F&PC January 2022 Agenda

Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of
Finance & Personnel Committee
Will be held on Wednesday 5th January 2022 at 6pm at The Town Hall, Market Deeping when the following business will be transacted:
1. Chairman’s Welcome
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Notes of minutes from the Finance & Personnel Committee meeting 20th October 2021
5. Clerk’s report
6. Correspondence
7. Omega report - Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income
8. For members to consider Precept planning 2022/23 from all committees and Admin budget
9. Review of Council Policies
- Financial Management Annual estimates and
- Financial Management Internal/External
10. For members to consider a draft expenses policy
11. Digital council progress
12. For members to consider 2022 Bank Holidays
13. For members to receive reports from the internal auditor
14. Personnel – Consideration to go into Closed Session. To include:
Staff matters
Mrs Gail Darnes
Clerk to the Council 23rd December 2021