TH&C September 2023 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting of Market Deeping Town Council’s Town Hall and Cemetery Committee held on Wednesday 6th September 2023 at 6.15 pm at the Town Hall, Market Deeping.  Cllr Miss Collins presided over Cllr Broughton, Cllr Mrs Jones, Cllr Ms Reed, Cllr Mrs Sked and Cllr Shelton.  The Deputy Clerk was also in attendance.  

31. Chair’s Welcome

Cllr Miss Collins welcomed members to the meeting.   

32. Apologies for absence

There were no apologies for absence.

33. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011

There were no declarations of interest.

34. Minutes from the meeting held on Wednesday 19th July 2023

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as a true and accurate record.   The Chair signed the minutes.

Cllr Broughton joined the meeting at 6.19 pm.

35. Clerk’s report

The Deputy Clerk informed the members of the following:



Committee’s comments

  • Since the last meeting on 19 July 2023 there had been three interments of cremated remains.

The Committee noted.

  • Topple testing took place in the cemetery in August and the outcome was as follows: -
  • 2 headstones were laid flat and have no contactable lessee  
  • 4 headstones will need securing and have no contactable lessee
  • 2 headstones will need securing and attempts will be made to contact the lessee recorded on our cemetery records

The Committee noted the information.  A discussion took place about the council repairing the graves stones that had become unstable or laid flat and there was no contactable lessee.  It was proposed by Cllr Ms Reed and seconded by Cllr Broughton with 5 in favour and one against that the council should not repair the graves as it is the responsibility of the lessee and the cost should not be funded by the tax payer.


Town Hall


Committee’s comments

  • PAT testing took place at the Town Hall and the park keepers shed on 5th September and there were no issues reported.

The Committee noted.

  • A fire safety audit is taking place in September.

The Committee noted.

36. Update on work activity taking place in the cemeteries (old & new) 


Committee’s comments

  • The old cemetery grass had been cut.

The committee noted.

  • The park keepers had been approached by the resident who had recently laid the kerbing, free of charge, from the Sanctum up to the rose garden.  He informed that he may be in a position in the future to extend the kerbing free of charge around the rose garden.

The Committee were grateful for this kind offer and happy for this to take place should the opportunity arise.

37. Correspondence received up to 6th September 2023


Received from

Date Received


Committee to note/ response


The Columbaria Company (Sanctum plaque supplier)


Informing that there will be no further price increase until 1 April 2024

The Committee noted.




The resident currently has a rose in the rose garden and would like to know if she can pay an amount of money for the upkeep and lease of the rose after she has passed away until the money runs out.  She has no people to leave the responsibility to.

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the residents request.

38. Finances: Omega reports: Review of budget/expenditure/income

The Deputy Clerk had presented a copy of the Omega report to all members prior to the meeting.  Cllr Miss Collins asked if there were any questions and there were none.

39. Chair’s Town Hall Report

The Chair had nothing to report and had noted the Clerk’s report.  

40. For members to consider replacing the Town Hall entrance door 

Cllr Broughton and the Deputy Clerk will obtain two quotes for a replica door whilst the new door is being made.  Cllr Broughton would also like to reuse the iron work on the new door.  As the Town Hall is within a conservation area planning permission will be required. 

41. Chair’s Cemetery Report

The Chair had visited the cemetery and reported that the cemetery keeper and park keepers are doing a brilliant job in maintaining the cemetery.  The Sanctum seats are being stained in the winter months by the park keepers. 

42. For members to review the Sanctum Fees

It was agreed that the Chair and the Deputy Clerk would review the lease term and fees and bring back to the next meeting for consideration.

43. For members to consider the Cemetery Policy

It was agreed to review at the next meeting along with the Sanctum Fees.  

44. For members to consider and discuss any points raised in the Open Session.

There were none.

45. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting of the Town Hall and Cemetery Committee

•   For members to review the lease term and fees for the Sanctum 
•   For members to consider the Cemetery Policy

Cllr Miss Collins thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting at 6.40 pm. The next Town Hall and Cemetery Committee meeting will take place on Wednesday 1st November at the Town Hall.