AOS November 2020 Agenda

Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of Market Deeping Town Council Amenities and Open Spaces Committee will be held on Wednesday 18th November at 7pm


Zoom meeting code 837 4442 5714

Password 777574


when the following business will be transacted




There will be an Open Session prior to the meeting, commencing at 7pm lasting for a maximum of 30minutes, where members of the public are invited to address the Committee. The meeting will commence at 7.30pm or at the closure of the public forum, whichever is the sooner.


1. Chairman’s Welcome


2. Apologies for absence


3. Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011


4. Minutes of a meeting held on the 16th September 2020


5. Clerk’s report


6. Correspondence to be noted and resolved upon


7. Update on work and verbal presentation by the Park Keepers (via the clerk)


8. Omega reports: Review of performance to date, budget/expenditure/income.


9. Precept planning 2021


10. Update on Playpark issues and for members to consider cleaning moss from the areas of the playpark that have not been resurfaced


11. For members to consider funding tree work at Stamford Close on land that does not fall within the remit of Lincolnshire County Council or South Kesteven District Council


12. Update on the allotment purchase


13. Review of the tenancy agreement


14. For members to consider any issues raised in the public session


Sarah Lydford

Clerk to the Council

12th November 2020