F&PC September 2019 Agenda

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Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of Market Deeping Town Council Finance & Personnel Committee Will be held on Wednesday 25th September at 7pm At the Town Hall, Market Deeping, when the following business will be transacted.




1. Chairman’s Welcome


2. Apologies for Absence


3. Declarations of Interest


4. Notes of minutes from the Finance & Personnel Committee meeting 24th July 2019


5. Clerk’s report


6. Correspondence


7. Review of Council Polices

i.                     Lone Working Policy (carried over from July)

ii.                   Sickness Absence Policy (carried over from July)

iii.                  Changing of office policy

iv.                  Communications Policy

v.                    Civic Duties policy

vi.                  Council constitution

vii.                Chair job description

viii.               Information and data protection policy

ix.                  Trust fund policy

x.                    Capability policy

xi.                  Community engagement policy


8. Council Finances to include budgeting and precept preparation


9. For members to consider adjusting the committee terms of reference to include spending powers in line with

the Council’s Financial regulations


10. For members to receive reports from the internal auditor


11. For members to receive an update on the provision of Council email addresses


12. Personnel – Consideration to go into Closed Session. To include:

a)       Staff matters


19th September 2019

Mrs Sarah Lydford