk authorised the purchase of holly saplings for them to repair gaps in the hedging on Godsey Lane. In April they reported that a second species of orchid had been found in the paddock.
4. Taylor’s fair had to be cancelled in April due to the Coronavirus outbreak.
6. Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon
Correspondence – Amenities & Open Spaces – May 2020 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1 |
Deepings Summer Ball |
Jan 2020 |
Banner applications |
Authorised by Chair |
2 |
Deepings Lions |
Jan 2020 |
Banner application – free diabetes check |
Authorised by Clerk |
3 |
Market Square Group |
Feb 2020 |
Potential hire and event on the John Eve Field |
Cllr Miss Moran advised the food festival with music still planned to proceed but may have to be cancelled due to Covid restrictions. £300 hire charge had provisionally been quoted. Members agreed to wait and see how regulations may change with regards to holding such events. |
4 |
The 1:1 diet |
January 2020 |
Banner application |
Authorised by Clerk |
5 |
Tequilla Circus |
March 2020 |
Request to use JE Field, references now available |
Cllr Hembrow advised members that the circus had been performing in Peterborough. Cllrs agreed in principal to allow a visit when restrictions are lifted. |
6 |
PInders Circus |
Feb 2020 |
Request to hire JE field for 2021 |
Authorised by Chair & committee |
7 |
ChrisFit |
March 2020 |
Request to hire JE field on an ongoing basis for fitness classes |
Members agreed to allow this as long as ChrisFit could provide relevant insurances, risk assessments and method statements. Also no ropes to be tied around trees in the field. |
8 |
14/05/2020 |
Tractor insurance renewal |
Members Resolved to renew on the terms shown. |
9 |
Resident |
13/05/2020 |
Use of Persimmon play area near the allotments whilst restrictions in place. |
The clerks had written to Persimmon to ask them to place signage preventing use of the play area. Members were happy with this action. |
10 |
Resident |
19/05/2020 |
Tree planting |
Cllr Broughton proposed and it was Resolved unanimously that a flowering cherry be planted to compliment the 4 young trees planted in the previous year in replacement of old and diseased trees. The council will offer to collect the tree for planting. |
7. Update on work and verbal presentation by the Park Keepers (via the clerk)
The clerk had spoken to the park keepers, who reported that the field is cut, with the large and small BMX tracks still to be strimmed. The Riverside and Welland parks were cut and tidy, and the Rectory paddock had also been cut. The volunteers had returned to work in the paddock, whilst following social distancing rules. The park keepers were attempting to catch up with work that had been postponed during the Covid restrictions. Members had no questions.
8. Omega reports: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income
The Clerk had provided an Omega report to members prior to the meeting. Cllr Broughton asked if there were any questions and Cllr Brookes queried whether the income from hiring the John Eve field could be adjusted to show the reduction due to Covid restrictions. The clerk confirmed that this could be amended at any point during the financial year. There were no further questions.
9. For members to agree on a company to provide the resurfacing required to the children’s play area following the ROSPA report
The clerk had provided three quotations, in line with the financial regulations, to members prior to the meeting. Members considered the quotations provided and it was then proposed by Cllr Mrs Sked and Resolved unanimously to proceed with Fenland Leisure products ltd. It was agreed that Cllr Hembrow would meet with the representative at the John Eve field and discuss the best way forward. The clerk will provide the relevant contact details.
10. Update on the allotment purchase and for members to consider the tenancy agreement
The clerk had been advised that the transaction was nearing completion. However, there was no one available at Persimmon to progress the transfer from their side. The clerk confirmed that it was just the allotment land being transferred at this time and not other pockets of land that had been previously mentioned. Delays had been exacerbated due to the lack of planning conditions set regarding the allotment land transfer. Members asked for this item to be kept on the agenda for future meetings.
11. For members to agree a scale of charges for the Hire of the John Eve Field.
Cllr Broughton advised members that the committee had not looked to make a profit from hiring the field and different hirers had varying abilities to pay. He advised members that the hirers would make good the ground, in line with the hiring policy, and that vehicles had to stay in place once parked to prevent damage to the ground and vulnerability of access points. Cllr Miss Moran pointed out that a scale of charges was needed for transparency and accountability and it was acknowledged that charity events, such as the Deepings Carnival, would not be charged. Cllr Yarham asked, and members agreed, that the clerks research figures previously charged and that the clerks provide a scale of charges for the committee to consider at the next meeting.
There being no other business the Chairman thanked all for attending and the meeting was closed at 7.44pm.
The next scheduled meeting of the Amenities and Open Spaces Committee will take place on Wednesday 15th July via Zoom, access code and password to be provided with agendas at the time.