P&HC October 2024 Minutes

              Market Deeping Town Council – Planning and Highways Committee


Minutes of a meeting of Market Deeping Town Council’s Planning and Highways Committee held on Wednesday 2 October 2024 at 7.00 pm.  Cllr Dr Byrd presided over Cllr Hughes, Cllr Mrs Jones, Cllr Neilson, Cllr Piper, Cllr Mrs Steel and Cllr Wey.  The Deputy Clerk was in attendance.   


49.   Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and welcomed Cllr Piper who had joined the committee.  The Chairman informed that Cllr Mrs Sked had resigned from the committee today and would like to take this opportunity to thank Cllr Mrs Sked for her commitment and continued support over the years.   


50.   Apologies for Absences

There were no apologies for absence.  


     51.   To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

There were no declarations of interest.  


52.  Minutes from the meeting dated Wednesday 4 September 2024

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 4 September as a true and accurate record.  The Chairman signed the minutes.


53.   Clerk’s Report



Millfield Road ivy on trees – Following concerns raised that ivy may damage trees the Deputy Clerk had researched the issue and below is an extract from the Woodland Trust which confirms that ivy does not damage trees.


“Ivy uses trees and walls for support, allowing it to reach upwards to better levels of sunlight.  It is not a parasitic plant and has a separate root system in the soil and so absorbs its own nutrients and water as needed.  Ivy does not damage trees and its presence doesn’t indicate that a tree is unhealthy.”

The Committee noted the response.

Bus Shelters – A number of bus shelters have had posters stuck to them, one of which is the new bus shelter on Peterborough Road.  The posters have left a glue residue on the glass which is difficult to remove.  The parkkeepers are looking for a glue remover.

The Committee agreed that no further action is required other than to remove the glue from the glass. 

Speed devices are fully charged.

The Committee were pleased to hear that all devices are working.


Cllr Wey arrived at 7.15pm.


54.  Correspondence

Members had received a copy of the correspondence report prior to the meeting.

Correspondence to be noted – Received up to 2 October 2024


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response




Record of valid planning applications registered between 2 - 6 September 2024



Peterborough City Council


Notification that the Draft Local Plan Review is paused until February 2025





Record of valid planning applications registered between 9 – 13 September 2024





Minutes for Planning Committee, Thursday 5 September 2024, 1.00 pm





Advanced notification of works Millfield Culvert, Market Deeping – road closure map. Road closure is expected to start on 4 November 2024 for up to 3 weeks.

Cllr Mrs Jones is making enquiries with regards to access for the refuse lorry whilst the road is closed.




Record of valid planning applications registered between 16 September and 20 September 2024





Agenda for Planning Committee, Thursday 3 October 2024, 1.00pm 





Record of valid planning applications registered between 23 – 27 September 2024



Correspondence to be acted upon – Received up to 2 October 2024


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response




Concerned about the High Street and how tight it appears to be where the laybys are located for vehicles to pass safely.  Believes vehicles are traveling along the High Street that are over the weight limit of 7.5 tonnes. 

The Committee noted the residents’ comments.  The Committee believed that lorries travelling along the High Street were essential delivery lorries to local businesses and stores but would monitor the situation.




Bus shelter opposite the health centre is facing the hedge and would like it turned to face the road. 


Also requested the trees are cut back around the bus shelter.

The Committee agreed that it should be explored with LCC to see if the shelter could be turned around.


26.09.24 The hedge has been reported on FixMyStreet reference 2718910.


55.   Finance

        a. Omega Report: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income

The Deputy Clerk had provided members with a report prior to the meeting.    Cllr Dr Byrd asked members if there were any comments on the omega report and there were none. 

       b. For members to consider the precept for 2025/26

The Committee considered the precept and agreed that the figure should remain the same or less than £14,900 which was the figure for 2024/25.  It was agreed that the precept should include a budget for the repair, or if this was not possible, a replacement clock in the centre of Market Deeping.   Cllr Hughes had contacted numerous clock repairers and was finding it difficult to find a specialist equipped to carry out the work.     

The Committee agreed that a new bin with a cigarette tray should be purchased to replace the one outside the family shopper, the current bin would be relocated to Welland Gardens.



56.  To consider the planning applications received up to 2 October 2024, as per SKDC Weekly Planning lists

Ref. no

Application details and address

MDTC response


Applicant: Mr Abdul Kachra

Location: 116 to 122A Church Street, Market Deeping, Lincolnshire, PE6 8AL

Proposal: Application for removal/variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning permission S22/0651 (Alterations to enable to reinstatement of 2 self-contained apartments and associated external repairs).

App Type: Listed Building Consent

SKDC deadline for comments: 26.09.24

The Committee had no comments.


Applicant: Mr James Wherry

Location: Mill House, 27 Stamford Road, Market Deeping, PE6 8AB

Proposal: Retrospective planning application for single storey side and rear extension to house, single storey side and rear extension to detached garage and erection of a tree house

App Type: Householder

SKDC deadline for comments: 26.09.24

The Committee considered the retrospective application and were concerned that the extension at present does not appear to be in keeping with the listed building. 


Applicant: Mr James Wherry

Location: Mill House, 27 Stamford Road, Market Deeping, PE6 8AB

Proposal: Retrospective listed building consent for single storey side and rear extension to house, alterations to kitchen fireplace and flooring; fitting of internal mezzanine floor and spiral staircase to main garages and erection of single storey extensions; insertion of door covering to pigeoncote; and conversion of garage outbuilding to pool plant room.

App Type: Listed building consent

SKDC deadline for comments: 26.09.24 

The Committee considered the retrospective planning application and were concerned that the extension at present does not appear to be in keeping with the listed building. 


Applicant: Mr John Windsor

Location: 42 The Grove, Market Deeping, PE6 8AP

Proposal: Dormer roof extension to rear of dwelling

App Type: Householder

SKDC deadline for comments: 08.10.24

The Committee considered and are aware that this is a retrospective planning application, although this is not stated on the application form, and has therefore not provided neighbours the opportunity to comment on the application prior to the extension being built. 


Applicant: Mr George Wilkinson

Location: Phase B & C, Towngate East, Market Deeping

Proposal: Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission S20/1586 (Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of permission S16/0112.  Amendment to the access, associated layout changes, house type updates and changes to affordable plot numbers of Phase A only).

App Type: Full Planning Permission (Major)

SKDC deadline for comments: 16.10.24

The Committee agreed that a discussion with the developer would be helpful to clarify the changes of the original planning application and this planning application.  The Committee would also like assurance that any remedial actions raised by residents from the first phase of the development have been dealt with.  The Deputy Clerk was asked to contact SKDC planning department requesting an extension to their deadline for comments, this would allow the committee to meet with the developer before submitting a response.


8.05 Cllr Neilson left the meeting



Applicant: Mr R Peters

Location: Lake View Caravan Storage, Northfield Road East, Market Deeping, PE6 8GX

Proposal: Erection of pet crematorium building and veterinary services building with associated access and car parking

App Type: Full Planning Permission

SKDC deadline for comments: 17.10.24 

The Committee had no comments.


Applicant: Ms E Batchelor

Location: 9 Woodcroft Close, Market Deeping, PE6 8BT

Proposal: Hard reduction of 3 large hawthorn along back of garden into appropriate pruning points at approx. 12ft

App Type: Works to TPO tree(s)

SKDC deadline for comments: 11.10.24

The Committee had no comments.


Applicant: Ms E Pearce

Location: Land west of Cross Road, Deeping St James, PE6 8LQ

Proposal: Proposed change of use of land to form sports ground, car park, 2(no) access points from cross road and erection of toilet block.

App Type: Full Planning Permission

SKDC deadline for comments: 16.10.24

The Committee fully supports the planning application.


      57.  Planning applications and their results received up to the 2 October 2024

Ref No.

Application details and address

SKDC Decision


Applicant: Jonathan Brewell

Location: 22 High Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8EB

Proposal: New external shop signage with external lighting over the sign.  Rotating lit barbers pole.

Date received: 20.11.23

Decision date: 11.09.24

Consent has been refused.


Applicant: Mr Matthew Bumphrey

Location: 22 Kesteven Drive, Market Deeping

Proposal: Proposed side extension over existing garage

Date received: 2 August 2024

Decision date: 25 September 2004 

Withdrawn by applicant.


58. For members to review the monitoring of approved planning applications and Section 106 monies


Approved Planning Application

Reported by/ Date





Reference No: S23/1941

Detail: Church Street

Issue: Replacement tree to be planted.

Cllr Mrs Byrd


The tree had been removed but a replacement tree is yet to be planted.  Deputy Clerk to follow up with the Planning Authority.  Sent 07.03.24

14.03.24 – Reply from SKDC states replacement tree to be planted by the end of March 24.

Cllr Dr Byrd informed that a replacement tree will be planted in the Autumn and in a different location.  The resident is liaising with SKDC to agree a suitable tree.

04.09.24 The Deputy Clerk was requested to contact SKDC for an update.


Reference No: S23/2350

Detail: Church Street

Issue: Illuminated signage, external and internal barber’s poles and advertising board

P&H Cttee – 01.05.24

P&H Committee to monitor.

The illuminated signage and barber’s poles have been removed.  A portable sign has been placed on the pavement which could cause obstruction to residents.


Cllr Dr Byrd would provide an update at Full Council on 9 October with regards to Section 106 monies.


59. For members to review reported highways issues.

The Deputy Clerk had circulated a copy of the Highways issue report prior to the meeting.   

MDTC Reported Highway Issues – Planning & Highways Committee – up to 2 October 2024


Highway Issue

Date reported





Halfleet (between St Guthlac’s Church and Towngate) – Significant carriageway deterioration.


LCC Ref 373932

Fix my street details below 23/07/20 – Investigating

23/07/20 – In Progress

25/11/20 – Action scheduled

04/01/21 – Chased up by District Cllr

18/02/21 – In Progress

10.12.21 – LCC reported fixed

05.01.22 Cllr Shelton advised that he would check that the road had been repaired.

07.12.22 – P&H Cttee to check if the work had been carried out by LCC, if not resubmit request for the repair work.

As requested, the Deputy Clerk has written to the county Councillor for Market Deeping and awaiting a response. 

Discussed with Senior Highways Officer from LCC on 2 May – awaiting feedback

02.06.23 – LCC highways have visited the site and have confirmed that repair work is required.  This will be programmed in but could not give a date at this time.   


Increase in traffic/parking on Godsey Lane following the relocation of the post office.  Concern expressed by residents that it is unsafe for pedestrians.



*Meeting took place with Cllr Shelton, Cllr Dr Byrd, Cllr Mrs Jones, Deputy Clerk and the Senior Highways Officer, LCC on 2 May, awaiting feedback. 

12.06.23 LCC informed that a written forward planning brief for the parking restrictions to be reviewed outside the post office and around the junction had been sent to the county councillor for approval.  Once approved it can be submitted to be included on the programme of works.  As it is a substantial programme they cannot provide a timeframe at present.

27.02.24 – Deputy Clerk requested an update from LCC highways.

05.06.24 – Deputy Clerk reported that LCC Highways were following this up.

25.09.24 – Deputy Clerk requested an update from LCC regarding the parking restrictions near the post office and pedestrian crossing points.

26.09.24 – LCC checking on progress.


Pavement Gap – Northfield Road



*As above – ongoing


Dovecote Road – double yellow lines



*As above – ongoing – Resident requesting double yellow lines would like to be present if a site visit is made by LCC.

30.10.23 LCC confirmed that this request was referred to TRO team in March 2023.  If request is taken forward it could take some time before any changes are put in place on site (2 years) Reference number 4560624. 

Cllr Mrs Steel carried out a survey seeking residents views and agreed to do further research and report back to the meeting in February 2024.

30.04.24 - LCC consulting with MDTC deadline 31 May 2024

01.05.24 – It was resolved unanimously by P&H Ctte to request a small extension to the proposed waiting restrictions into Dovecote Road.  It was agreed the extra extension should be a further car and half in length in addition to what LCC have already suggested. 

29.05.24 – Consultation response sent from P&H Cttee to LCC.


Quiet Lane Status – Millfield Road



*As above - ongoing


Stamford Road – trees over the edge of the highways, obstructing view of oncoming traffic for vehicles turning right


Fix My Street 461231













05.06.23 – LCC have updated this work out to one of their delivery gangs.  LCC will inform when the job is completed.

19.07.23 – LCC update “A quick note to let you know that we’re taking enforcement action.  This type of action can take a long time to complete so whilst it might not look like we’re working on the issue, we’re being busy behind the scenes.  Thanks for your patience.  As this progresses, we’ll update you when we can.”

10.11.23 – LCC The work’s finished and the issue is now resolved.  

06.12.23 – P&H informed that this hasn’t been done and requested that this is raised again with LCC.

31.01.24 – Reported to LCC via FixMyStreet

31.01.24 – LCC reported that they are taking enforcement action and this type of action can take a long time to complete so whilst it might not look like we’re working on the issue, we’re being busy behind the scenes.  Stated changed to closed.


Stamford Road – Cllrs request for double yellow lines to be installed outside the two new houses due to the narrowness of the road.  The yellow lines would not be installed outside existing properties.



07.07.23 - LCC will review this request once the building work has been completed but believes the narrowing of the road actually is a natural form of traffic calming.



Bend on Northfield Road into Blenheim Way. 



06.09.23 P&H Cttee requested this be listed on the Highways report for monitoring.  The Committee have raised this as an area of concern with LCC on previous occasions.

02.02.24 – Two road incidents took place on Friday 2 February 2024.  A business in the area has copied in LCC, Police, Lincs Road Safety Partnership and the district councillor.  

09.02.23 Two further road incidents reported by local business to LCC/Police/District Councillor.

12.02.24 Deputy Clerk contacted LCC Highways as per P&H Cttee’s request for immediate safety measures to be installed at this location.

21.02.24 – LCC responded and informed that they have carried out interim measures to address concerns, including lining improvements and vegetation clearance so warning signs are more visible.  Works are underway to review the speed limit on Northfield Road and works are also planned to re-texture the road surface and improve skid resistance later this year.

01.05.24 – LCC consulting on reducing the speed limit to 40mph on Northfield Road.

01.05.24 – P&H Ctte resolved unanimously to request that the speed limit is reduced to 30mph due to the new housing development and future housing developments along Northfield Road.

29.05.24 – Consultation response sent from P&H Cttee to LCC.


Resident – SKDC lamp post 11, front cover open.  Location: St Guthlac’s Avenue, Market Deeping



25.10.23 SKDC investigating.  Taped up by Park Keepers as an interim measure.


LCC have confirmed that the Planning and Highways Committee’s request to amend the proposed waiting restrictions on Church Street, Market Deeping has been considered and will be included in the public consultation



To be monitored by the P&H Committee.


Light not working near Tescos.



Clerk contacted and requested superstore repair as Town Council had received a number of concerns about the light not working.    Lamp is not managed by LCC and appears to be on the superstore land.   23.2.23 Tesco’s have reported light to their maintenance team and will advise when work has been carried out.


Resident reported that there is a leak near 8-6 Halfleet, Market Deeping and the pavement has become flooded near the bus shelter. 


LCC’s Ref 2816467


This matter had already been reported by a resident.

03.09.24 LCC reported that they are not taking immediate action with this report.  An officer has previously inspected the location and this is not Lincolnshire County Council’s liability.  The leak is coming from the rear garden of the property. 


Resident reported that the hedging along Godsey Lane near the bus stop are overgrown and requires trimming back.


LCC’s Ref


26.09.24 LCC will investigate within the next 14 days.

30.09.24 LCC report action scheduled.


60. For members to consider the urban grass cutting contract for 2025

Cllr Wey reported that he had carried out some research regarding the strength of these types of contracts and was concerned that if the contract was too strict it could potentially put contractors off in submitting a quote. Cllr Wey would discuss the contract with Deeping St James Parish Council and would report back to the next Planning and Highways Committee meeting.  The Deputy Clerk was asked to obtain the latest grass cutting maps from LCC and forward to Cllr Wey.


61. For members to consider Peterborough City Council’s Local Plan

Notification had been received from Peterborough City Council informing that the consultation on their local plan would be delayed until February 2025.  It was agreed to defer this item until February 2025 or when the consultation commences.


62. For members to consider South Kesteven District Council’s Local Plan

Cllr Dr Byrd informed that this will be discussed by the Deeping Neighbourhood Plan who will report back to the Planning and Highways Committee to consider their response.


63. For members to consider the Deepings Green Walk Way Finding Project

Cllr Dr Byrd confirmed that this will be discussed at Full Council on 9 October.


Conservation Area

64. For members to review any issues relating to the Conservation area

a)  Old Police House update

Cllr Dr Byrd informed that the property is now on the market and has a guide price of £300,000 and it is a sealed bid process.


Cllr Mrs Steel informed that a bench located in St Guthlac’s Avenue had collapsed and would like it repaired if possible.  Cllr Mrs Steel to forward photographs of the bench and location so this can be considered at the next meeting.


65.  For members to review any matters arising from the public session

There were no matters arising.


66. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting


  • Urban Grass Cutting Contract
  • Precept Planning
  • South Kesteven District Council’s Local Plan


There being no other business, Cllr Dr Byrd thanked everybody for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.00pm.  The next meeting of the Planning & Highways Committee will be held on Wednesday 6 November 2024.