P&HC January 2024 Minutes

Market Deeping Town Council – Planning and Highways Committee
Minutes of a meeting of Market Deeping Town Council’s Planning and Highways Committee held on Wednesday 3 January 2024 at 7.00 pm.
Cllr Shelton presided over Cllr Dr Byrd, Cllr Mrs Jones, Cllr Mrs Steel and Cllr Wey. The Deputy Clerk was in attendance.
101. Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
102. Apologies for Absences
Apologies were received from Cllr Hughes and Cllr Mrs Sked prior to the meeting.
103. To Receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Dr Byrd declared an interest in planning application S23/2342.
104. Minutes from the meeting dated Wednesday 6 December 2023
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2023 be signed as a true and accurate record. The minutes were signed accordingly.
105. Clerk’s Report
There were no items to report.
7.10 pm Cllr Wey joined the meeting.
106. Correspondence
Members had received a copy of the correspondence prior to the meeting.
Correspondence to be noted – Received up to 3 January 2024 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1. |
11.12.23 |
Public Notice – Market Deeping Church Street, The Avenue, St Guthlac Avenue regarding introducing No Waiting at Any Time. Deadline for objections to be sent in writing to the Chief Executive of Lincolnshire County Council by 1 February 2024 |
Noted. |
2. |
12.12.23 |
Record of valid planning applications registered between 4- 8 December 2023 |
Noted. |
3. |
19.12.23 |
Record of valid planning applications registered between 11 December and 15 December 2023 |
Noted. |
4. |
21.12.23 |
Change of date for the Planning Committee meeting from 11.01.2024 to 19.01.2024 |
Noted. |
5. |
27.12.23 |
Record of valid planning applications registered between 18-22 December 2023 |
Noted. |
6. |
02.01.24 |
Minutes for Planning Committee, Wednesday 22 November 2023, 1.00 pm |
Noted. |
Correspondence to be acted upon – Received up to 3 January 2024 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
DSJ to Cllr Shelton |
20.12.23 |
Deepings Football Club Planning App S22/2405 |
The Deputy Clerk informed that additional information had recently been uploaded to SKDC’s website in response to the queries raised by the Planning and Highways Committee in February 2023. Cllr Shelton had responded to DSJ on this matter. |
107. Finance
a) Omega Report: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income
The Deputy Clerk had provided members with a report prior to the meeting. Cllr Shelton asked members if there were any comments on the omega report and there were none.
108. To consider the planning applications received up to 3 January 2024, as per SKDC Weekly Planning lists
Ref. no |
Application details and address |
MDTC response |
S23/1941 |
Applicant: Mr A Drummond Location: The Rectory, 13 Church Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8DA
To remove Red Horse Chestnut T1 to ground level including grind out of stump
App Type: Works to TPO (Tree(s) SKDC deadline for comments: 20.12.23 |
The Committee considered this application and were content with SKDC’s tree officer’s recommendations.
Cllr Dr Byrd informed the committee that Cllr Mrs Sked would like to be involved in the replacement of the tree. The Deputy Clerk was asked to contact the applicant asking if this would be possible. |
S23/1746 |
Applicant: Mr. S. Miller Location: 21, St. Guthlac Avenue, Market Deeping, PE6 8BH
Installation of radio equipment consisting of various antennas. Antenna 1 fibre glass pole with a height approximately 3.37m. Antenna 2 fibre glass pole the approximate height 4.5m and Antenna 3 metal Clarke mast set with an approximate height of 7m. The approximate total height of the masts would be 10.43m. The antenna’s use would be at differing times.
App Type: Householder SKDC deadline for comments: 03.01.24 |
The Committee had no comment. |
S23/2342 |
Applicant: Mrs Byrd Location: 52 Church Street, Market Deeping, PE6 8AL
Section 211 notice to remove south westerly limb of Ash tree T1 that grows over wooden shed, crown raise over garden to 5.2m. Reduce dead Beach T2 to 8ft.
App Type: Trees in CA – Section 211 Notice SKDC deadline for comments: 12.01.24 |
The Committee had no comment. |
109. Planning applications and their results received up to the 3 January 2024
Ref No. |
Application details and address |
SKDC Decision |
S23/1905 |
Applicant: Depala Location: 37A Church Street, Market Deeping PE6 8AN Repainting of the shop front Date received:16.10.23 Decision date: 14.12.23 |
Consent has been refused |
S23/1781 |
Proposal: British Telecommunications Plc intends to install fixed line broadband electronic communications apparatus Location: 31 Godsey Crescent, Market Deeping |
No objection to the proposal |
110. For members to review the monitoring of approved planning applications
No. |
Approved Planning Application |
Reported by/ Date |
Response/Action |
1. |
Reference No: S23/0015 Detail: Extension Issue: Usage |
Cllr Mrs Jones |
Monitor |
Reference No: Detail: Church Street Issue: Replacement tree to be planted. |
Cllr Mrs Byrd |
Monitor |
111. For members to review reported highways issues.
The Deputy Clerk had circulated a copy of the Highways issue report prior to the meeting.
MDTC Reported Highway Issues – Planning & Highways Committee – up to 3 January 2024 |
No. |
Highway Issue |
Date reported |
Reported to |
Response |
1 |
Halfleet (between St Guthlac’s Church and Towngate) – Significant carriageway deterioration. |
22/07/20 |
LCC Ref 373932 |
Fix my street details below 23/07/20 – Investigating 23/07/20 – In Progress 25/11/20 – Action scheduled 04/01/21 – Chased up by District Cllr 18/02/21 – In Progress 10.12.21 – LCC reported fixed 05.01.22 Cllr Shelton advised that he would check that the road had been repaired. 07.12.22 – P&H Cttee to check if the work had been carried out by LCC, if not resubmit request for the repair work. As requested, the Deputy Clerk has written to the county Councillor for Market Deeping and awaiting a response. Discussed with Senior Highways Officer from LCC on 2 May – awaiting feedback 02.06.23 – LCC highways have visited the site and have confirmed that repair work is required. This will be programmed in but could not give a date at this time. |
2 |
Increase in traffic/parking on Godsey Lane following the relocation of the post office. Concern expressed by residents that it is unsafe for pedestrians. |
*Meeting took place with Cllr Shelton, Cllr Dr Byrd, Cllr Mrs Jones, Deputy Clerk and the Senior Highways Officer, LCC on 2 May, awaiting feedback.
12.06.23 LCC informed that a written forward planning brief for the parking restrictions to be reviewed outside the post office and around the junction had been sent to the county councillor for approval. Once approved it can be submitted to be included on the programme of works. As it is a substantial programme they cannot provide a timeframe at present. |
3 |
Pavement Gap – Northfield Road |
02.05.23 |
*As above – ongoing |
4 |
Dovecote Road – double yellow lines |
02.05.23 |
*As above – ongoing – Resident requesting double yellow lines would like to be present if a site visit is made by LCC. 30.10.23 LCC confirmed that this request was referred to TRO team in March 2023. If request is taken forward it could take some time before any changes are put in place on site (2 years) Reference number 4560624. |
5 |
Quiet Lane Status – Millfield Road |
02.05.23 |
*As above - ongoing |
6 |
Stamford Road – trees over the edge of the highways, obstructing view of oncoming traffic for vehicles turning right |
05.06.23 |
Fix My Street 461231 |
05.06.23 – LCC have updated this work out to one of their delivery gangs. LCC will inform when the job is completed. 19.07.23 – LCC update “A quick note to let you know that we’re taking enforcement action. This type of action can take a long time to complete so whilst it might not look like we’re working on the issue, we’re being busy behind the scenes. Thanks for your patience. As this progresses, we’ll update you when we can.” 10.11.23 – LCC The work’s finished and the issue is now resolved. 06.12.23 – P&H informed that this hasn’t been done and requested that this is raised again with LCC. |
7 |
Stamford Road – Cllrs request for double yellow lines to be installed outside the two new houses due to the narrowness of the road. The yellow lines would not be installed outside existing properties. |
06.06.23 |
07.07.23 - LCC will review this request once the building work has been completed but believes the narrowing of the road actually is a natural form of traffic calming.
8 |
Bend on Northfield Road into Blenheim Way - |
06.09.23 P&H Cttee requested this be listed on the Highways report for monitoring. The Committee have raised this as an area of concern with LCC on previous occasions. |
9 |
Councillor request – pavement along Church Street from The Avenue to St Guthlac’s Avenue on the Green School side of the road is uneven and in a poor state |
04.10.23 |
LCC 476109 |
26.10.23: Investigating - LCC have looked at the issue and now passed it to the Highways Officers for the team to assess what can be done to resolve the matter. LCC will let the council know when the assessment has taken place. 06.11.23 – LCC assessed the footway condition and – whilst it has deteriorated it does not yet require further action. If the fault deteriorates significantly then please report this again to us and we will investigate further. |
10 |
Councillor request – there are a number of one curved gullies along Church Street causing difficulty for mobility users and pushchairs. Request that these are replaced with ridged gullies |
04.10.23 |
LCC 476113 |
03.11.23 LCC will not be looking to replace these items as they are a part of the surface water drainage system of the property. 06.12.23 – Pam B drafting a form of words to send to LCC to reconsider. |
11 |
Resident – SKDC lamp post 11, front cover open. Location: St Guthlac’s Avenue, Market Deeping |
25.10.23 |
25.10.23 SKDC investigating. Taped up by Park Keepers as an interim measure. |
12 |
LCC have confirmed that the Planning and Highways Committee’s request to amend the proposed waiting restrictions on Church Street, Market Deeping has been considered and will be included in the public consultation |
08.11.23 |
112. For members to consider a community speed watch – DH
This item was deferred to the meeting in February.
113. For members to consider the urban grass cutting quotes
The Deputy Clerk informed that two quotes had been received a further one was expected but this was unlikely to be received before the Precept decision was due to be made. Cllr Shelton requested that the decision, who to award the contract for the urban grass cutting, should be agreed at Full Council in February.
114. For members to consider the responses received concerning the parking in Dovecote Road and Towngate East - PS
Cllr Mrs Steel outlined the results of the survey. In total 27 households had returned their survey, 26 supporting that some form of parking consideration should be taken and one against. Cllr Mrs Steel agreed to identify the approximate number of vehicles that could potentially be required should a parking layby be permitted on Towngate East. Cllr Mrs Steel agreed to carry out further research, liaise with the nearby care home, draw up a map of the location identifying trees and paths along Towngate East and report back to the next meeting.
Conservation Area
115. For members to review any issues relating to the Conservation area
Cllr Mrs Steel asked if an existing SKDC bin that is not used in its current location could be relocated to outside the local convenience store on the High Street.
Cllr Mrs Jones asked if a bin could also be moved to Millfield Road. Cllr Mrs Jones informed that the park-keepers had confirmed that they would include this in their bin emptying round when a bin had been obtained.
The Deputy Clerk was asked to make enquiries with SKDC refuse collectors to see if two bins could be identified.
Local barbers - it was agreed to follow up with SKDC enforcement team for an update on what action is being taken regarding the large signage, the barber sign installed on the wall and floodlights all of which are located in the conservation area. It was agreed to add this to the planning monitoring sheet.
116. For members to review any matters arising from the public session
There were no issues to discuss.
117. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting
• Community Speed Watch – DH
• Electric vehicle charging points – PB
• Parking Dovecote Road and Towngate East – PS
• Stamford Road/Tattershall Drive - Gateway to Market Deeping
There being no other business, Cllr Shelton thanked everybody for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8:55 pm. The next meeting of the Planning & Highways Committee will be held on Wednesday 7 February 2024.