F&PC November 2020 Minutes

Finance and Personnel Committee
Minutes of a meeting held on Wednesday 25th November 2020, held at 7.00pm,
Zoom code 84290077790.
Cllr Yarham (Chairman) presided over Cllrs Miss Moran, Cllr Brookes, Cllr Shelton, Cllr Miss Collins, Cllr Mrs Redshaw, and Cllr Dolan. The Clerk was also in attendance.
15. Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Yarham welcomed the members to the meeting.
16. Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Broughton.
17. Declarations of Interest
None were declared.
18. Notes of minutes from the Finance & Personnel Committee meeting 22nd July 2020
Cllr Yarham asked the committee if they were to accept the minutes of the meeting dated Wednesday 22nd July 2020. It was proposed by Cllr Yarham, seconded by Cllr Miss Moran and Resolved with 6 in favour and one abstention that the minutes could be signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. The clerk will sign on behalf of the chair.
19. Clerk’s Report
The Clerk provided a report prior to the meeting which included the following updates:
1. Following the agreement at Full Council in November for all members to use the new .gov.uk email addresses, BT Business has assisted in forwarding emails from the old account to the new one for the clerks. To date only 6 councillors are using the new email accounts. Update 6 councillors are now not using the new email addresses. Cllr Yarham asked if any cllrs had contacted the clerk to explain why the new addresses were not being used, and warned that there would be a cut off period to move on to the new addresses. The clerk confirmed that she had been contacted by Cllr Mrs Redshaw. He advised that he and other councillors were happy to assist if anyone needed help with setting up the new accounts.
2. The new website is not yet up and running but the IT technician engaged for the transfer of data to the new site is making good progress and the site should be ready during December before the old website is taken down.
3. The Town Hall has remained largely closed to visitors due to the pandemic but did manage to open for the majority of the poppy selling period.
4. The public toilets remain an issue, with SKDC being called on a regular basis to repair/replace or maintain plumbing or hot water facilities.
5. The new deputy clerk started on 20th October and is settling in well.
20. Correspondence
Received from |
Date Received |
Subject |
Committee Response |
various |
Changes to the public sector deposit fund yield rates (0.0617% latest). |
Noted |
OPUS Energy |
August 2020 |
Increase in charges to 16.261p per kWh and standing charge 30p per day (from 15.24p per kWh and 30p per day) |
Noted |
British Gas Light |
Nov 2020 |
Confirmation that electricity provision will start from March and April 2021 for all 4 meters |
Noted |
21. Omega report
The clerk had provided a copy of the Omega report to all members prior to the meeting and Cllr Yarham asked if there were any questions. There were none.
22. Precept planning 2020/21
The clerk confirmed that if members wished to proceed with the budget requirements indicated by the committees at their last meetings, then the increase to the precept request would be 7%. The clerk advised that this does not necessarily translate to a 7% increase to the town council element of the council tax billas figures have to be entered into a spreadsheet provided by SKDC and this produces a slight variation. Members then discussed future costs. Cllr Brookes advised that he would like to allow for a higher figure in the Street furniture maintenance budget line to accommodate bus shelter repairs and this can be discussed at the next P&H meeting that will fall before the Full Council meeting where costs are due to be ratified. It was then proposed by Cllr Yarham, seconded by Cllr Miss Moran and Resolved with 5 in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention to proceed with the draft figures provided, and to present these to the next Full Council meeting for ratification.
23. Review of Ear Marked Reserves
The clerk had provided members with a copy of the current reserves prior to the meeting. Members discussed the budget lines and agreed to:
Leave EMR 332 as it stands in case the council needs to take on the public toilets/any other buildings in future
Leave EMR 336 for the replacement window bars
Leave EMR 333 for a possible joint war memorial (with DSJPC) in recognition of fallen American servicemen. Cllr Mrs Redshaw will enquire as to the progress of this initiative.
Leave EMR 342 for any future event
EMR 347 will be used for the imminent purchase of the tablets in respect of the digital council initiative
EMR 334 tobe left until such time as a method of funding a future vehicle is established
It was then proposed by Cllr Yarham and Resolved unanimously that the Ear Marked Reserves had been thoroughly reviewed and the committee was satisfied with the figures as shown.
24. Review of Council Policies –Financial Management Annual Estimates and Financial Management Internal/External
The clerk had provided members with a copy of the policies prior to the meeting. It was proposed by Cllr Yarham and Resolved unanimously that no changes were required.
25. Digital Council progress: website/email accounts/tablet provision
Cllr Yarham advised members that the website was making good progress and was on schedule to be in place by the end of December. He advised that the new email accounts were working well and were easy to use and confirmed that he is happy to help those councillors who have not yet set up their email accounts. With respect to the new tablets, he confirmed that they will be provided with the email account ready loaded. There were some compulsory credit checks taking place, after which the tablets, together with the appropriate insurance should be released for purchase ,and this process is expected to be completed within the next 2/3 weeks. If any councillor does not wish the tablet to be sent to their home address then please let the clerk know and it can be delivered to the Town Hall.
26. For members to receive reports from the internal auditor
The clerk had issued members with copies of the reports prior to the meeting. Sample transactions audited had all been handled correctly and members were satisfied with the reports. Cllr Yarham asked members if there were any questions and there were none.
27. Personnel –Consideration to go into Closed Session. To include Staff matters
There were no issues to discuss.
The Chairman thanked all members for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 7.46pm.
The next committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 24th March 2021 at 7pm.