AOS July 2024 Minutes

Market Deeping Town Council – Amenities and Open Spaces Committee

Minutes of a meeting held on Wednesday 17th July 2024 at 6.45 pm held on the Cemetery Drive, Market Deeping.  Cllr Broughton presided over Cllr Miss Collins, Cllr Mrs Jones, Cllr Mrs Steel, Cllr Mrs Sked and Cllr Pam Byrd, also present were the Clerks. 

01.  Chairman’s Welcome and Introductions

Cllr. Broughton welcomed members to the meeting at 6.45 pm.

02.  To note apologies and accept valid reason for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Hughes, Cllr Jayne Reed and Cllr Paul Hanson.

03.   Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

There were no Declarations of Interest.

04.  Minutes of a previous AOS meeting held on the 8th May 2024

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the minutes of the meeting as a true and accurate record of the meeting.  The Chairman signed the minutes.   

05.  Clerk’s report and update on work of the Park-keepers

Members had received a copy of the report prior to the meeting.

                                                              Agenda Item 5

Clerk’s and Park keeper’s report 17th July 2024

John Eve field

  • This is a very busy time for the Park-Keepers, who manage and maintain the open spaces.  The growing season has been impacted by the inclement weather we have had over the past few months.

Town Centre

  • Hanging baskets and planters are now in position in the High Street, there was a delay to installation due to the inclement weather.

Clerk’s report

  • Currently seeking a supplier to engrave the Mayoral Chains.
  • Mayoral plaques are currently being updated and are at the engravers.
  • The King’s plaque is currently at the engravers.

The Clerk has followed up with two actions from the last meeting, in summary;

      1. The patch of maintenance agreed on the footpath (entrance of the John Eve Field from the Cemetery) will be placed into the Winter Works Schedule for the Park-Keepers.

      2. Research into the Disability Act has resulted in the following: - 

  • Equal Opportunities Act 2010 researched and (briefly) applies to areas such as Public Building’s, Public Transport (Access) as well as Job Opportunities so that people are not discriminated against at work.
  • Cemetries are in many cases are regarded as Heritage Sites due to their historical significance.
  • For best practice, all are encouraged to include access for all in any future plans (route for access and costs). *   
  • Reasonable steps are encouraged to have plans for those attending internments for access which may include temporary access boards being laid for the internment. *
  • Coronation Hall – installation of a Defibrillator – On going.
  • Signage on the bench planter is expected to be completed in the 11/7/24.
  • Risk Assessments – Review of existing Risk Assessments has commenced.

*Various data sources:  Historic England/Equality Act 2010/UK government Wheel Chair Access (House of Lords)/Caring for God’s Acre etc.



06.  Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon

Correspondence – Amenities & Open Spaces – 17th July 2024


Received from

Date Received


Committee Response


Deepings Literary Festival.


Email:  Request to raise a banner on the J.E Field.

Approved by Clerks.


The Deepings Lions.


Email:  Request to raise a banner on the J.E Field.

Approved by Clerks.


The Deepings Raft Race.


Email:  Request to raise a banner on the J.E Field.

Approved by Clerks.


Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 17th July 2024



Received from

Date Received


Committee Response


Pinder’s Circus.


Email:  Requesting permission for the circus to attend Monday 1st April 2025 – Sunday 6th April 2025.

Committee Response.

Granted, subject to weather conditions.


SKDC Projects Support Officer.


Email:  From SKDC Sustainability team, which has mentioned the Glebe Field for Bio-diversity.

Committee Response.

Clerk to contact SKDC Officer to invite them to visit, so members can show the existing areas of Bio-diversity.


07.  Omega reports:  Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income.

Reports had been circulated ahead of the meeting and there were no questions.  

08.  Cherry Tree Park – Update.

The Chairman informed committee members of a great deal of work that had been carried in Cherry Tree Park by himself and Cllr Bryd and volunteers, and that the areas had been much improved. 

09. Access to Park-Keepers shed.

Recorded in the Town Hall and Cemetery minutes which was held prior to this meeting.

Excerpt below – a section from the Town Hall & Cemeteries committee meeting held on the 17th July 2024.

The Chair welcomed the members of the public to the meeting and invited them to speak. 

Residents were concerned that a number of vehicles had been visiting the cemetery and blocking resident’s driveways and some vehicles had been driving too fast.  Residents would like to deter unauthorised vehicles using the cemetery driveway late at night after the cemetery gates had closed.   

Cllr Mrs Sked arrived at 6.25 pm.  Cllr Mrs Sked advised the residents to call the police to report any suspicious activity.

The residents requested that better signage which is in keeping with the area is installed and possibly a half gate.  It was agreed that signage would be installed to see if this resolves the issue if not further consideration would be given to the half gate.  The wording and style of the signage would be agreed between the residents and the committee.  Signs agreed were:  -

Two x 5mph speed limit signs;

2 parking spaces available for cemetery visitors is located at Paddock entrance;

Warning to pedestrians to be careful due to vehicle access.

10. John Eve Children’s Play Area – Consideration of the following: -

a) A new sign asking for the gate to be closed.

b) To explore, if possible, for the gate to have a spring to auto-close. 

It was RESOLVED unanimously for a sign to be installed in the children’s play area asking those who use the area to please close the gate.  Members discussed further and were not in favour of installing a spring on the gate to auto-close.

11. Rectory Paddock – Consideration to site a ‘Listening Bench’.

It was RESOLVED unanimously that the ‘Listening Bench’ will be sited at a specific location within the Paddock.  The Clerk will liaise with trustees of the charity regarding installation.

12. Policy – Consideration of a Draft Policy ‘Sponsorship of a Bench/Planter’.

The Clerk presented the draft policy to members.  A discussion took place and it was agreed for members to provide feedback at the next committee meeting.

13. RoSPA – For members to consider costs for the yearly inspection of the John Eve Field and BMX Track.

It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the costs of the RoSPA inspections.

14. For members to consider and discuss any points raised in the Open session.

Members discussed and felt that all points had been discussed in the Open session of the Town Hall & Cemetery committee which had been held directly prior to this meeting.

15. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting of Amenities and Open Spaces committee, to be held in the Town Hall Chambers on Wednesday 11th September 2024.

Cllr Sked raised concerns about motorised scooters being ridden on the John Eve Field.  It was agreed that new signage will be installed.  

The Chairman thanked all for their attendance, and thanked the Clerks for their support.

The meeting closed at 7.15pm