F&PC January 2024 Minutes

Market Deeping Town Council - Finance and Personnel Committee
Minutes of a meeting of Market Deeping Town Council’s Finance and personnel Committee held on Wednesday 10 January 2024 at 3pm at The Town Hall, Market Deeping. Cllr Broughton presided over Cllr Miss Collins, and Cllr Shelton. The Clerk was also in attendance.
No members of the public attended.
51. Chairman’s Welcome
The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting at 3.15pm
52. Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies for absence.
53. Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest
54. Notes of minutes from the Finance & Personnel Committee meeting 13 December 2023
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting as a true and accurate record. Cllr Broughton signed the minutes as Chair.
55. Clerk’s report
Members had received a copy of the report prior to the meeting.
Clerk’s Report 10 January 2024
56. Correspondence
Members had received a copy of the correspondence prior to the meeting.
Correspondence to be Noted – Received up to 10 January 2024 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1 |
14.10.23 |
30 October factsheet |
Noted |
2. |
13.11.23 |
30 November factsheet |
Noted |
Correspondence to be Acted Upon – Received up to 10 January 2024 |
No. |
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
1. |
57. Omega report - Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income
The Clerk had provided members with a report showing amounts balanced up to 31.12.23 prior to the meeting. Cllr Broughton asked members if there were any comments on the Omega report there were none.
58. For members to consider the detailed income and expenditure to 31/12/2023
The clerk had provided members with a copy of detailed income and expenditure by budget heading to 30/12/2023. A discussion took place and it was RESOLVED that the detailed income and expenditure to 30/12/2023 were in order.
59. For members to review the asset register at 31/12/2023
It was RESOLVED that the asset register was in order and that no further alterations were needed. The total value of assets as at 31.12.23 is £361,648.72
60. For members to consider Precept planning for 2024/5
A discussion took place regarding budgets. It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the recommend to Full Council the budget and precept proposals for 2024/25 and instruct the Town Clerk & RFO to submit the Precept demand to South Kesteven District
Council in the amount of £267,734. This represents an increase of nearly 4%.
The Clerk stated that the Precept had not been increased for several years (apart from increases due to additional residents paying Council Tax.
A discussion took place regarding incorporating salaries into admin budget. It was RESOLVED leave the salaries as part of their individual committees for 2024/5.
61. For members to consider the statement to accompany Council Tax bills for 2024/25
The following statement was agreed:
Provision of covered bus shelter Purchase of cemetery land Grass cutting Christmas Tree and Christmas lights (lease) Deepings Library Deepings Youth Group Playscheme BMX track maintenance Play equipment and fencing – John Eve |
£7,765 £4,500 £3,668 £5,932 £6,000 £6,000 £2,850 £9,354 £21,902 |
Purchase of cemetery land Christmas Tree purchase and Christmas lights (lease) Grass cutting (estimate) Deepings Library Deepings Youth Group Playscheme Front door – Town Hall (estimate) Interactive speed sign |
£4,500 £7,000 £5,000 £6,000 £6,000 £3,000 £4,000 £3,000 |
62. For members to appoint signatory for CCLA account in place of PR
A discussion took place, it was RESOLVED to approach Cllr Dr Byrd to act as a signatory in place of the previous Cllr Redshaw.
63. For members to receive reports from the internal auditor for November 2023
The clerk had issued members with a copy of the November report prior to the meeting. Sample transactions audited had all been handled correctly and members were satisfied with the reports. Cllr Broughton asked members if there were any questions and there were none.
64. For members to sign the authority to transfer from CCLA to current account.
It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should transfer money from the CCLA account in to the Current account to ensure that there are enough funds in the account before the Precept is received in April.
65. Personnel – Consideration to go into Closed Session. To include:
Staff matters
There were none.
66. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next Finance and Personnel committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 27TH March 2024 at 3pm in the Town Hall.
There were none.
The Chairman thanked all members for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 3.35pm.