FC May 2023 Agenda Annual Town Meeting
Market Deeping Town Council
Town Hall
Market Place
Market Deeping
Telephone: 01778 343170
Email: townclerk@marketdeeping-tc.gov.uk
Town Clerk: Mrs Gail Darnes
Notice is hereby given that the ANNUAL TOWN MEETING for MARKET DEEPING will be held on Thursday 11th May 2023 at 7pm at the Green School, Church Street, Market Deeping when the following business will be transacted
Displays by Local Community Groups will be available for members of the public
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 19th April 2022
3. Briefing by Cllr Wayne Lester, Chair of Market Deeping Town Council
4. Briefing by Cllr David Shelton, Chair of the Planning and Highways Committee, Market Deeping Town Council
5. Briefing by Cllr Bob Broughton, Chair of the Amenities and Open Spaces Committee, Market Deeping Town Council
6. Briefing by Cllr Xan Collins, Chair of the Town Hall and Cemetery Committee, Market Deeping Town Council
7. Update on the Christmas Market by Cllr Dr Pamela Byrd, Market Deeping Town Council
8. Update on the work of The Deeping Men’s Group
9. Update on the Deeping’s Leisure Centre
10. Update on the adoption of the telephone kiosk located in the Market Place
11. Presentation by the Deepings Community Library
12. Open Forum and Questions
Cllr Wayne Lester
Chair of Market Deeping Town Council
28th April 2023