TH&C May 2020 Agenda
Notice is hereby given of the virtual meeting of Market Deeping Town Council’s Town Hall and Cemetery Committee to be held on Wednesday 20th May 2020 at 7.30pm.
Zoom Meeting Code 948 5414 5055, Password 588127
The following business will be transacted.
1. Chairman’s Welcome
2. Apologies for absence
3. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011
4. Minutes from meeting held on Wednesday 22nd January 2020
5. Clerk’s report
6. Update on work activity taking place in the cemeteries
7. Correspondence
8. Finances: Omega reports: Review of budget/expenditure/income
9. Chairman’s Cemetery Report.
10. For members to receive an update on the approved Sanctum facility within the cemetery and to agree the way forward.
11. For members to set the cemetery fees for 2020/21.
12. For members to review the Town Council’s Scattering of Ashes Policy.
13. For members to agree to seek further information regarding green burials.
14. For members to review and agree the job description for the Town Cemetery Keeper.
Town Hall
15. For members to receive an update on the purchase of the Town Hall.
16. For members to agree to the commissioning of a survey of the Town Hall.
17. For members to consider the keeping or displaying of a register of past Town Mayors.
14th May 2020
Claire Harris
Deputy Clerk for & on behalf of Market Deeping Town Council