P&HC May 2024 Minutes

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Market Deeping Town Council – Planning and Highways Committee

Minutes of a meeting of Market Deeping Town Council’s Planning and Highways Committee held on Wednesday 1 May 2024 at 7.00 pm.  Cllr Shelton presided over Cllr Dr Byrd, Cllr Hughes, Cllr Mrs Jones, Cllr Neilson, Cllr Mrs Jean Sked, Cllr Mrs Steel and Cllr Wey.  The Deputy Clerk was in attendance.   
Cllr Shelton welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Jean Sked as a member of the public was concerned that the care home located on the High Street had removed trees to the front of the property to create space for additional parking.  She was also concerned that the property had been jet washed and could cause damage to the Grade II listed building. 

It was RESOLVED unanimously to come out of the open session and to commence the meeting.

171.   Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for their attendance throughout the year.  

172.   Apologies for Absences

There were no apologies for absence.  

173.   To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Dr Byrd declared an interest in planning application S24/0576. 

174.  Minutes from the meeting dated Wednesday 3 April 2024 

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 3 April as a true and accurate record.  The Chairman signed the minutes. 

175.   Clerk’s Report



Following the council’s request the drains had been cleaned on the High Street.  This was carried out on 18 April 2024.

Cllr Hughes was unsure if this had been carried out.  The Deputy Clerk would check with the company.

Cllr Joe Wey joined the meeting at 7.10 pm.


Urban grass cutting had commenced, this is the first cut of the year by the new contractor.  The plan provided by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) shows in red the areas that our contractors are responsible for cutting.  It appears that LCC’s plan has some discrepancies which has come to light by the new contractor cutting areas highlighted in red but leaving areas which are not in red but clearly should be included in the cutting contract. The Deputy Clerk has discussed this matter with DSJ Clerk who has similar issues and a meeting with the contractor and a conversation with LCC is required to correct the discrepancies. This may increase the fee slightly for this year’s contract.     

The Committee agreed that the contractor should cut the grass which appears to be omitted from the first cut due to a few discrepancies in LCC’s map.   It is to be noted that there are areas that are maintained by third party contractors such as housing associations and this does not fall within MDTC and DSJ’s remit.  The Deputy Clerk informed that DSJ is organising a meeting with the contractor and Cllr Shelton will attend on behalf of the Planning and Highways Committee. 

Market Deeping Town Council’s response to South Kesteven District Council – Local Plan Review – Regulation 18 Draft Plan Consultation was sent on 24 April 2024.    

The Committee noted and a copy of the response had been sent to all Councillors for their information. 

176.  Correspondence

Members had received a copy of the correspondence prior to the meeting.

Correspondence to be noted – Received up to 1 May 2024


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response




Record of valid planning applications registered between 2 April to 5 April 2024





Minutes for Planning Committee, Thursday 14 March 2024, 1.00 pm





Agenda for Planning Committee, Thursday 18 April, 1.00 pm





Record of valid planning applications registered between 8 April to 12 April 2024





Record of valid planning applications registered between 15 April -19 April 2024





Record of valid planning applications registered between 22 – 26 April 2024


Correspondence to be acted upon – Received up to 1 May 2024


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response



19.04.24/ 24.04.24

Have your say on Lincolnshire Moves: your voice, your roads.  Lincolnshire County Council running a survey to do an in-depth review into Traffic Management for the county.

Deadline for completion of the survey has been extended to 17 May 24

Cllr Dr Byrd requested that councillors complete the survey individually.   




Consultation regarding proposed waiting restrictions on Dovecote Road.  Deadline for comments by 31 May 2024.

It was RESOLVED unanimously to request a small extension to the proposed waiting restrictions into Dovecote Road. It was agreed the extra extension should be a further car and half in length in addition to what LCC have already suggested.




Consultation to review the speed limit to 40mph on Northfield Road.  Deadline for comments by 31 May 2024.

It was RESOLVED unanimously to request that this is 30mph due to the new housing development and the proposed future housing development along Northfield Road.

As agreed at Full Council on 10 April Cllr Dr Byrd and Cllr Mrs Jones had completed SKDC’s Local Plan Review – Village Services and Facilities Survey 2024. 

177.   Finance

a)   Omega Report: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income

The Deputy Clerk had provided members with a report prior to the meeting.    Cllr Shelton asked members if there were any comments on the omega report and there were none.  

178. To consider the planning applications received up to 1 May 2024, as per SKDC Weekly Planning lists

Ref. no

Application details and address

MDTC response


Applicant: Mr and Mrs Anthony

Location: 3 The Woodlands, Market Deeping, PE6 8BB

Proposal: Demolition of garage and erection of single storey annex.

App Type: Householder

SKDC deadline for comments: 29.04.24

The Committee considered the application and subject to the applicant resubmitting the plan showing the single storey building is located within the boundary line and a condition that this remains a residence for family members only the committee had no objections. 


Applicant: c/o Agent

Location: Land South of A15 west of Peterborough Road, Market Deeping, PE6 8CQ

Proposal: Outline planning application for up to 80 dwellings, including vehicular access, pedestrian and cycle links, public open space, landscaping, drainage and associated works.

App Type: Outline Planning Permission (Major)

SKDC deadline for comments: 10.05.24

The Committee considered the outline planning application and were pleased to see the proposed greenery, footpaths, the unique design element and the respect they have show for the boundary along Peterborough Road.


Applicant: Mr Humphrey Jamieson

Location: 81 High Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8ED

Proposal: Submission of details in relation to planning condition 3 (surface and foul water drainage) of S20/1432 (Erection of two-storey, detached dwelling)

App Type: Discharge of Conditions (Planning)

SKDC deadline for comments: 14.05.24

The Committee were pleased to see that this is progressing.


Applicant: Mr J Brewell

Location: 21 St Guthlac Avenue, Market Deeping, PE6 8BH

Proposal: Single storey rear extension and part garage conversion

App Type: Householder

SKDC deadline for comments: 21.05.24

The Committee had no objections.

179.  Planning applications and their results received up to the 1 May 2024

Ref No.

Application details and address

SKDC Decision


Applicant: Mr S Miller

Location: 21 St Guthlac Avenue, Market Deeping, PE6 8BH

Proposal: Installation of amateur radio operator equipment to rear garden.

Date received: 20 November 2023

Decision date: 10 April 2024

Grants Planning Permission


Applicant: Mr D Stead

Location: 18 High Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8EB

Proposal: Regularisation of works following completion of construction work not in accordance with planning approved drawings.

Date received: 4 March 2024

Decision date: 17 April 2024

Consent has been granted


Applicant: Mr Barham Ibrahim

Location: 88 Church Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8AL

Proposal: Illuminated fascia board, illuminated external and internal barbers’ poles and advertising board.

Date received: 18 March 2024

Decision date: 22 April 2024

Consent has been refused


Applicant: Mr D Stead

Location: 18 High Street, Market Deeping

Proposal: Non-material amendments in relation to planning approval S17/1056 including changes to upper floor rear windows, side windows, extension cladding and insertion of a single rear rooflight

Date received: 4 March 2024

Decision date: 22 April 2024

Amendments approved 22 April 2024


Applicant: Mrs A Eagell

Location: 6A Millfield Road, Market Deeping, PE6 8AD

Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension

Date received: 5 March 2024

Decision date: 25 April 2024

Grants Planning Permission


Applicant: Yasmin Watt

Location: The Laurels, 45 High Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8ED

Proposal: Section 211 notice to remove 1 conifer, reduce Portuguese Laurel by 3 metres and removal of Deodar Cedar

Date received: 1 March 2024

Decision date: 1 May 2024 

Work allowed 1 May 2024

8.25 Cllr Neilson left the meeting.

180. For members to review the monitoring of approved planning applications and Section 106 monies up to 1 May 2024


Approved Planning Application

Reported by/ Date





Reference No: S23/1941

Detail: Church Street

Issue: Replacement tree to be planted.

Cllr Mrs Byrd


The tree has been removed but a replacement tree is yet to be planted.  Deputy Clerk to follow up with the Planning Authority.  Sent 07.03.24

14.03.24 – Reply from SKDC states replacement tree to be planted by the end of March 24.

04.04.24 – Cllr Hughes informed that the tree is yet to be planted and it is hopeful this will be done May/June.

The Committee agreed that planning application S23/2350 should be included on the monitoring sheet.

Monitoring of Section 106 Monies

Pandhc may 2024 minutes img1

Cllr Shelton will provide further details regarding the Persimmon Section 106 agreement to include in the above table.  Cllr Shelton confirmed that he had been contacting the solicitors on a monthly basis to check on progress of the transfer of the allotment area to MDTC and the Section 106 monies.

Cllr Mrs Sked asked if the zebra crossing near the doctors was still being considered. Cllr Dr Byrd informed that she would contact SKDC to establish what Section 106 monies had been received from developers and if so, how is the money allocated or proposed to be allocated.  


181. For members to review reported highways issues.

The Deputy Clerk had circulated a copy of the Highways issue report prior to the meeting.   

MDTC Reported Highway Issues – Planning & Highways Committee – up to 1 May 2024


Highway Issue

Date reported

Reported to



Halfleet (between St Guthlac’s Church and Towngate) – Significant carriageway deterioration.


LCC Ref 373932

Fix my street details below 23/07/20 – Investigating

23/07/20 – In Progress

25/11/20 – Action scheduled

04/01/21 – Chased up by District Cllr

18/02/21 – In Progress

10.12.21 – LCC reported fixed

05.01.22 Cllr Shelton advised that he would check that the road had been repaired.

07.12.22 – P&H Cttee to check if the work had been carried out by LCC, if not resubmit request for the repair work.

As requested, the Deputy Clerk has written to the county Councillor for Market Deeping and awaiting a response. 

Discussed with Senior Highways Officer from LCC on 2 May – awaiting feedback

02.06.23 – LCC highways have visited the site and have confirmed that repair work is required.  This will be programmed in but could not give a date at this time.   


Increase in traffic/parking on Godsey Lane following the relocation of the post office.  Concern expressed by residents that it is unsafe for pedestrians.



*Meeting took place with Cllr Shelton, Cllr Dr Byrd, Cllr Mrs Jones, Deputy Clerk and the Senior Highways Officer, LCC on 2 May, awaiting feedback. 

12.06.23 LCC informed that a written forward planning brief for the parking restrictions to be reviewed outside the post office and around the junction had been sent to the county councillor for approval.  Once approved it can be submitted to be included on the programme of works.  As it is a substantial programme they cannot provide a timeframe at present.

27.02.24 – Deputy Clerk requested an update from LCC highways.


Pavement Gap – Northfield Road



*As above – ongoing


Dovecote Road – double yellow lines



*As above – ongoing – Resident requesting double yellow lines would like to be present if a site visit is made by LCC.

30.10.23 LCC confirmed that this request was referred to TRO team in March 2023.  If request is taken forward it could take some time before any changes are put in place on site (2 years) Reference number 4560624. 

Cllr Mrs Steel carried out a survey seeking residents views and agreed to do further research and report back to the meeting in February 2024.  


Quiet Lane Status – Millfield Road



*As above - ongoing


Stamford Road – trees over the edge of the highways, obstructing view of oncoming traffic for vehicles turning right


Fix My Street 461231















05.06.23 – LCC have updated this work out to one of their delivery gangs.  LCC will inform when the job is completed.

19.07.23 – LCC update “A quick note to let you know that we’re taking enforcement action.  This type of action can take a long time to complete so whilst it might not look like we’re working on the issue, we’re being busy behind the scenes.  Thanks for your patience.  As this progresses, we’ll update you when we can.”

10.11.23 – LCC The work’s finished and the issue is now resolved.  

06.12.23 – P&H informed that this hasn’t been done and requested that this is raised again with LCC.

31.01.24 – Reported to LCC via FixMyStreet

31.01.24 – LCC reported that they are taking enforcement action and this type of action can take a long time to complete so whilst it might not look like we’re working on the issue, we’re being busy behind the scenes.  Stated changed to closed.


Stamford Road – Cllrs request for double yellow lines to be installed outside the two new houses due to the narrowness of the road.  The yellow lines would not be installed outside existing properties.



07.07.23 - LCC will review this request once the building work has been completed but believes the narrowing of the road actually is a natural form of traffic calming.



Bend on Northfield Road into Blenheim Way. 



06.09.23 P&H Cttee requested this be listed on the Highways report for monitoring.  The Committee have raised this as an area of concern with LCC on previous occasions.

02.02.24 – Two road incidents took place on Friday 2 February 2024.  A business in the area has copied in LCC, Police, Lincs Road Safety Partnership and the district councillor.  

09.02.23 Two further road incidents reported by local business to LCC/Police/District Councillor.

12.02.24 Deputy Clerk contacted LCC Highways as per P&H Cttee’s request for immediate safety measures to be installed at this location.

21.02.24 – LCC responded and informed that they have carried out interim measures to address concerns, including lining improvements and vegetation clearance so warning signs are more visible.  Works are underway to review the speed limit on Northfield Road and works are also planned to re-texture the road surface and improve skid resistance later this year.


Councillor request – pavement along Church Street from The Avenue to St Guthlac’s Avenue on the Green School side of the road is uneven and in a poor state


LCC 476109

26.10.23: Investigating - LCC have looked at the issue and now passed it to the Highways Officers for the team to assess what can be done to resolve the matter.  LCC will let the council know when the assessment has taken place.

06.11.23 – LCC assessed the footway condition and – whilst it has deteriorated it does not yet require further action.  If the fault deteriorates significantly then please report this again to us and we will investigate further.

To be monitored by the P&H Committee.


Councillor request – there are a number of one curved gullies along Church Street causing difficulty for mobility users and pushchairs.  Request that these are replaced with ridged gullies


LCC 476113

03.11.23 LCC will not be looking to replace these items as they are a part of the surface water drainage system of the property.

06.12.23 – Pam B drafting a form of words to send to LCC to reconsider.


Resident – SKDC lamp post 11, front cover open.  Location: St Guthlac’s Avenue, Market Deeping



25.10.23 SKDC investigating.  Taped up by Park Keepers as an interim measure.


LCC have confirmed that the Planning and Highways Committee’s request to amend the proposed waiting restrictions on Church Street, Market Deeping has been considered and will be included in the public consultation



To be monitored by the P&H Committee.


Resident – street light not working outside 17 Stamford Road




Fix My Street shows that this had been reported on 29.01.24.  

22.02.24 LCC reported fixed.


Resident reported large potholes outside 3 and 5 Bramley Road




Reported via Fix My Street by resident.

15.02.24 LCC Highways investigating.

27.02.24 LCC are not taking immediate action with this because when they inspected, no potholes were found at the location.  If this is ongoing, please report this to LCC again providing the exact location details and a photo if it is safe to do so.


Light not working near Tescos.



Clerk contacted and requested superstore repair as Town Council had received a number of concerns about the light not working.    Lamp is not managed by LCC and appears to be on the superstore land.   23.2.23 Tesco’s have reported light to their maintenance team and will advise when work has been carried out.


Resident reported pothole on corner of Godsey Lane and Wade Park Avenue


LCC 495981

26.02.24 LCC highways team issued to delivery gangs.

07.03.24 Reported potholes completed but within 24 hours pothole reappeared.

14.03.24 LCC highways team issued to delivery gangs.

18.04.24 LCC The works finished and the issue is now resolved. 


Resident reported that the road around the manhole on the High Street is deteriorating and causing vehicles having to swerve to avoid it.


LCC Ref 498544

12.03.24 LCC Action scheduled

25.03.24, 02.04.24, 05.04.24 Chased by public and MDTC.


Resident reported that gravel had been laid on public footpath between Millfield Road and Tattershall Drive which was causing difficulty for people on mobility scooters. 


LCC 2802843

10.04.24 Reported to LCC Highways via FixMyStreet. 

11.04.24 LCC investigated and will be assessed.

19.04.24 LCC reported enforcement action taking place and will update as it progresses.

Cllr Mrs Jones reported that she is pursuing the quiet lane status on Millfield Road.   

Conservation Area

182. For members to review any issues relating to the Conservation area

Cllr Dr Byrd reported that there was no update from SKDC regarding the Old Police Station in the market place.  
183.  For members to review any matters arising from the public session

Cllr Mrs Sked reported that the tree that had been removed from the care home was believed to be unhealthy and the pollard tree was dangerous to visitors.  The care home was advised not to jet wash the building. 

184. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting

There were none at this time. 

There being no other business, Cllr Shelton thanked everybody for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.00 pm.  The next meeting of the Planning & Highways Committee will be held on Wednesday 5 June 2024.